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Show VOL. JUNCTION. To Improve : PIUTE COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, Anyway, Why Should The Town. The Real Anybody Ask Every, krnds-theres- no w l;ne-ur,i- ! . te r J anJitv.il Le- - an i:.dvccrnent for .most good for the most people.. rtni cnaweis Dont forget that you iho off1 you will read the article, Wh them to locate with us and become the people here and should heip Ask. Me Another? by Elmo Rcott permanent and substantial citizens.! The Piute others as they help you. j w atson in this issue of in Respect' every .good citizen County News The Panama Canal was impissible re and if there any town, until mosquitoes were killed. Enyour make to them ethers try good. ough mosquitoes to infest a whole If your tax is increased a dollar ne'ghboihood can breed in an by improvement, remember your ordinary tin can. Mosquitoes spread times is Lenefitted h many disease. They must be killed. property this sum. advocate authorities Sfmkins-returneMr. and x is the scientific inseeb'eide on Friday from a business Mellon Institute of rnd pleasure trio to Salt Lake City developed at Industrial Researoe by Rex Feliow- They spent most of their time It is safe, ship. Insist on sure. Simple stainless, fragiar.t, Town Beard Enter- - Last on each bottle (blue instructions Thursday afternoon., the j' ALL househld klIlin and girl f.ietds of ab? f"r matrons ypung use. to Mrs. Arlo Fullmer tntertaintd at ,nsecs ssy a misceleaneous' shower at the home of Mrs. Ellen Fullmer. Widtsce are Beard of The Town were furnished by the real enterprisirg as is si own by Lola Smoot, Ina Chamb-their effoi ts to clean up the town. Mesdames, Louis Whittak prize was given to the hoys from erlin, and the Misses Simkins. Ike gills all and Alta seven to twelve years for the nost,er and Mrs. , fine time a Wedi es- reported cans and deris day evening all the kiddies of town Fuilrner received a great many useful presedts. were entertained at a free dance beautiful and e 'lhei weie twenty of the young in cleaning up and for Thursday evenirg the He wn caul ladies, prtset " were Aosts to the pe.le in general is in inhonor of the cleanup which had' Mrs. Woods ef tedai City our city visiting with hi r sun Call been s successful. and family fof a shoi t i;n,o. N J He-at- Fly-To- Mfs.-Ros- 1921 NO. 24 or-stn- hioh has succeed- encourage business of all danger in gorging puzzle as the rrarke! in tils the town is considered. greatest popular erase Why is in m ( f of n,..kit after improve Dont call your best citizens (everybody diung it? What if any 'he t nn attractive at d giving j' frauds and imposters. is the value of it. When will it end a h ,ne like appt aterce. W he n t? Support the local lnsiuuuorsi arywa7 thatbenefrt the town- ther !S U0F,'J I eaple from a distance wHl ilaCr olopinkn of Help the public officers r'o th use them well. . some more fad Look ahead of self when all the ed tha cross-wor- d 17 Spirit. No town, count r; or community will ever prosper wleie there is a! division of rr y nature. In helping others u ir n VI Ij I 'p yourself. Opposition it. the 'iff of j trae. and r. ent irs No town will trosper a jrow lack enterprise sin j.i.tl cn tlej part of its citizers is felt. The and every true motto of each citizen of a town is and should be to assist and help your neighbors, Praise it. body Anything. Talk about it. Trade at home. Whal D You Know? Write about it. What's the Ansut i ? Take a home pride in it. Whaddaya Know?' Remember it is your home.' Those are the questions that are Tell of its own business rer onrces leaping out at you from every Try to inducn others to trade newspaper that you pick up these here. days. What s it all about anyway-thi- s W.hen strangers come to town Ask Me Another and then JUNE, x. s j 0. C Cl 0 ! ) co yea know what that means? It means Pikes Peak Ocean to Ocean Highway This Highway beginsjat New York and ends at. Los Angles. A branch takes off at Sevier Canyon in Sevier County and passes through Piute County.! The officials of this Highvay are going, make a tour the early1 part of August.. How many Piuters are going, to join this caravan and make a big boost for Piute County? Let Us Know The exact date will be given in; the next issue of this paper. Look outjfor the date! LETS Fly-To- Widtsoe. Items Fly-To- x. L 1927 P. P. O. O. map guides for free distribution at the News Office or at ' the Town Board Room. Get one! . - A Get the colle-cted- ( thei"-effort- s 1 j Running Creamery' V. R. Johnson was a business visitor at Marysvale on atuidiy He wssaeeorr.pani d to the northern city by Mrs, E'sie Hallarlaj wlo spent a ci uple of'di jfcjvistUi g and frier ds. es The W. F. llolt creamery located in the Black Canyon between Henders n and Antimory is now Last Friday evening Mrs. Alice runniug full blast and Na motoredto Monroe after her ly 1200 pounds iif lutter is eir,g daugllter Susie. They returned shipped every week to the same evening. jlorne Lake ijoaiket. ,One mote lung in the laddei of success for southern Last appr.-xm.a- ; Tuesday Utah. morning whie Ambrose Shurtz was lifting a sack of seed potatoes tdtbe wagon he Mr. aftd Mrs. 0. G. Anderson Get'your bread at the Junction Mr. and Mfa'Frd Neson aid. wrenched his lack had'y enough made a trip 10 CanDonviile on Now 10c a loaf.