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Show Now . . . today . . . tin's minute is ihc time to jnsuhitc your home. Jivcry hour without insulation you waste money on fuel. And the easiest, quickest insulation to install in-stall is Xonolitc Cranular iill! j zoMOLITe PLEASANT (JROVK LUMBER AND SUPPLY CO. Telephone 3531 ; ;t ; j 'j 5 - Eye-Strain is the Cause of Many Physical Ills Like: HEADACHES DIZZINESS SICK STOMACH TIRED NO PEP For Good Health Have Your Eyes Examined TODAY By E. N. WEBB Jeweler & Optometrist Main Street Lehi, Utah fT.' "1 U.l f ..hi..!.-....!. ,i in ii. -inr?) WE COVER Dress Buttons AND Frame Pictures Broadbent&Sons Telephone 11 Lehi List With Us Buy From Us Orem Real Estate Insurance Agency OREM, UTAH Homes Farms Lots Business Property All Kinds Fire and Automobile Insurance Offices In Orem and PI. Grove Pleasant Grove Branch Office at FRAMPTON BARBER SHOP O. H. Anderson, Manager . y: "Uncle Sam is taking ff more and more of Mrs. b A ' ' ' America s time as each clay goes by. Throughout Through-out the nation, and especially in this ter-ritory, ter-ritory, where E ectric Cooking is the most po; lar method,. I'm assigned the job c! cookinS and I do-' Ib- right well. For ex- V, yj( J ample, 'the Mrs.' puts an entire meal in the oven and sets the time-clock on the automatic range. Sometimes she goes out for the day and when she returns dinner is pipin' hot and ready to serve. I also preserve precious vitamins and minerals one of the many advantages of Electric Cooking. J . Your for Victory, - UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. Reddy Kilowatt Power the world's finest j electric service produced for yon by American business men is the kind of power that serves 90 of the nation. Make Your Dollars Fighting Dollars Buy Var Bono's |