Show i 1 1 f 1 4 N A czi 3 4 ir kp n I 1 47 01 hii hiir f 14 I 1 1 1 F A r k I 1 J lr I 1 I 1 I 1 4 AV 8 11 i lw iw 1 L t tv F 0 it Z x f si s i k M X nw X IF IT y A 1 1 e aw 1 X I 1 I 1 A X c i i ry 1 ui p 0 I 1 1 I I 1 11 I 1 ia X i 4 adv 4 1111 f 1 rai M i I 1 4 w lia I 1 cizl 0 I 1 c 4 k I 1 I 1 1 cila 1 iaia I 1 i di r I 1 iia I 1 P i VT t imi ak ti Z I 1 abit I 1 I 1 t wl 1 6 lei lathi La 1 W 1 f t AI I 1 0 f 11 ifa alet 1 C ft 11 1008 I 1 1 o I 1 at 1 I 1 l WW W W P 77 I 1 aw I 1 P r t f 4 L ia jv a I 1 1 w k 0 u 1 40 wa ewt I 1 r 11 11 L I 1 I 1 I 1 01 I 1 I 1 I 1 Z I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 tl r 4 1 1 J 1 I 1 1 I 1 by FRANK he 11 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 4 I 1 W WN 94 4 I 1 1 I miles fd SO 1 11 ltv jt rl ti J r wl T 1 fv 1 1114 f t CHAPTER ikui 41 r d tz liz s f ji J ru i 4 selwood was waa already gincott In cott rip Vo nothing thing to la sure sur john 1 h he e i retorted amiably when my time comes it I 1 comes come I 1 it i 1 1 s P j As mcalpin aou would f d a youre talk I 1 na like a blamed tool joba W rejoined rA lefeyer fever 11 i f va j 1 I Par daloe grunted td byyoure ay Y oure youre like one yourself a johnlee abt ti fever if dilt owe cwi you sixty dol i V in lara rs that Is 11 if you think you selwood his in mind by talking to him if you youre ro ready be ba at belwood look ine around for his bid leta go 41 i 1 I 1 bel selwood led the way jb ibi harness room through the and down d wn the dark gongway to fhe he bick back door d of the barn lefever belll per elating in protest and caution fastened the door behind the four men separating its as they left lefi the birn scott and selwood and bull a definite rendezvous named worked their way downtown down town surprised at the lull in inthe abi they could only surmise that the vogl bantes were still till at bay with the gamblers still celebrating their heir victory the men stationed ged outside 0 o guard Bart bartoes place tle 06 0 resort rt on tho the river front offered little impediment to a reasonably close approach put but I 1 ge lwood on one side worked his wai way between the and the building only to find that some one had bad sensibly drawn every window curtain and where there were were butters closed every shutter selwood belwood joined Par daloe where abere th the latter awaited him on the river bank ban P k got it well hooked booked up dill bill he said looking toward the lone lobe but building id where all was wan darkness save when a streak of 0 light shot from the front franf door as it was opened 1 11 I counted ove five men outside I 1 Par daloe corrected him aln count four now how he sold said with a certain i one of em cm down the river bank 11 F you kill him elmr I 1 choked Clio ked him a all no he repented repeated I 1 answering a 0 necona pointed question 1 I 1 kill kit him lifts ilea just gagged ind and med tied I 1 up buijs eyet eye badro k tie he avo enough to roll plum into the rae wh when e rf I 1 st storied litot he all right no ow speak lq at ive got em cm laid out for this place adhn what are they why simple ill alre airet the he ba back c ir of the place and you pick em off when en they run out the front bhatt what Billi sald selwood impatiently Y 1 11 I don dont t know chos to in there it I 1 did dia lin im not dot i a u executioner aiu not a vigilante a plain gambler not a butcher butchered butch ernd and how bow lie continued overriding hardalo Par dAlo qs indignation dig ft nation do ihnow starbuck at sn holding christie fy fyler eror or her father prisoner 1 1 ln in there f 4 x 1 wjk J Par Pard daloe aloo drew a breath to tell itell the i be truth he be contested I 1 71 I 1 1 think I 1 about her the old man make no 50 much yf ference 11 I 1 belwood regarded the dim forbidding outline of the tightly closed il I 1 favored joint with half balf closed close longing eyed before we wa do anything else im going to take a look inside I 1 want to see just who chos 9 there and chati doing 1111 we can talk a plan ovy over afterward