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Show PIUTE COUNTY NEWS, JUNCTION. UTAH except the young mans detached air. A Lady of Distinction Morris had also been told something Is recognized by the delicate, fascinatabout Madame Hvoeslef, and had ing influence of the perfume she uses. grasped the interesting fact that a A bath with Cuticura Soap and hot minute representative of European water to thoroughly cleanse the pores royalty was in the main hrll at the followed by a dusting with Cuticura he volunteered over his grapefruit. moment of Stanleys recital, earnestly Talcum powder usually means a clear, Better even than we dared to hope. engaged In kicking her nurse in the ( by Ths Century Co. ) He has a constitution that is amaz- stomach ns that stolid person bore her sweet, healthy skin. Advertisement. WNU Service. ing in a man of his ago. Of course off for her morning nap. Morris hnd the life he has led is helping him a never before moved In such circles as Scientists Plan CHAPTER IX Continued lot. A mun ought to live a thousand these. He had a conviction that he IS to Study Whales in would never an again. Ills firm intention atmosphere like this." He Renshaw walked slowly back to the years "Are whales und was to make the best of his opportupolygamous?" obhouse and, leaving his coat and hat In glanced around the room, and, is "What their birth are rate? for among utmost first that for a moment the ubiq- nities by doing his the hall closet, entered the study and serving the questions mi British scent itlc exuitous James was not present, was his patient, for he was a conscientious wantHe locked the door. and 6hut moved to a heart-fel- t encomium. man, and next by seeing as much of pedition to the w lulling districts of the was it a hard job? Poor grease clogs ed to be alone and to think. He sat "And man that Jenks is a wonder, these interesting persons as his duties Falkland islands and southern Argen- the passages. It oxidizes, hardens, and down in a chair before the fire, and he tina and Chile will seek to answer. fails to lubricate. on. went Ive never allowed. fervently mentally held Stanleys story up for approved of much The expedition Is under the auspices himself found Renshaw Grease that does not oxidize and unexpectedon, wulting myself. Inspection. lie believed the old man I thought we were all better off with- ly liking the country doctor who was of the British colonial office. It will harden Grease that doe9 not cake and behad told him all he knew. He out it. Besides, I knew 1 wouldn't so simple, so direct, and so human, make an exhaustive study of whales, clog the passage Grease that lubrilieved that what he had told him was have it MonaMotor Grease. anyway in my bachelor estab- and whose enjoyment of the unusual tlielr habits, their food and, If pos- cates properly is true. He also knew, with absolute ?fon?Mctor the at h. 1 will Stop locate their so sible, surrounded comforts sign and get creature ceding that well learn to lishment, might as certainty, that the little episode of wait on myself. But since Ive been him was ns frank ns a schoolboys grounds. The British government has MsnaMstisi Grease for the next time. I Madame Hvoeslef's memoirs, vital as here Jenks has me what it Is might have been. lie was almost regulations controlling the whaling in- Itll pay you MonMo!or It was to her and the Campbells, had to a tired man- -taught QILosCompany Cal. to have all his per- tempted to speak to Morris about the dustry In the South sea waters about San Gal. the to do with phewhatever Francisco, Angeles, nothing sonal wants anticipated from the mo- Thing and about the blue circle al- South Georgia and the Falkland islands nomena he himself had observed at ment he ciosses In sent out was this the threshold I'm most, but not quite. lie had not failed and expedition Towno Ker unless, Indeed, the freak- going to spend the rest of to take In the full significance of the the Interest of preserving the industry. life my ish exchange of the leather cases had looking for a man like Jenks," he sol physicians words during luncheon. More than 10.000 whales were some connection with them. In the vicinity of the Falkland ended that is, if I can ever Campbell needed, .above everything emnly Madame Hvoeslefs memoirs did not earn enough to keep him after I find else, Islands and South Georgia last year. To perfect pence and quiet. account for prowling, climbing things, him. the If expedition can establish the Write or call for an appointment to this after that, all, suggest admirably for blue circles, and for all the perhave your photograph made Madame nvoeslef caught the flying run establishment did not offer these theory that the whales of the Antarcsonal attention he himself had re- ball of tribute and neatly waters to African tic regions migrate things would seriously upset the ceived In the still hours of the night. it toward Verity. during the breeding season, it Is ex- 1224 So. Main St. serene frame of mind physicians Salt Lake City He was In no way connected with the All your 6ervunts are quite won- even if he accepted the statements at pected the British government will enDKXTAI. 