Show receives R honor for I 1 work 1 ork in tite tile forest forast service elbert eibert L cox local ranger of the fish lake national forest forast h has ag heen been presented with a certificate of from the U S forest service this is in recognition of the work he has accomplished complis hed in his district brid in completing car ting a course nf study pre scribed ascribed by the forst forest for st department thiu this recognition maybe may be considered as is a very high honor wt ai only about eight of these there certificates certificate have bv buen n issued in the united states by the forest foreit Depart department merA mr cox casdone has done borne splendid work in ahi adil receive ed several in the Hi promotion takes liard from the beav beaver er di strict district of the Fis lilak lake e national forest on an march 15 at which time he will be transferred to u richfield |