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Show PIUTE COUNTY NEWS, JUNCTION, UTAII A SILVER FROST THINK TO SOMETHING By DOUGLAS MALLOCH 1 By F. A. WALKER YX7INTER will come, and none can say It nay; work appears from a distance or in Winter will come, and tresses turn to MENTAL PERSPECTIVE the eyesof others. gray, TT IS a good policy every little while Hundreds of men and women, gift- Turning to white. So run the years to call up your Invisible self and ed with brilliant talents, amply qualiaway. make a critical examination of your methods of work, whether you be a painter, a soldier or a statesman. To do this successfully, you must fling aside everything that savors of egotism. Summon all .your strength of character and austerity. Consider that you are about to quiz some vain competitor of whom you are envious and that, under no consideration will you spare worthy censure or praise. Be as a critic as Herod was a king. Assume for the nonce that you possess indisputable knowledge of all there is in art, in drilling and in statecraft. Survey yourself from a goodly distance. Get the true perspective of your creative make-up-. In all likelihood you have been so close to that which you have been doing that you have not the slightest idea of how your cold-hearte- d way to perforin work pleasing to their own eyes, fail every year in reaching their pictured goal, for the obvious reason that they lack mental perspective, or inability to observe themselves in a true light. They see nothing beyond the tips of their noses. They do not recognize their own thoughts, or if they do, they hesitate to give them free expansion, fearing that their name may be sullied with the crime of stealing. Criticism from others often stirs fied in every bitter resentment. On the other hand, such criticism Winter will come, but winter need not be Born of the storm, wild with the melody Of swaying pine, or mad, tempestuous sea. Winter will come, age In its time appear; All of our years are after all a year. Seasons of life; spring, when the buds are here. Season of dreams ; and summer, hopes high noon; Autumn in turn, and round the golden moon ; Winter will come yet never comes too soon. as you may find with yourself, when the scolding mood seizes you, especially when it Is accompanied with a full realization of your own frailties, can but arouse your noblest instincts and give you new inspiration and courage to wage the battle to a glorious If it shall come as I have seen the white and honorable end. Of silver frost upon a moonlit night ( by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) Paint all the world with new and Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Absolutely Harmless - No Opiates. it Physicians everywhere recommend pure delight silver frost the cot, A 1 the tree, the fence, Sculptured In white, all ugly things forgot ; Dawn without wind, and earth without a blot. Let us grow old, our age a silver frost ; Nothing we won, nothing we won or lost, But that we know, know It was worth the cost. Let us grow old, let us grow old In peace; Silent the sky, now let the thunders cease ; After the storm, this Is the sweet silver frost! So I have seen It there Upon the brow, silvering evry hair. Yes, It is age but marvelously fair. A ( by McClurs Newspaper Syndicate.) o Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for AVE YOU By ? this habit; MARGARET MORISON Colds Headache Pain Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Lumbago Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART JOHN FREEMAN FREEMAN did not at the time It, but about 7 p. ra. on tlie 24th of December, 19 , he made the momentous decision of his life. Hurrying down one of the long streets of the city toward dinner at his usual little corner restaurant, he suddenly caught sight of a face that took him As John Freeback twenty years. man kept pace with the figure across the way, his mind raced In curious Should he go over and confusion. speak? It would mean being later for his meal. They probably had nothing in common now better let sleeping years lie. Then quite lllogicully he dashed through the traffic at a cross street, and touched the other on the shoulder. Eventually they had dinner together on John Freemans Invitation at John Freemans special table in what he had come to consider his private little restaurant. It was many years since John Freeman had acted host. Afterward he actually allowed himself to be persuaded to go to see a Christmas Eve street celebration. An hour later on his way up the stairs to his he old woman who the his passed kept apartment and the other apartments in the building clean. He suddenly became conscious of the fact that from week to week he hardly set eyes on