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Show Pi ECivanians Hear Patriotic Address The Kiwanis Club of Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove held its monthly meeting "Ladies Night" banquet ban-quet Saturday evening. Speaker Speak-er at the affair was William E. Petersen. Special guests at the meeting included Ann Sniffer, Snif-fer, who represented the Kiwanis Ki-wanis Club in the recent Junior Miss Pageant, Ann's parents Mr. and Mrs. Max Shifrer, Kathy Robertson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Robertson, Robert-son, who also participated in the Junior Miss Pageant and Sara Ellen Haynie, daughter of Vice President Cornell Haynie. Hay-nie. Mr. Haynie announced that his wife was at home caring for their new son. Mr. Petersen quoted a French Historian's question to James Russell Lowell, "How long will the American Republic endure?" en-dure?" Mr. Lowell answered, "As long as the ideas of the men who founded it continue to be dominant." Benjamin Franklin was also quoted in part from an address to the Continental Congress, wherein he stated, "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I also believe without His concurring con-curring aid we shall succeed in the political building no better bet-ter than the builders of Babel." Ba-bel." It was stressed that President Nixon has instigated Prayer Breakfasts and Sunday Services in the White House. Yet, points out Mr. Petersen, individuals and groups are trying try-ing to "change" this to show us a better way. They would abolish prayer in our legislative legis-lative assembles, in our schools, and, if possible, in our homes. Many of these people are termed as "intellectuals" in our society. Mr. Petersen further quoted from James F. Hutton who stated our Bill of Rights is in jeopardy,,, and that the ex-istance ex-istance of the Bill of Rights depends upon the plain Godfearing God-fearing people of American. Mr. Hutton pointed out that each law proposed in Washington Wash-ington (or Salt Lake City) be measured by the Ten Commandments Com-mandments ,and that our question ques-tion must always be: Not, what does a law give me, but what does it take away from me. Some of the goals and motives mot-ives of people and groups who want to change our society were quoted by Mr. Petersen. The absurdity of the demands of rioting students of the "New Left,' and of some college professors pro-fessors who support these groups was illustrated. Mr. Petersen stressed that we were fortunate to live in an area where we are not subjected sub-jected to much of this controversy, contro-versy, and where many of our young people are not swayed by such doctrine. In direct contrast it was stressed how young men like Dee Jarvis, Ernest Fowke, Jeff Goss, David Da-vid Rasmussen and David Crawford, who gave their lives for their country, rather than to burn their draft cards and spend a dubious existence in Canada, Mexico or Sweden as draft dodgers. A moment of silence was observed in honor of these men. It was emphasized emphas-ized how their sacrifice, and the sacrifice of many others from Flanders Field to Corre-gedor, Corre-gedor, to Saipan, to Dunkerk, to Crermany, to Korea and South Vietnam, permitted Americans to praise or criticize criti-cize their government and their leaders without fear of military mili-tary or political retribution. |