Par daloe put ariae useless warning and touch ferrent scepticism into one ironical word if maybell a atiel I 1 of courseNs course 1 only onit maybe ad re it selwood d lalit not lot got any whisky with yon belr Par Pard daloe oloe so lately declared tha that no DO one could budge selwood in tits Ms dec llona alons tried calwy to dis siAd him from A lite tt undertaking i a it was waa alii i know but there was one thing Aar daloe could do that was obey A few minutes p later a man much under aie pia liquor it t ones adibe trusted truit ed for he strongly atron cly 1 ameli d of 0 1 I 1 tt t approached I 1 unsteadily tle front doop loor of the place in saze buttino butt but in no other way lie he resembled selwood next near the door two five pien nen business denied bilm cn trance 1 and ahen when lie he reI the door itself insisting ho he he r e a drink one of the rall iel him by bi the th throat not threw fagni alth with brutal indifference lackwa rd inta the street where lie I 1 felt prone i and lay muttering to him alf ailt J I 1 presently bi habsi hAb began Wi to sing some bome whitt uncertainly III ii team steles tone song but buethe the iori jie aana the he better ap hil the ideal adea tor or t the he the louder he ha still aung 9 antich ia jojn bio ce of tile tie m i strode toward U t Z allence him i tail fall t sie iliin I 1 I 1 1 t to 0 note that the I 1 4 1 ei unken k ay much farther arthar lis i IM avila hi tb an he be had bad been taj J 11 i W ij he react reached led ciak t Ci 4 tK arct f haiir nth lying pr prone e 4 aha ah I 1 it II 11 alto ao silence one be I 1 gy I 1 ond eliat p alot olot bf the action he had I 1 i tp a fer MW ume time but the aa hat z t sea ati alti footway foot waa caught i of iii W I 1 aka i utter A i ivea A 1 head bead struck nd gittone 1106 4 V k L t go j fl 0 0 a 1 r 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 ili 11 1 1 I 1 1 1 ic I I 1 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 ak I 1 1 I 1 P I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 f t I 1 still ill t 1 I tia unconscious it 1119 k be 2 lay 7 I 1 I 1 go gagged all and abounded abound I 1 stripped ed 0 ills his 1 A kwoll t OW guns no aad a 1 hit hat and add aj w and rolled to on one side into the ahe ashes s the guard at the door had fared I 1 la in I 1 the brief Int interval ervil rather worse than better V Parda ard aloo loel timed hl his action t to A thi the chuo the slug sing I 1 ng 00 topped vi slinking tp ap faoro behind I 1 like k a m mountain oun lion ho he c clapped I 1 one big hand band over the IN second lecont W mini nan moll mouth itil and with his etheri hand f caught his victims wrist ili ina a vise the next net moment he had up oil ielli in a bear hug and choked chaired him info complete i I 1 when the M men e n were secured par daloe araga dragged his prisoner bound afia around the order corner of the nr dr rayed himself as far Is asa hk he could sav into them in the ants of at his alcum selwood his face smear smeared eif with ith ashes ran up not losing Os I 1 ng a fu went merit he whistled whIstle dinto into the he night for bull page who across the street was awaiting his hla coign signal aa now bull he be murmured lo 10 estoe old man i hastened to 10 him fo for erfil a look looi it t the insider In aldel I 1 11 I 1 1 bull caught r nold hold of odthe tbt 11 iron ron latch handle and pulled t thedoor it if re M stated slated either bow bolted or tiri tarred lid on od tile the inside his efforts made no impression D 0 V on it stand aside B bull oil sala sel fi elwood wood lie he tried the latch in turn tun and using more force when less failed merkeil at the door violently still ful he pounded on it with his flat A watchman within unbarred and opened t the be floor a few cautious inches selwood Bel wod under the hat of the t he fallen guard guard thrust forward his head its bull page let him in int I 1 hes I 1 got a message for starbuck still Stat buck 1 the watchman took no chances hold on he exclaimed gruffly and lidid at once slammed