Show W what hat will ma 2 men your chialdi children ten cry for forst 11 4 there Is hardly a household that thai heard of Ca cassorla Castor storla Jat I 1 at least five million homes are never hever without iiii it II 11 there are children la in your family theres almost dally need of its corn com fort and any night may find you very thankful theres a bottle in the house just a few drops and that colic 01 constipation Is relieved or diarrhea checked A vegetable product a baby remedy meant for young folks cassorla Ca storla Is about the only thing you have bave ever heard doctors advise giving to infants stronger medicines tire dangerous to a tiny baby however harmless they may be to grownups grown ups good old cassorla Castor Ca storla lat t remember the name and remember to buy it it may spare you a sleepless anxious night it Is always ready always safe to usein uso in emergencies or for everyday all ailments ments any hour of the day or night that baby becomes fret tul ful or restless cassorla Ca storla was never more popular with mothers than it la is today every druggist has it iiii i 1 71 lh SAME prescription IN 1892 4 when dr caldwell started to practice raed medicine leine back in ia 1875 the tha neelis needa for 6 laxative wera vere not as a preat great as today people lived normal lives ate plain wholesome food and got plenty I 1 len t of fresh tycia air but even that cary cany were drastic physics and purges lor for the relief of constipation which dr caldwell caldwell dei not believe were good for human beings tho the prescription for constipation that he used early in his hia practice and which he be put in drug store in 1802 under anier tbt th name of dr caldwelle Cal dwells syrup pepsin in ia a liquid remedy intended for women children and a nd e elderly people and they need just such v anil mila tate bowel Umu lant this prescription hs q proven its lt worth and is now tho the largest sellin belling liquid laxative it has haa won the confidence of people who needed i it to t relief from headaches biliousness Zu flatulence lence indigestion loss of ap appetite pe alie and t nd slee bleed bleep lad bad brea breath tJ dyspepsia colds fevere py at your 0 ur druggist or write syrup pepsin 11 dept DB 1313 monticello illinois Illia oia for freo free trial boad bottle a 0 all le W rol batch A 07 P and sites andea use throat and chest C aam |