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Show I brisbaM i THIS WEEK Long Live the King! Edward Makes Promises ' Real Spending Ahead I Tribute to T. R. King Edward the Eighth, now sol-'' emnly proclaimed king, will bo rJV i'.tk,.(MB membered as th Bi-st king of, England t h a t 1 ever Hew through the air toward? tlie throne. He took a sop. "rate oath "las aspect t h Church of Scot-jj land." There U bard tightln. back of that, it Edward t h rhi Eighth mill' AHhT Drlsbane 1 h '1 throne for tlvJ first time at a joint session of th;,: lords and commons, and solomnl :':r' promise to "maintain the true rJ tent of your enactments to the bes1' of my powers." "in. After his coronation the king uiu" formally declare his adherence t;l the Protestant church, and his oln ligation "never to marry a Uonm!i 1 Catholic." That dates back to tuffl Stuarts. iifti King Edward, who Is not suike( posed to contemplate marriage, ft ' the official head of the churches c! England and Scotland, and "defeat1"' er of the faith." w From all the world, "subjects" c,lllD the new king and emperor sen(ot greetings. Representatives of d1 " vine power, churches of every r, thi ligion, Mohammedan, Hindu, ISm'"' dhist, Chinese, Christian and Jevav( Ish, speed the dead king on hi n journey and welcome the new rule110 tho If the soldiers get their bon-r! money there will be some quiy ' spending, enough to quicken t.'k'S' pulse of business while it lasts, i Merchants will get more thjra11 $600,000,000 owing on past acconn' s'r and the observer will notice ma new overcoats, dresses and autoffrf 1 biles. re ti :irl I At the opening of New Yorlher $3,500,000 memorial erected to honpnlle the late Theodore Roosevelt, ofnille speaker praised President Theodcrarl; Roosevelt as one who "saw tt hi necessity for keeping both the leg,,, gl latures and the courts In their prijng" er places." mgh That perception showed a hi. mj spirit, but If some future Theodj; r Roosevelt should go too far in tli. Qa direction It might become nee- bef. sary for the legislatures and railed courts to keep that President In iby proper place. ike si : plan Gen. Robert Lee Bullard says t; mi country expects to escape the n-?ts o war, but Europe plans to drag, in. Besides air bombing and i- foui son gas, General Bullard expectsie fi the next war attacks with disei. rje germs to spread deadly epiden; jrst in the enemy's country. Bubo, to g, plague, scattered from airplanes, t fected rats scattered plentlfUen might be helpful. ietilnc ' wat Sometimes literature pays. lBeS,j ling left several millions. In AD,,te(j ica alone his official publishers hijUjnfj sold 3,500,000 copies of his bo., g At the time of his death "The ( gle Books" alone paid him ten tl!nc sand pounds a year. 3lner When you hear foolish talk al.( "revolution" and getting rid of.j Constitution, a remark made Washington, as he signed the ntc stitution, may be recalled: ' the "Should the states reject this, H cellent Constitution, the prob;; t ity is that an opportunity will nj'WM again offer to cancel another behl. peace the next will be drawee er blood." ':0 th 'arth j Mrs. Allnda French of St L;t of h one hundred and four years old Hu tributes her long life to "hard lJ'stoi t in her youth and a dutiful so?rasp( her old age." She gets along 'fas qu out spectacles, Is "not interei cj In politics. "People get over t'elled i says she, "after they reach one' on th dred." :!' by :rs in The human race gets usethe Pa everything. Once our anceSaj iaI shivered, fell flat on their it Qove when lightning flashed and thi!s growled. They thought som;te, h( mon was after them. Now :t mur() put up lightning rods, prnn k) grounded. Once the comet was consi-if the an avenging messenger i The f straight at sinful man. Tods er outs coming and going are under,.', and predicted, its path marker gof ' , ..!fted Something unpleasant is h j s b( to start somewhere on the -;g Up with all the new theories, , f hatreds, now armaments, new c:, weapons. It might start on th,r(1 g der between Russia and JijnR Manchukuo. When you read. sla uses force to halt -PS,,,., you know the explosion might s at any time. 'iil)n . : All would regret bloodshed J, would be historically Interest r. see the ancient autocracy ,., . r Mikado at war with the mo.ie uu tocracy of Stalin. It would long tight, probably. , " King fif"re" syriillcata, in al, VNU Servlco. t All r 8110 |