Show monopoly and speculation now control As never before necessaries of lik life by U S senator william buim E borah bondi of idaho there is scarcely an article offord of food that goe sinto 0 the stomach or an article of clothing that goes the back hilt bitt is now un under der tho the control of monopolistic speculative combinations there has never been a time when monopoly and a nd speculation had such a hrin firm and am universal hold upon the necessaries of life and upon the tha things with which i ch we clothe ourselves as at the present time it does docs not need any commission sitting for eight or ten months to ascertain tho the facts or place the responsibility lity for the extortion now practiced the facts are easily accessible and could be secured b by y either cither the federal al t trade tade ade cammi commission s or the department of justice there i is s already sufficient law upon the statute books book bookston sto to send to the penitentiary the gentleman who says lie lias has purchased a vast supply of an article of food with a view of holding it for higher prices so long as men can say such things and got get away with it it i is a travesty upon common sense to talk about committees of indu inquiry i and time to evoke the existing law in the premises premise rome in the zenith of her power had lier experience with the high cost cosec of living and england has twice in periods of great prosperity had to deal with tho the question which it is now agitating the public mind of the people of this republic Ee public in such times the people live more extravagantly the luxuries of today becoming the necessities of tomorrow if we would stop atop and consider how we are living today as compared with the economy of living a few years ago we would have no trouble in locating one cause at it least one powerful influence making for a tendency toward luxury and increased prices is is the he constant drift arif t in our country from farm to cit city life the result is obvious the consumers are increasing in vastly greater numbers than the producers millions of acres in in the un united cited states which were under cultivation forty years years ago are now abandoned A few years since vast areas of agricultural lands in the west were withdrawn from entry and settlement and production consequently halted |