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Show Ijasant Grove Lady Lions launch New Organization pros mm of Interesting )' ovlvos of Lions club nunn-( nunn-( -fd a Lady Lions club hero, ! meeting of the group i 'iuioluvnette Thursday of t "' Av'j y Anderson was elected ):!of the club, with Mrs. Ray first vice president ; Mrs. S'js, second vice president, ) ?. Wesley Jense. secretary XKT. It wrts voted by the it each year, as this year, s of the Lions club officers srve as officers in the Lady :b, holding corresponding ,'.-s of the Initial meeting' four officers. The 24 pending decided that meet-;!d meet-;!d be held once a month, it each month four members isies will be taken from the k 3 serve as hostesses. I :e of the meeting Thursday reading of a three-act play i ll Curtis, a junior in the department at Brigham If diversity. Valentines were ;:'ivors, and refreshments and ::.is were carried out on the -e motif, with a red and :.or scheme. iing the meeting were Mrs. .orne, Mrs. William Smith, irey P. Foster, Mrs. J. M. ;-. Mrs. Harry Richards, Mrs. 'ji Walker, Mrs. George Peay. '. A. Pearson. Mrs. C. R. I'-s. S. W. Hilton, Airs. H. iy, Mrs. Ross Nielsen, Mrs. """1 Christensen, Mrs. Harold :ht, Mrs. Frank Heiden-ps. Heiden-ps. Irwin Jensen, Mrs. Frank :d. Mrs. Thomas Fenton Sr., tis Olpin, the guest, and the Besses. |