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Show It's COZY, It's WARM, CLEAN and Respectable Bring Your Sweetheart, Your Wife or Friends. 'Our Prices will Please You' Finer, Eats, Confections, Tobacco, Groceries and Lunch Meat COTTAGE TEA ROOM And Market Phone 1S7-J I BETTER FEEDS OUR FRESHLY GROUND FEEDS GIVES ALL I FEEDERS MORE PER DOLLAR All Kinds Chicken, Turkey and Livestock Feeds I I Coal Time I Our Coal will meet every requirement. I COME! - Come, bring your food jj . list or come without a U list either way will ; jj please you. SATUKDAY ?' M FOOD BARGAINS. hi I: J O. P. S. Butter, 4 in 1 27c y ; 'a Crisco, 3 lb. pail 53c H Matches, 6 box carton 17c ' j p Cheese, 5 lb. brick .... 79c J; U Crackers, 2 lb. box .... 15c t Lard, 4 lb. pkg., pure j ' Lard 43c H j ;: Rolled Oats, 9 lb. bag 31c I ' Pi I t Sugar, 10 lbs 55c h Milk, 4 cans 25c t Brooms, choice grade 39c I Flour, 48 lb. bag C9c t Tuna Fish Tidbets .... 10c ' ; Oxydol, large pkg 20c - Soap, C. W. Giants, 5 bars 17c jj a Coffee, Schillings, lb. 2Gc Q FRESH FRUITS I H j-' Bananas, golden ripe, Fj & lb Gc f I Rhubarb, fresh Calif., : lb 5c t Spinach, fresh Texas, $ li lb 6c I FRESH MEATS ! Bacon, choice sliced, (' lb 28c j? Picnic Hams, tenderiz- p ed, lb 19c, p t. Boiling Beef, meaty, lb ..: 10c i p Baby Beef, Pot Roasts l.; M lb 17c I I I FOOD jV,STOiitS . s: Here are real values. An opportunity you can-; W not afford to pass up. Every Suit and Overcoat reduced. We advise you to take advantage of g this opportunity. S mm 11 and up s Table Cloths t SLIPS S F Plaid Designs-Size 45x45 j TRoseSize 34 tQ Priced 35c 49c S 8 Oz. Excellent Quality - BIG REDUCTION ON ENTIRE :; 5 Men's Overalls ; cmLJ I 98c i Bnow Smte . 6 I Two-Way Stretch ft " MenT i t ! Corselettes and I k Melton Jackets : Cari ft ; Fancy and Plain Styles-Going At ' H : PRICED 2 GREATLY REDUCED PRICES A- , 8 - I $1.95 and 98c ' One Lot Men's Grayco & Arrow ? , 0, mt, n-S A. Part Wool Size 72x84 :i I PUfH BLANKETS J S Regular $1.9o Sizes 14 to 17 ? , 5 fa f $3.00 Value ;1 ' $1-00 . . ... j $2.49 Sat Only ; 1 One Rack I TI7. , " ' ''' II i Women s i House Dresses j Winter' Hats g: Pretty and Practical Values to $1.00 i Final Reduction Your Choice 3 Styled. j I v 4iC i VALUES TO $2.95 m I Chipniao MerCo Coj rTO n m ; t H WE ARE DEALERS FOR y I Allis-Chalmers j I Tractors and i IinBlements !i! j Horses, Used Tractors and -i j1 Implements For Sale. : j y INQUIRE I Comer Garage : SP LEHI PHONE 67-W j U OR ERNEST HINDLEY y f American Fork Phone 155-J $ y SPECIALS ; Friday & Saturday Hi-Point Flour 73c 5 C. W. Soap 17c 10 lbs. Sugar ; 55c Tuna Flakes 10c 3 Deviled Ham, Libbys 10c Large can Salmon 10c 25c can K. C. Baking Powder ' 18c 10 bars Laundry Soap 17c 2 Jello, any flavor and 1 mm e Immm WEEKLY PROGRAM The Amusement Center for the Towns of Northern Utah Co. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10 AND 11 2 FEATURES 2 "While New York Sleeps" With Michael Wahalen and Jean Rogers A mystery so bewildering it has to be solved twice. NUMBER 2 JOE PENNER in "I'm From The City" A new Penncr Panic! Radio's famous f unman in his second starring scroamshow. ADMISSION 10c AND 25c SUNDAY AND MONDAy7fEBRUARY 12 AND 13 She acr.scd,. . 03 MEM'S HEARTS! N V-,""' Joan's a : v X v dancing', soul-stabbing ' ' drama follows in her m - N , S gay footsteps! Dar- .. 'r s.. S.- I j ing love adventure i &s' . p ... glorified by f)ie sii Xv ,yf Year's Star Cast I I ROBERT MELVYN ;A Frank Borrago Production f""! , V Screen Play by , , J " Jane Murfin and OgdnNasht3jf".;y j Directed by Frank Borzago i,y pToducedbyJosephL.Mankiewicz -- ADDED GOOD SHORTS Matinee Sunday 4 P. M. Chocolate Pudding 10c 1 lb. Lard 10c Creamery Butter, lb 25c Hardware Stock Being Closed Out AT COST AND LESS Large Granite Wash Basin 15c Perculator Tops, 3 for 10c No. 3 Galvanized Tub 85c BATE The Store of Lower Prices ; With each Sweetheart C ! purchased between now a3s ; Valentine we will give Fp; one of the new exciti Game Dials. These di; contain 15 special parlco "games. :: The Sweetheart Cakes ' " a new tasty Valentine tr ? in the form of two laye;; liberally filled with oran 3 I marmalade, topped wi' candy hearts. !-; 25 p EACH t; AGAIN " Those Delicious Cream "Puffs, 3 for V ; Rays-N-Date Bread 1 I 6 Meat Pies iVhole Wheat, Cinnamon ;;; I Rolls, Butter Rolls, Jel'T .". I Top Rolls, Dozen - Home Made BREAD :; 1 3 for 25cJ; Cakes Decorated fr all Occasions --j ! Griffin's Baker? j TELEPHONE 6S J ' BETTER BEEF Our Better Beef pleases the most critical. Try a steak or roast. Best Cheese, lb 17c 2 lbs. Powdered Sugar 13c 2 lbs. Brown Sugar 13c J 4 large Milk 25c 2 lbs. Macaroni 11c : 10 lbs. Sugar 55c 7 C. W. Soap 25c c Carton Matches 17c - Best Rice, 4 lbs 25c Boley's Inc. :WE DELIVER i TELEPHONE 4 f, yiw...'.,.','j..iJwj;?yiii.t.L ww-M 1 For Valentine Day j I SEND US a Her Address OUR FLOWERS Will Tell Her j Your Story Humphries Floral I Telephone 200-W : : : American Fork g TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 AND 15 BARGAIN NIGHTS The Law West of Tombstone With Harry Carey and Evelyn Brent With a faithful horse A well worn gun and a borrowed book Bonanza Bill Barker brought justice to the badlands! ADDED GOOD SHORTS ADMISSION 10c AND loi THURSDAY ONLY, FEBRUARY 16 "Next Time I Marry" With Lucille Ball and James Ellison The trailer-made romance of a slap happy heiress and handsome pick and shovel man! ALSO GOOD SHORTS |