Show big iner increase aasem in 0 radios on fa farms 1 Rural homes are now Equip equipped piDd with N w M y I 1 r 11 11 V y 0 receiving sets I 1 V Z fa prepare br thal onu td POP t ewt m pt J ii there are nosy now farna farms in the united states equipped with radio receiving sets the radio service of the th department oi of 1 ai lure anjou announced in the report of its if pat past Sea seamons seatons tons work issued recently this esti estimate mati won based 1 od oa returns maile made by county agricultural agents gho ut the country a per c over the W sets estimated to bean be on farms farma jul july Y I 1 1025 1 iowa led the states farm radio becq or axil an increase nerease of pe per rl cent since 1925 1025 indiana was seed second I 1 avith alth but this figard represented an ienir increase eks s 0 of per cent ascom as compared with the 1025 1925 figures I 1 other leni leading flog states included 3 ills its bourl with sets seta nebraska with illinois with ohio with and kansas with the largest percentage of increase however was shown in iii utah where where tile number of sets seta was estimated at as compared compa rei with estimated in 1028 19 I 1 now tam farm radio sets are beldt being used the program pro ernin preferences farmers and their own ideas for improve ing present service were also set forth inan in an analysts analysis of replies f to a 4 question oaire ae cent at to cadlo lown own era and eaid invaded in the report prefer talk to music summarizing this analysis arvit SO sam in Pl ikard former chief of tile the radio I 1 service said these replica lea show that american farmers prefer radio talk to music nearly two to one voluntary comments accompanying the formal answers indicate a strong ds dislike for jazz in music they want old time tunes and classical music aside from educational farm programs weather and ancin market re potts td political talks ar ore ealden evl evidently den popular 0 ular and more cut current rent eat news dews pro programs 1 lure are in demand camers Fan ners are not using the radio merely for entertainment the days work la Is now planned according 0 to O the weather weamer sent out by thi the weather bureau and received hy much more quickly than was tor formerly merky possible market reports issued by the federal bureau of agricultural economics are anre eagerly followed and numbers of farmers report def definite falte savings in dollars find and cents cent as aa a re rb gull butt of this mem service I 1 icia A v not only that said ur rickard do but liun dreda 61 01 tha cepo reports as rim from farmers cite instances rethe edu cat cal lonal lovil programs programs rams prepared by the radio service and broadcast through dearly commercial and state college stations stat lons hive have i been promptly i op 01 pile to the lm date tit of tai the 0 andly individual I 1 duat radio user many stockmen stoc stoe kmen report larger and more profitable pit pig crops crons a as a result 1 of the adoption of better practices outa lined boil by radio othia claim 1101 froia these radio programs pro grama ha ais em 16 projects ori on a financial baaba ba ala stilt ehr and an improved marketing pr practices practice be tl M as I 1 IK a lilt result of their schooling v it i 4 1 U I 1 ni we M cotton on fewer sere aeres better stood tood in we 1 mae more eg e W troia lie leatis 6 ar re ibi ide r i 7 4 ti thesa fito list lf edera ho neweT w 6 T 0 cr r f 1 ut pick a I 1 mn 4 very ideas ideal about how be hey went I 1 the programs pro prams I 1 0 raly tb one cne do you prefer lectures t to abi be 0 glen ta by 2 aa ann cnn 6 bi 6 cl clearly ar 4 J than by I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 authorities themselves the th answers were more than four to tai on one in favor of the trained announcer asked t I 1 indicate how they tb yap preferred referred farm in farm atlon presented 1 arnieri arni erB voted c ted for some form of dialogue style as against 1497 who indicated preference i lecture form A in ants bugge among the su suggestions in ing g service were select speakers with good broadcasting voices train broadcasters on delivery malre make talks short aud and to the point dula abbs albs often enough and regularly enough for folks 19 t geathe habit babit 9 J inject atma sabero 0 or r entertainment ment into in to educational programs pro grama to avoid d aliel belf I 1 1 11 aig llull s ai andere and nd arg pre pare talks in simple and everyday every day terms adby mahy express exasperation at persistent si direct advertising and plead for far s some ae means ot of promptly distinguishing gui shing between bona fido educational mit material erial and mere sales eales talks in listing tiie the farm I 1 problems in Which they were most interested 30 mentioned crops ands and soils mentioned poultry raising while talks on fruits vegetables and flowers wera called tor foi by IW 1885 live stock was nas uio the chief interest of 1828 and problems kimlin in agricultural economics listed by 1681 1581 dairying was aj also i 0 an important ampo i subject tor or all phases of farm life were touched on n among I 1 programs I 1 1 I 1 r requested qu esikil were those I ing alth the roost most economical way of fattening aboga for market over aft k dr d R a soil builder improvement of country toads roads tho control of insects and rodents marketing pork beef and groin j how to make endure dis I 1 1 infect ants feeding the dairy to cow w 1 1 spra ilig and orchard care treating fence posts raising rAl sing colts making charcoal the he production and harvest barvest indof legume hay bay utilization of son soft timber for farm buildings general farm management the farm labor problem end and fox fair fanning ming onelar one far fanner w asked for foi information on whether to sell or notto sell cell the farni farm f some faint idea of the interest of listeners in farm programs cin can be b gleaned lt ur mr pickard ackard waldby 1 pie requests for literature in programs prepared by the department i of we bava bale received and filled requests for cook books issued isid in connection with aunt housekeepers Douse keepers chats which dently his has been 0 one na of the 60 hits hit of the jear year with housewives of america due to 00 original presentation ol of sound fresh ie ill h helpful facts A total of 01 5 1 farm school pamp pamphlets filets W issued 4 I 1 in c connection with thes the jerlef erfe of radio lessons on livi live stock dairy and poultry problems haye been bent to Il listeners in fj res response p 0 ij to r requests e qu e x ts ir for b i theia tb emo id 1 i |