101.11 memoirs. Neither did the fact that derful, my dear, she contributed. I.ISII I their face value, which probably he act legislation considered necessary Plfttlnum, Silver,roilMumomls, MugntUo Points, u the household staff was on guard did not expect that, for I had heard would not do. Pauli by tefuin mall. for the protection of whales In both Pals Teeth, Jawcliy UOKK S. A It. (O., OTfsM.O, Ml( II. 4 for these things. But, by the the stories of Americas servant prob The two men chatted of the patient regions, during the breeding season. way, If the servants were qn guard, lems. It is, I am sure, to you that we and of the reports In the morning D. why the deuce hadnt they heard owe this perfection. and newspapers, parted In fifteen minAnd There Is No Doubt some of the sounds that had disschool or emcitiscY Miss CampShe turned to Morris. Morris to make an afternoon All commercial branches. Catalog free. turbed him? Possibly they had con- bell attends to all, she explained; utes, of his That Julius Is Dead SON. Mala St 6ALT LAKE CITY, UTAH round other patients, and Ren to the other yet no one ever sees how do you slinw to fined their had mount to his room. lie When you step on your starter Each some wing of the house, the one that held put It? 'the wheels go round notion of asking Jenks think of Is the suggestion BATHE YOUR EYES vague motor," jour the memoirs and their owner. That morning she has everything arranged to escort him UbA Or. Thompson's Byttwator. He the house. our through urged upon autocrazy h.v a firm of Huy at jourdrukklbt'Hur would be natural enough. Also, there for the day before we lazy ones are would most U63 River, Troy , N Y. HookleU awfully like to know the advertisers. would be only one of them on the job out of our beds. entire plan. As he renched the upper It seems to me the advertisers give each night. They would take turns, Renshaw glanced at Verity. This German Dairies he met Verity at the head of a lot of unwarranted credit to those hall, of course. was news to him. Even after his talk Her presence there whom they address. The admonition A good market In Germany staircase. the for The contrast between the Interest- with Jenks, he had assumed that Miss him. The inmates of the to think presupposes possession of American Holstein dairy sires of good surprised ing but simple explanation Stanley Campbells part In the household left wing generally used a side stairwherewithal. ancestry is reported had given him and the things he him- routine was confined to making out thnt led to the rear of the mnln for the of United the way States sake however, hy Granting, Department of menus. the lie wished that she would hall. self knew was nothing short of starMiss Campbell had argument, that the United States of Agriculture. were Probably Ther 18,100,000 tling. Renshaws mind clung to that; look after the linen supply a little bet- been on a housewifely tour of inspecIs not entirely bereft of In In cows before the war, but Germany but he went to his desk, seated him- ter. He liked a lot of towels, and tion. She was 1 should about to deto reason herent reduc1924. evidently In This Imagability 17,200,000 only since the day of his arrival his towels scend ; hut she self, and stretched a resolute hand stopped now, facing ine an advertiser with an eye to pre tion, eolnoldent with an Increased denot had been he Of attend course, replaced. toward the morning mail. To him, jis If she had something to say. serving a few customers for the future mand for dairy products, resulted In to that was his obvious duty now. Ills had been told that he could find fresh so confused since "We have been might suggest : linen in imports of 1 18,000,000 pounds of butthat hall closet near his room; other duties were not obvious at all. Mr. Renhaw, she When you step on your starter ter and 95,000,000 pounds of cheese In came, began, you but at when moments the recurrent Officially, he wa3 in charge, whatthat I havent had a chance to ask think of Caesar! r Im1924, as compared with ever that meant. Personally, he was he missed it he usually was In an ex- you if you are comfortable in your no There been In have motor may 111 of butler of ,000,000 hnd pounds ports soap room. I to watch. The memory of the com- treme state of undress and Caesars chariot, hut lie refused to and 47,000,000 pounds of cheese. hope you are. in his eyes. It was not convenient, mand, and the manner in which it was in Standing on the step below her, he believe In signs. these conditions, to plunge Into the delivered, made him nod slowly to You guessed It Julius Is dead. on a line with her eyes. He hnd was himself. Out of all the tangle around outer regions of the hall for fresh never before faced her so directly, or Stuart N. Lake, In t He Saturday Eve linen. him, one fact at least loomed clear. so steadily into those brown