Show wert entertain old people the M MI X A adf the Circle illg dd ward iward entertained taip fati old folk alk thos icat 0 at a very fine supper dogram arn and dane evin sic 0 C alc gd i potatoes tatos po jj jell 1 ice cren cream III a snipie 11 PP with aad kd tva s drinks mr crane acted ab toast master after supper went 0 in to ad arn where a program gm A history of circleville Cir circle cleville vi lie was wag given givens ard several parts part s wate ware rendered by the old folk themselves ar A old time tima or chesta eata cansis r king neof of v violins and guitar with biu bill lotfi and tomas tom as As s the players jq N 0 air jk but old time till oan dances ces h and mu music were e played placed mr goree 1 fox woo won the prize tor for w wearing iha the beat M art bohn kay and ills lefever lefeve r wor the prize as afa best walt I 1 everyone every one fida avd a goad farn lime 1 e es ial lythe old folk who it deemi arday get enough |