Show pioneer of boulder dies in in salt lake funeral tuesday amass amasa mason jr many years a resident of boulder and one of the pearliest pear arliese liest pioneers of that section died sunday at therome the home of his wd daughter aughter mrs emery king of east center street in provo following a I 1 lingering illness mr lyman would have celebrated his ninety nin ety first birthday on monday he was born february y 22 1846 in nauvoo illinois a son of amasa mason and louisa marie IT lyman W family crossed the plains to utah in 1848 settling in little cot conwood canyon in 1851 they moved to san bernardino california but returned to utah in 1855 however in 1858 they again moved to california hut but returned in 1859 settling in cedar city in 1862 mr lyman drove a tin ten mule team to sacramento california for his uncle freeman tanner two years later he went with captain john murdock to the missouri river with a six alx ox team to assist a company of immigrants to utah he also edja edin the blacks hawk indian war under captain james C owens in 1866 he assisted in the construction of the role hole in the rock road east of escalante vare where wagons were let down with ropes he married hannah olive felshaw on january 6 1867 she died on july 8 9 1872 he then married cynthia wright on october 9 1872 who died on october 19 1874 his third marriage to ros ron an anoa re reynolds ids took place june 2 land she died in 1923 as moved to wayne county in 1863 where he be resided seven years then went to boulder Boul dr utah where tie he resided 20 years yearn then returned to teesdale teasdale where he has baa since lived he rode horses up to his last illness four months ago when he avent to provo to reside with hla his daughter baughier daug hier i nine sons and daughters survive mrs john hiskey and amass amaada lyman teasdale mrs emery king provo mason lyman vernal willard H lyman salt lake city vernon lyman escalante lyman payson francis lyman moulder boulder and morris lyman murray a sister mrs josephine caws cbs salt lake city 62 grand cown great grandchildren and 17 great great grandchildren funeral services were conducted tuesday bues tues day at teas teasdale dale and burial burfal was wads jn in the teasdale cemetery |