the door shut and barred it Selwood waited his return with perhaps more moie impatience I 1 than bull who must t chit to I 1 0 baij oblige a friend ho he wall tak f good f d chance of getting shot took counsel he be opened the alio door again presently and witia the saint caution cutto in selwood inice in the interval had thrown away the orlle extra cop cap of his big num erous 1 finda h en thi watch iman hiie opened ed afi the doa pull bull to enter tie he to walk id in behind him th guard fan pushed bim out again no you bont i 4 null als 11 illin vering vol volca c P hits all right hea roy my keep out I 1 exclaimed the watchman shoving selwood roughly back bach as ile ho tried the half open door diw i but hes hea pot got news nea starbuck wants want 8 persisted null mull to 14 whom t ali be thought of entering the wolves den alanl c e was much moke more repugnant than that of making timit s an 1 ap appearance pe aranco under the wing ofell m could at least ja wa aan aej J vp yot you rin aloo doot the doorkeeper li aspect you tou iame come lh bull fly else 1 i with that k eq hull llull to in ny by the coat collar find and banged the door in Sel wooda face cook the rebuff reban impassively balhan halt hl he was waa to tell Starbuck selwood want wanted ed to see bee him at al the barn nuil wan wait likely to set get rough for his haills rutilde the evil joint selwood felt he held soleast at st least one portal and could coald afford to but BUL he wa b to n balls s effort a failure and was try lac to devise is a new scheme when offer after what long interval the door was opened aiila selwood ji ashe he saw coming out followed by bull axe make slunk into the chudow tober sober it art busa ada the loneman 0 nema dianthe dIn nnttie tnt the tie place that hoped bored notto e I 1 yoi none he felt of tile the wolves within would 0 o quickly pene big bl rude disguise As tile he two men emerge emer gd striated pall looked around to lo the darkness diadem as M 01 tf to get his bearings hes bere jl declared pa page go in bit hi voice trying as he spoke to pe netria the sha dawa 1 I know that U filtsch din chi I 1 or r was was a minute ago ho hell II help if I 1 anfind cn find I 1 you wont dea need any help insisted the busy busty burt bartender iii der scornfully all locked up together right inside 1 b her eric bick bach olt 0 the barber shop get old fyler outtie back door tell him help eto em act got away him first efell ta uh you yon because he knows ul elj youve youre got to do Is throw blin into abo river fi uck wants to et I 1 ryjoi him get paid 71 1 I 1 49 old diani I 1 diky objected bull pinning out the talk 1 I want my partner outsIde I 1 door so eo the old man dont douT throw die ni c in of course ril try it if jo you u say ay to 90 but it if my partner an ali outburst from baranet Darb Barb net cut shoil thi the talk dull had mid bald fill all he wanted to iiii my anyway but still on he be was loti ony sli pushed i partly open alor bade back into bi room selwood borner to where I 1 11 11 1 a window win as impatiently y await awalt I 1 ln ax action selwood r repeated tp 41 what 4 he had beird directed I 1 01 at I 1 I 1 11 I 1 him film jo I 1 1 watch V imback iW the back door of the he barber shop take any necessary measures ind and tode to detain tali till selwood could get bick mackto to him say tho th word jid 0 sam said Par daloe and ni tire fire the dashed joint jolob rv ive e I 1 pt got I 1 everything verj I 1 ill log laid right here her I 1 and good under tinder to do it with dont rion tet met this ace on ore till we get i ayery everybody bodi out of offitt exclaimed selwood 1 I 1 must mast see jee the tn ade of the place placid I 1 I 1 carat plan anything ti pe he dark i t V i cerea a saih loose mumbled pardal Par daloe d e balked or of his prey right 1 here Why dont you Sc lwood 1 knowing I 1 the thil general lay ay ou out t oatho alq ot tho inside I 1 ot of the big room jumped aped at the 64 chance theres theren i a curtain in front bont 0 of f it continued par daloe Js