ning I'ost. looked Verity was shaking her head. him nJ Campbell did know perhaps had I dont do much, she corrected. depths. The experience gave Just learned that something other a diver were If he odd sensation as Adequate Admiration than the foreign memoirs needed "Jenks Is really quite unusual, ns going down, down in some clear, botDoctor Morris says. He thinks of The late Julius Fleisclnnann, Ker. at Tawno Something watching Under the influence of I often wonder how we tomless sea. was a liner of music, least had happened to Campbell last night, everything. king, lie tlds emotion, got or before he came." a dinner at the Loins club in New at something that had opened his eyes, cs, stammered his Why, reply: Morris returned to the topic that, York he said one night: something that had then possibly all right. Im thanks; to next his held excellent luncheon, Few people are able to appreciate caused his collapse. To find out the She moved as if to pass him. He music. It would take a Wagner to exact nature of that something was his interest. or move to to not want did her either Lhing in n bed of roses, I call it, pass. lie wanted to Most Iienshaw's real job.' It was a large Wagner adequately. appreciate there. her keep he sententious!' observed. And its us would a best. do are but he his of litile like tailor. the order; He had a conviction that now, for the A tailor had a great desire to hear stimulated whats going to save our patient. Ab- first time, he was meeting and talkThe prospect greatly him. To write a dozen letters a day solute peace, rest, relaxation; no wor- ing to the normal Verity Campbell. one of his patrons, a famous tenor, INSIST! Unless you see the and hang disconsolately around the ry, no strain not one man in a mil- Last night she had been human slog. .So (lie tenor gave ldni tickets Bayer Cross on tablets you house the rest of the Mme would have lion can have all that. Your grand- enough, but Today for a performance of Tosen, and asked father has it to this last Verity. are not getting the genuine The alsbe was simple, natural, and, If not him the next day how he liked the depressed him very much. And youre quite sure he will get show. looked ternative to keep his eyes open, to Sbe at cordial. least friendly, Bayer Aspirin proved safe by The girls low voice was sud- at liim as if she saw 1dm. She defiwatch, to get to the bottom of a busi- well? 'Well, how did you like It, Mr. millions and prescribed by phyness that first annoyed, then puzzled, denly unsteady. Looking at her more nitely accepted him as a member of Snips? Renshaw saw for 24 years. was she sicians that him would closely, and finally fascinated Oil. It was awful, simply awful. the household. Under the urge of his the effects her of showing vigil. be to He able nights be worth while. wish to prolong the gracious moment, Awful? How so? ought Accept only to make some progress tonight. He Her clear pallor was intensified, and be caught at the trailing end of his Your coat, the tailor groaned, were there shadows under her eyes. felt an inner certainty that at least resolution. was too tight under the arms. Bayer package I havent a doubt of it. Morris I was thinking of nsklng Jenks to he would be given the chance. The longest, thickest envelope In the spoke heartily, but with an utterance show me over the house, he went on, which contains proven directions somewhat mufiled by broiled sweet- almost diffidently. The Age of Miracles Perhaps you will heap of mail was addressed to himHandy Bayer boxes of 12 tablets In fact, I feel so comfort, do It, If you have time." Sir Philip the noted self. He tore it open with n quicken- breads. Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists She looked surprised, then seemed artist, was talking in New York about and a number able about him that Im going off for ing of his heart-beatAspirin Is the lr.de m.rk of Bayer Manua few hours this afternoon. Mustn't to facture of Monoacellcacldeulcf of bsllcjrllcacld understand. the new diathermic rejuvenation treatout. fell He these of inclosures picked know. Of course I will, If you like, she ment for women, which Is said to he pp and examined them, at first almost neglectto my other patients, you telebe I'll But, But told him. she hesitated better than the Voronoff rejuvenation absolutely safe, feverishly, then carefully and with As he did so, it phone several times, in case you want "theres no need of It, If you "are treatment for men. great deliberation. I heard a story about It the other became clear that they were not only to reach me. Its largely n question thinking of Madame Hvoeslefs afof nursing now, and entire quiet. fairs. Now that all her papers are In day, he said. It seems that a colbut satisfactory. highly Interesting ffcB lege hoy at a Florida hotel dance went At last he laid the inclosures down, Thats why were keeping all you good a safe place Con we assume that her enemies up to another college hoy and said and leaned hack in his chair for a people out of the sick room." 5oothinq AndHe&linq You saw my aunt, Mrs. Pardee, know they are In a safe place? Arent eagerly : moment of doctor?" George, will you introduce me to Miss Campbell, if she had been this morning, didnt you, you taking it for granted that they asked. know It because we know It? And that lovely girl you took In to supper present, would have been interested Verity Yes; I looked in on my way down If they dont yet know It, won't they the blonde with the sapphire eyes and W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. She In the change of his expression. 