-Ad- v Confectionary, family Returned that b.e has let n laid up ail week. to'tlor home here here after having spent the yunl.r We are g'ad to (ha.: he is on repoit Mvr.'iay. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes Stoker and in Flurekn, Nevada. Fred has gone recoverirg at (bis wutir.g. and two children and their rephew. wife back to work while h's in that Whin Junction famous try of Colton California h'.re. fomily v ill makethfr took all !v-- ice cream at the Junction Con- Andy Sargent Mrr. James atmt-diJjnefion Sunday night famii and left f i Ilovob'-- t week Adv. fectionary. I will ae a time v isibir.g short Oli'e spend The Missses.Lenh Adair, where they expect to fnd employ end friends here and jielativeo r. ent in the Lories.' Mrs Delong Iejnolds. F.rl.an Yiuig V. e unuerstard Mrs. Miles I ,e. corn-last 1 his left will treatments resuit in Wilma Carrion w ill sjpet vise tit- - ctrrp rnd see Sargent, Andys mother, will arrive Provo where they expect to assist that the children It y 1. r t to. plete recovt ry. a Carl Beebe also accompanied little later to visit. jn the fruit for (the summer. eat to stay them while on the job. Theie was a bunch of other girls Messny Dalton and Scoddard return that be.re High grade, fast color broadWard was .received who had decided to go up anu help ing with Roy when he came bRck. cloth at Andersons for 40c.- - Adv. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Young formerly with the berries hut apparently Mrs. Eva Robinson has spent of this city, now resting at' Lehi, they became faint heartid the last Mrs. Theo Frederick and chiidrtn broken and fallen the had past weekat Spry visiting her two old son moment and decided to stay home from Panguitch the latter returned hisleg. He was getting along splend and help mother. Just as well girls parents,. Mr. and Mrs. James Dally. of last week, whew Mrs. part and your backs wont get so doin idly at the last word. Mrs. Maggie Morgan has return- Frederick hasbeen receiving medtired from washjng dishes asfrom the ed to her home here after spending ical treatment. Preparation mating for pieikng berries.held at the a short time visiting her paiehts i primary teachers wt a on Idaho. Her brother Eldon has als R. Campbell home of Mrs. J. Boys overalls only 85c at Mr. Christensen of the Snow returned and will farm the Jaco Friday of lost wee. Arter prepar- College was in eur county- last Junction. Adv. was turned Gottfredson place which he ha ing the lessons the time week talking with prospective pui chased. over to the teachers for recreation the college, he told for students cookies and Mr. and Mrs. George Luke and after which ice cream them the necessary requirements DeVon Snow of Kington was alj family of Moscow Idaho have re- was served to twelve members. to enter and seemed quite nnxjous visitor in Junction on turned to their home after spend Sunday. to get some of our boys and girls ing a week here and in Farowan The modern home of W. F. Holt up there. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Spencer isitingrelatives and friends and in the constructed rapidly js being isting in addirg to the real were business visitors at Richfield to black canyon and it is expected Last Wednesday evenirg Mrs. one day last week: good time had at the Luke familp in the near occupancy for sons. two and her ready eunion in our city lass week. Charles Stddard future. Raymond and Edgar arrived in our Mesdames Clara Orton and city. The next morning Edgar, acNeal Savage has returned from Henderson spent of Sadie Elder to Sait Daltin have companied LeRoy e hasbeen pr. end Mrs. Odeen Luke ty in Junction guests at! home in Treme-nto- n Lake City where he received medic- several days their to retarped home of their par inti.Mr. and'Poyed thepaStfeW,mnthS re. after spending several days al ireatmentfor complications on the accident he received Mr?. G. R. Beebe. here visiting with relatives and sultant Cambric prints sold everywhere the school year. Mr. Dalton friends. apd doing their share in during NEWS be the .Let Printer. your for 23c can be- bought at O. G. an entire returned Saturday but left Edgar making bhe Luke reunion v Anderrons in.function for there for treatment. We hope his SUBSCRIBE FOR THE 'NEWS guccess. hne lo-th.i- bj-n- Sunday-r- eturning Utah Dollars spent in Utah Benefits e r Pt-En- g " Utah. People, -- -- f - And-ersons- Spend Your Dollars with Our Adver- tisers and Keep the Dollars circulating in Utah. t , Our Advertisers are all dependable in their particular business. in -- - werhe PATRONIZE THEM. We understand the Sheriff has Flag Day was observed In Junction by the flying of flags at the been real busy this week and had front doors of many of cur good his labors rewarded when her with citizens. The Town Board also dis- the help of a few deputies rounder and played the flag on the flag pole ed up a gang of them under arrest. courthouse. plased located at the bobt-legge- rs em-th- - 20c.-Ad- Clinton, Ottenson and Melvin Luke and familr have all returned to their homes after having spent the week here attending the Luke family reunion. Have you priced our high grade tissues, soisetts, and sun Prices range from 40c to 65c. Same grades sold elsewhere for 75c and $1.00 0. G. Anderson, JujiQt flash-voiles- ion, Utah. A(vr -- ? |