Show conscription a noble word if it can I 1 be made synonymous with citizenship by y DR JOHN H FINLEY I 1 commissioner Coma mioner of education tation state of new york 1 I 1 Tn wishing 0 that ever everybody might be conscripted to give some I 1 service state under a plan of national constructive preparedness that airm selfish luxury y and waste and indulgence be commandeered every useful ful sill dilill and science and art and industry be called to ilia colors and a i general mobilization for the common defense of our ideals be compelled I 1 by our vision of an america that has a mission I 1 commercialized co supremacy I 1 would make mae conscript c a noble word by making it synonymous with 1 citizen in a republic with a mission and an ideal worth fighting aw MUt till that fiat time comes may every eadry american man do what every student has ra none 1 conscript himself and each one offer to his cavalry by tha best eliat the he I 1 haa hii to give and may american institutions so what i cambridge hats iaone not await 4 government mobilization but ambit ize |