jr I 1 out olit with t the te sash I 1 bald selwood I 1 instantly gasy bill it needed no BO more then than the 4 off ofa f eash stop which Par Pard daloe aloo managed fifth with the blade of big ht bowle aalf 4 fib II 11 I 1 mailing much noise tie lifted ad delae hil gasn 1 I I 1 I 1 tacked ti up ld inside ilde covered the window opening 0 and while Par Pard dalo aloo noiselessly set sei down the rash posh selwood belwood caught baught anedee ao edge odthe of the curtain in his fingers and i peered inside it it looked looke dilke like d a fair chance 1 the comer corder wan WaX not dark but it was 8 not t brightly lighted A table stood ca close 08 i to the r ilde bide oftie window through which Selwood was looking on one side of the table sat but a man leaning forward fory jard with his head burled in his I 1 arros arms as 48 if asleep leep his hat lay jay ou on the table tible 1 selwood watched him filin pretty closely a moment ho he was the nearest near elif element of danger but abut I 1 reached the conclusion he be was stupid with drink ibe curtain was short hung from in hooks books at the upper corners it if reached only to the window apron selwood belwood could see sa men standing ilif in final groups not ten feet away beitf I 1 the entire room probably for re reasons ai of puff safety V was only meagerly lighted light d 1 1 the gambler thought he could mak it lie be whispered brief instructions to Par Pard daloe alft 1 it if you dont hear any shooting coill knowis kno wIm moving afe it y one shot just pay no notten atteo floii clivi ibave II ave your liot gnu up here heie on the H t the two sh shots 0 lk lr one ne birel barrel at t that hat big jump selwood pointed to the lamp hanging in the front end odthe of the room littee Litt Lct the be other KO go into othe the m aldr dle die of the crowd that will giro we me a chance for the font door jphn john I 1 might hit bit y objected par I 1 daloe ili id A whisper hI sper if im 11 to that crowd bill after r two shots n are re areda hr ored eda a few buc kilik ell more ore or less won wont I 1 hurt my feell feelings said selwood reassuringly just Juat let go quick nt at that tamp abit iiii i the abi ninan thing ru ill make can with voth ay iy my yau out now iet down youir your gin dij 0 wo a lift I must ai beet to theia my lay ba back c k to the I 1 an a hands i JA 1 free if 1 W the mule mue boss took hani ander tho armpits thit that Be lwoods bands might be free lifted him at aid d I 1 he ro moment sel selwood wood 1 watching the tien Clearest rist men closely stood rosade rosl de e U uie ial room with his feet on ahe floor Pard aloa quickly thet curtain I 1 li it was the work of the next moment for selwood to reel to nud aln in idao inan up an empty chair opposite tho the sleepy sl ee p y man and peiring peering froia onder bli cg cap to study th escene 0 aga the interior of the place I 1 I 1 loud lona repute even an among h ard aped ned men inen WINS not doi wholly unfamiliar i to 0 o selwood belwood not nor hadfy S chanced S an ge d m much in the long ion interval alace be had fiech it neither runty bunty nor nor althis was wai in J a algat agh li an and 4 bel belwood ie r va u e g glance in aft searched arched Ne the tooig 7 tj baht ht vf the dill ak ak iiii A ate chance to nee mon men come came ot at 0 o put ut of f the back room hut but en each ch one dobr m ost carefully behind him hf 1 iia it awas was there selwood kelwood soom eoon johnd re asonto believe that tha leadora acra to attempt the inner broom ti means be knew it eyes might bri bd I 1 acront room those in wound not be loni long in discovering ahli identity but with a fatality tempera 1 mental or due to hla his change ciance 1 career selwood maar made ready eq tolene rate the jn q ftp lb 9 J starbuck h 01 4 CL C L N t ak lie pushed guardedly nard edly at the head dof 0 o the artin and ba found ift after 0 a artt mile I 1 e fusai nir that b he 6 W ra f fat asleep tho the maa mannori worp a bandtl bj be wood keeping hw well ca 1 loose about him gradually |