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Show Utah Tree Program Nears Million Trees planted under the Utah Farm-Forest Tree Program may reach the one million mark this spring, forecasts J. Whitney Floyd, extension forester of the Utah State Agricultural college. During the 13 years the program has' been in operation in this state. 850,000 trees have already been planted, and this year 180,000 more-will more-will be made available to Utah farmers, Mr. Floyd explained. Order blanks for the 1943 planting plant-ing stocks were sent out early this week to all past cooperators and to those who have sent in inquiry blanks. However, Mr. Floyd points out that anyone else interested in obtaining trees under this program may get order blanks by contacting one of the following: county agent, local forest supervisor, Soil Conservation Conser-vation Service representative, or the USAC extension forester. Mr. Floyd reminds farmers that although the trees will be available unitl May 1, they will be distributed according to priority of orders, so it's a good idea to get your order in early if you want to be sure and get your preferred species. The nine different species of trees which are available under the Farm-Forest Farm-Forest Planting Program in Utah include: black walnut, honey locust, Russian olive, black locust, Siberian elm, green ash, Eastern red cedar, ponderosa pine and golden willow. |