Show mr M reed beebe and mr ralph hunt of junction left thursday for salt lake city with their second load of horses which they have gathered up over the southern part of the state for shipment into the city they have secured horses from hatch and panguitch Pan gultch and upon their return intend going to escalante for a load county agent lloyd R hunsaker spent one day this week with the farmers in greenwich he reported that the road which normany normally can be taken at a clipping pace in high was now all second and I 1 low gear and the looks of his bis car proved that there was plenty of mud to travel through mr and mrs barlo T luke made a business trip to the first of the week They were accompanied by mr and mrs john T luke mr willard barlow and mrs hoyt 1 D morrill mrs thelma luke was charming hostess at an afternoon lunch wednesday afternoon let us guard against corruption and and above all and beyond all let us guarantee to the coming generations the inestimable privileges of education elna and the freedom of the press for when they are shackled and restricted the hands of liberty are powerless albert pike in 1824 M mr J edwin bird and son of Marys marysvale vale were business visitors in junction a couple of days this week mr bardsley of the federal land bank with offices in richfield richadd was doing business in junction on thursday morning mrs joseph pitts of marysvale Marys Mary vale avale yas was doing business at the county seat on thursday mr and mrs patrick T henry f marysvale Marys vale were guests at the lome of dr and mrs J A hagen f gunnison last sunday miss melpha who has seen been employed on the farm record keeping beeping project in plute county for toe the past number of months was n junction this week checking up records ec she reports that she has 12 completed records ready to send into the state office for summarization and that slie she hopes to double this number within the next week by helping the farmers bring their records down to date danei angus howes and two sons have been working pretty steadily on the ta remodeling of therome the home bome they recently purchased and expected expect jd to be be ready to move in within the next month they have made a one story bungalow out of i it instead of the large two story house with a little paint land and proper landscaping it can easily become one of the show places odthe of the town mrs chester allen alien returned to her home in antimony this thi week from richfield where she was operated on tor for goitre gaitre she Is feeling much better at present but la is at still confined to her bed its easier to provoke indignation than to arouse enthusiasm flattery Is most effective if given in small doses |