Show FLORENCE MINE READY FOR production mr A G macdonell nelI appt several days das at the florence camp with M P F murray on his return ln in answer to I 1 an inquiry of the cl chieftain he bo said the florencei florence company hits has the greatest property I 1 ever taw gaw in t ake a two upper tui tunnels inels druyen brhen during the age past five weeks to ope opec up a supply IV of ore for tho the mill yow ow under construction th ore Is already opened up sufficient fent to supply supply a mill of twice the cap capacity alty in the upper funnel a vein of forty foet of oc alunite has been out ut about clity feet below tho the surface sur faco on the surface this vela has been stripped cfall of all waste tor for it distance of feet and bovere sl with jimb timber 0 r and slabs to keep the enow out A glory hole has been made from tunnel level to tho the surface so that when the oro ore Is 1 broken by the tao miners it drops down to the tunnel base ready for the this big be ore body looks like a duarry flu arry it Is ij being mined I 1 very cheaply in tho tao lower tunnel an upraise was driven which caught the big vein 70 feet from the tunnel level and about 30 feet from tho the surface ilke ilka the 0 ore ro body in the upper tunnel this is 13 a great quarry of pink alunite exceptionally pure and la Is all clean ore on oil the lower tunnel level a drift was started on a three foot vein of alunite unite il this drift is now in 30 feet the vein has widened to nine feet ind and is getting bigger with every foot driven it has all the appo appearance arance 0 of i a vast body of alunite like those cut in tho the upper workings woi kings this ore ody Is feet below the surface on dip this mine is in splendid shape for haap production pi and the ore bodies already opened up insure an all abend tat int and permanent supply tor for the mill on the surface preparedness for a winter r campaign is in ili v everywhere ore bins bills chutes compressor building blacksmith eliop and snow sheds are all completed so BO ibo che work can go on regardless of the weather A set of ston S ton scales are I 1 in place at the ore bins bills so the haulers can call tell exactly what weight they are arc putting on their sleighs teams are now at work hauling to the mouth of the canyon where it is dumped into a bin bill and transformed tran trans stored fored to motor trucks tor for transportation to the mill in regard to the crystal property which he and associates recently took over mr macdonell says tho the work vork so far done has been of a preliminary nature and there 13 nothing much done as yet in the way of development |