Show 1 Z I 1 cat e A A mother cat t with tou bittins came to the tarm fa jones vit ai mo but tons having otha ideas on n tho subject i coo sighed agn ed the four kirins td iua ei r ahe the next day his squall WIT 1 informed han hlib that the bittens wore were bate and soad sound recalling the traditional nine livis llaca tones investigates that the cut cat had acquired four our other kittens 4 but Ii instead istead of 0 their being abeln 9 soma somo I 1 ot other h er tell fiel ii op OF spring they were 0 the genus us niep bitis hitis or common Ani american erlem skunk I 1 indianapolis new JV r 1 j 1 I il 1 15 |