Show and there Is no doubt that julius Is dead when lien you ni step slop on oil your clr starter think of your motor is the lie stig urge burped upon our crazy fly li it 11 irm firm of advertisers to T deenis f pins to tile nic the ti cri give it 11 lot i if unwarranted credit to eliom alif ahey address ilie admonition to thlik alili k presupposes posos sloin of however ll oe for tile lia salco of argument lint flint tho united states of A manin Is 14 not entirely bereft of in herent ability to rea reisor I 1 should ining ine nn an advertiser with W tin nn eye e to ire arit serving it a few customers for the hip future might suggest KReft when YOU step or on your think of capsar I liero le inny inn have been no motor in firs ell lini arlot lot but lie ho refused to bele in sign you glimpsed it hilans Is in lend ad N balc in the lie ie nang post |