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Show , f " --r i - . . PREM, . . . . 34c Hersheys ocoa . . . 12c Cake Flour . . . . 26c Oysters, Cove, can . . . 41c IG A Coffee, Vacuum Packed, Jar 29c Saltines, 2 pounds . . . 31c Challenge Butter, lb . . 50c Kerr Lids, 3 for . .... ... 25c Old Dutch . . . 7c Milk, 4 for . . . . 39c Kraft Dinner . . 10c Flour, iga . . . $1.98 Grapefruit Juice, 46 oz . 30c Tasty Loaf Cheese, two pounds 73c Sjigar, IQ pounds - - 68c jghland Milk, two quarts . r. 25c Yeast, Pund ( - - - 25c I ' ZIP INSURANCE Hebfer J. Grant & Co. FIRE - AUTOMOBILE Utah Home Fire Insurance Co. General Agents ARNOLD HENRICHSEN Local Agent Phone 2721 Pleasant .. Grove GROVE PLEASANT, GROVE, UTAH . . . . a 0mmt0: I NEARLY EVERY DAY SOME NEW WANTED HARD TO GET ITEMS ARRIVE AT PENNEY'S SHOP AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY FOR THE THINGS YOU NEED -YOU'RE BOUND TO SAVE! . HEAVYWEIGHT ARMY TAN T WORK PANTS - 2.29 ALL METAL CURTAIN RODS - 10c COTTON RAYON SUMMER PRINTS 59c CUSHION DOT CURTAIN PANELS 1.19 i ' 36 INCH HEAVY WHITE OUTING 28c yd. 36 INCH FABRIC WINDOW BLINDS 79c IVORY PANELS Rayon Marquisette 1.49 LAMINATED Clothes HAMPERS 5.90 ALL METAL " v .' DUST PANS - - 39c WOMEN'S NON-RATION WHITE PLAY SHOES - - 2.98 PYREX MIXING BOWLS - 95c BRIGHT COLORED RODEO HATS - - 1.98 - : -J .: CHILDREN'S NON-RATION PLAY SANDALS 1.98 Penney's At American Fork THE PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW Published Every Friday at Pleasant Grove, JJtah Entered as Second Class Matter at the Po toff ice at Pleasant Grove, Utah, under the act of March 3, 187? A GREATER FUTURE for UTAH vliffl V : V 1 L l y I Mr J V 'The executive! jL 4 with an eye tojf if ', J - tfie future will ' , ' ' ' " ., find in the State i ; $ ' , of Utah an en-1 , 'jl;.. terprising p-; y ,,; '-- pie; a State of miner mike great agricultural productivity, n which not only produces enough to meet its own needs, but also helps fill the food bins of the nation; a region of vast manufacturing possibilities and extensive mineral resources, only a part of which have been developed. . "Future development of these resources to . insure broader markets lor the State's products ' . and more payrolls depends in a large measure upon a 'healthy business climate' which will -invite new industries and encourage expansion of those already here." - r-v THE METAL MfNING INDUSTRY OF MTAH hlr'-?fl ')t C it blM tnit mniahm ''"i'iiv" MH ft"!"'' "mm uh4 iTr vm Thuday. "Friday And Saturday , June 21, 22 and 23 IS GUNNINO' f OR TROUBll! Jr I-"" ld LADD RUSSELL "SALTY O'ROURKr : .aMtiw naumi . wis atoi - man imarc 4 STANUY CUMtNT ' :;::?:i::S;:;: ALSOSELECTED SHOFfTS Sunday and Monday June 24 and 25 ilO sh Didnf Know Xth: t?J-'l-" ADDED GOOD SHORTS Matinee Sun. 4 p. m. American Prisoners say: MtmiimmsriRir in ihefMOHW 7- WAR LOAN DRIVE .- it despite their long monthi and But to come ewn cloie to matching thi I X yean of prvation and suffering, their aacrificee, everyone here at "r- MICS1TY -thoie gallant men, juit released from home must buy War Bonds until it Ygyfr filthy Jap Prison Camps, still have hurts. Buy double or treble the extra P"" ) I their good old fighting spirit. They're War Bonds you've bought in any mmrmt II itching to get, back into the fight and prevloua drive. Remember, this is ml II 1 give the Nips a taste of their own really two drives in one. In the same f 1 II 4 medicine. ' period last, year, you wete asled to fill SrQ " .Let'i show them that we're not subscribe ftovrro War Loans. hA fr3 quitting either! Let's match their So let's go, Americans. Our hard- . Jrr , "spirit with our dollars! , Let's make fighting Soldiers, Sailors and Ma- HnMlW ItEJu. , , thjl MIGHTY 7th War Loan the rmea are giving their ALL. The least ll'V'M W.1A ' I mightiest Qfhem all! we can do is tq !nd our dollars. sJUmM , -; . . Tuesday and Wednesday June 26 and 27 2 FEATURES 2 Number 1 vmVI1111111' riciusEwmr HliyuWfllOSfiHT UK Ml ScWTTIf ml k jVTillV S MX 1 HOtSH HOTWOU K 5 W IWI TKIFI CUHMI (If hrl HKIUMS M 5 7 J ttm SUMMENKU CAtOU MMMWS .1 Vy 1mm fc. mi Ti,v Ml',Wdl,,IBTi.FeIIUIKWA ? Number 2 " oolomoraIT' allyn joslyh reginald gardiner guykibbec- . JOHN ALEXANDER RAOuTwAlSH iwimiM iiiiiiiin.J tmm ,- '"iriiiini1 ... .T |