'r-lunch. to bewillowy figure? You know the one 1 Shes all right only a still be prowling around? once It like seen something had' course. of no on No cold. mean, the suglie was leaning his elbow temperature, fore a sudden illumination of his slight Fighting Forest Fires I know the one you mean, A new apparatus for fighting forest features, like the flashof a light gestion of Influenza. Ive told her to upper rail of the staircase, speaking said Sure the other college hoy. You mean fires consists of a kerosene blowtorch But this change stay in hed today. Fortunately, shes with a lightness that did not go with through darkness. did not pass almost at once, as the not anxious about Mr. Campbell. She his words, and looking at her with the iny grandmother, who bps just got useful for setting back fires, saj-- Popdiathermic clinic In ular Science other had done. It lingered a long has accepted our prediction that he suggestion of a smile In his eyes. She hack from her Monthly. By Its use all Vienna. soon be aback. taken will around new rather the again. secretary, lips the firing, it Is claimed, can be done appeared time, while she slowly Through the mind of each of his Why, I suppose so, by one experienced man, thus reducing pursed in a contented whistle, opened flowed the same conceded. All we had taken In was three listeners and read the remaining mail. the attendant danger to a minimum. of Golf Pleasure thought. Mrs. Pardee, the one mem- the relief of knowing that now they did Superintendent Why you perber who had been utterly unconscious can prowl around, If they like, with- suade Uncle Torn to take Chapter X Porto Rican Flower Factory up golf? of the undercurrents it Tawno Ker, out doing any harm."Now hell live forever. Five hundred people will be was also the one consistent pessimist Have they been prowling? The Closed Door. Brother In an artificial flower fuctory Dont Superintendents you were believe It His eyes, with their in that menage. She had never had swear hell At luncheon that day Renshaw rehimself Into established In Iorto Itleo hy recently cause to worry, and she had never still on hers, New Y'orker. a apoplexy. garded Madame Hvoeslef with the ceased to do so. Now that genuine , Hvoes-lefso Madame Leonl thinks added interest due to his knowledge 1 mean," offered itself, she she corrected herself. for reason worry of She course, had, of her story. off as unconsciously as a bird She thinks she has seen figures lurklost the gayety of the night before cast it In the grounds. But I fancy she a sheds a ing air subdued befitting and wore the Morris followed imagined them. She is very nervous but luncheon, After stricken household; a in guest and she has had under.lt was an effort of mental ease Renshaw into the study to smoke a and on the othsome horrible bad He found experiences unmistakable. but cigar. companionable and relief subtle You have used many remedies side. er out resohis His appreciation of this Increased as an opportunity to carry to grow hair, that have fatted? or You Been never have about to sound this lution Now yourself Stanley try Forsts Original the meal went on and the four at the and grow hair on your table exchanged comments on the re- odd young chap who looked like a heard anything?" bald head. head. shook She her pessimistic Greek athlete in modern assuring news from the sick room. Drug Stores and Barber Shops. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Morris, giving this In person, and clothes. The little he had learned himself In n obvious state of phys- had added to his interest. ApparentHenry Herman, Distributor Borzoi , the Wolfhound as new as ly the secretary had passed through ical and mental 1 IS Mason SL, San Francisco, CaL The original name of the Russian that would have It was grateful, made his reports with an experience knocked out most men for all time. wolfhound was Borzoi, meaning swift, Correspondence Given Ier.onal Attention unction. Mr. Campbell Is doing splendidly," There seemed little left of Sts effects light and agile. THE BLUE CIRCLE By Elizabeth Jordan Whenyoiz greased your cup-ture- d car- - MonaMotor Oils & Greases ping-ponge- WILCOX STUDIO d I ac-co- L S. Business College pussy-footin- g 1 . n pr-wa- ffutiot-- Bayer Aspirin panic-stricke- half-forme- - O d Burne-Jones- Aids Poor Complexions 31-19- 25. - d half-smil- wing-feathe- r. high-strun- g, e, Grow Hair on Your Bald Head Bare-to-Hal- well-bein- g r, |