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Show lilllk I ft IJfP 'o " """f I III m i j 1 II ("2 RAND wardrobe for young- jf fj J Jj f f f I fjj sters who get into everything. . ' ' ' The smock for looks . . . the over- J I I all and playsuit for fun. J I (TJ-n Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1628-B de- I ) ((J signed for sizes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years. II I Size 2 overall requires Va yards 35-inch It J I material, smock IV2 yards, playsuit If I 1 I l 1806 Fun Ahead 2RAND wardrobe for young-sters young-sters who get into everything. The smock for looks . . . the overall over-all and playsuit for fun. Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1628-B designed de-signed for sizes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years. Size 2 overall requires Vb yards 35-inch material, smock IV2 yards, playsuit yard. Junior Two-Piece A REALLY luscious little two- piece for the junior miss. Hug-me-tight jacket with nicely fulled skirt. Cute collar and cuffs. Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1806-B designed de-signed for sizes 9. 10. 11, 12. 13. 14 and 15. Corresponding bust measurements 27 . 28, 29. 30. 31. 32 and 33. Size 10 (28) requires, with short sleeves, 3 yards 39-inch material; ma-terial; 3a yard contrast. Due to an unusually large demand and current war conditions, slightly more time is required in filling orders for a few of the most popular pattern numbers. Send your order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 149 New Montgomery Street San Francisco Calif. Enclose 20 cents in coins for each pattern desired. Pattern No Size Name Address Judge Own Voice A concert singer, during a recital, re-cital, cannot often determine if he has the proper volume because his voice does not reverberate as in a room. Therefore, some vocalists today use a concealed microphone and a directional amplifier aimed at them from the wings, so that they can judge their own performance. cvanvt BUY ASPIRIN that can do more for you than SL Joseph Aspirin. Why pay more? World's largest I seller at 10c Demand St. Joseph Aspirin. C HOW TO MAKE A LITTLE ) h MILK INTO ( J? CQoQtfi r A bowl of delicious , ;U q"7 1 RiCe Kvispics-a dash of M tfi U niilk. Hear that snap I f -sL 111 v crackle 1 pop I There's a s U B tfGL dish woll-roundod in vita- t lCu '"i"9, minorals and pro- - v " .,ll toin. Rico Krispios aro ro- n ("l,,i!l,",,"-- Btorod to wholts grain foot.! M V' ' ' valuoa in thiamin (Vita- M - - l lnin niacin, and Iron. (Vrf. IMS hi Kkui (mM.r |