her. Merry Christmas 1" he said with unwonted geniality. Thank you, slrl said she evidentpleased." ly Inside he found a letter. His Bister back home had written to ask if he would find a decent boarding house for his nephew, a boy of sixteen, who had been offered a Job in the city. John Freeman knew of such a place, the house where he himself had lived before prosperity made possible his As he stood present arrangement with the letter In his hand, the clock struck ten. Afterward he always thought ten to have been the hour when he made his revolutionary decision; he would have Jack live with him. In reality, when at seven oclock he had crossed the street to give an Invitation to dinner, he had started a habit that three hours later only continued the habit of JOHN Cook Boo TOot tiers "You can bear me witness that I have endeavored to convince you of ' ' man's Inextinguishable Individuality, and of the organic nature of society; that there Is no right without a parallel duty, no liberty without the supremacy of the law. and uo high destiny without perseverance that there can be no greatness without self-denia- l. fine; cook until smooth, beating well. The addition of a little chopped pepper will vary the flavor. Spread on buttered bread or wafers, or use as a sandwich filling. Fran- cis Lleber's Address to Former Fuplls. ((g), 1926. Western Newspaper Union.) TASTY GOOD THINGS r' YOU have of hot milk bread floating you may like real dish of is prepared: lady The young THE WAY been served with a bow! with a piece of toasted in it, for milk toast, to review the way a milk toast Milk Toast Prepare the white sance, using two heaping tablespoonfuls of butter and two of flour, cook until bubbling hot and smooth, then add a quart of milk, a little at a time until well blended. Season with salt and set back where it will just simmer while the toast is being prepared. Toast the bread, using slices that have been cut from a day-olloaf. Use an electric toaster or a fork over coals to make the ideal toast. As each piece Is prepared keep hot and when enough Is prepared to serve the family, dip each crusty edge Into hot milk, and butter generously thj more butter the better the toast. When all are thus prepared, boil up the white sauce and pour over the toast which has been placed on a large platter. Serve at once, piping hot. Once serve this toast properly made and It will be welcomed for one meal each week. Dried beef is nice served with such a dish, or generous slabs of rich cheese may be passed with it. d Cheese Spread. Put two ' cupfuls of milk Into a The young lady across the way double boiler; when hot add two teashe certainly believes in the says f cupful of spoonfuls of salt, naval ratio, making only 13 batflour fixed with four tablespoonfuls of tleships In all. butter, add one pound of cheese cut ( by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) social-minded-nes- one-hal- -3 HAVE YOU THIS HABIT? ( bjr Matropolltaa Nwipapr s. only Bayer package which contains proven directions. $afe Aspirin li tie trade Ilandy Bayer boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists. mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldeiter of Sallcjllcacld They havent missed a single day at school! Theyre well all the time. The doctor says they are the healthiest children he knows. He told me constipation is what makes so many growing children sickly. Poisons from the waste matter spread through the little bodies, and lower their resistance to disease. So Im very careful to guard against constipation. I simply give them a little Nujol every night. Nujol isnt a laxative at all, you know, but it keeps them just as regular as clockwork. They like it, and the doctor says its just the thing for them. Nujol helps Nature in Nature own way Mothers are the best friends matter and thus permits of Nujol. When their childrens health is at stake they seek the remedy that medical authorities approve because it is so safe, so gentle, so natural in its action. Constipation is dangerous for anybody. Nujol is safe for everybody. It does not affect tne stomach and is not absorbed by the body. Nujol simply makes up for a deficiency temporary or chronic in the supply of natural lubricant in the intestines. Itsoftensthewaste thorough and regular elimination, without overtaxing the intestinal muscles. Nujol can be taken for any length of time without ill effects. To insure internal cleanliness, i t should be taken regularly in accordance with the directions on each bottle. Unlike laxatives, it does not form a habit and can be discontinued at any time. Ask your druggist for Nujol today and let your children enjoy the perfect health that is THa internal cuaaicAMT possible only when For Constipation Ta |