Show ENGLAND PLANNING TO RAISE FUNDS PROPOSES DIVISION OP OF WORLD INTO TRADE ZONES BETWEEN ALLIES AND NEUTRALS would abandon free trade theory for protection with expectation that net yearly revenue would be washington Washing toni davison of the world into economic atrat a separated by tariff walls and classified as allies of the british empire friendly neutrals unfriendly neutrals and enemy countries to Is urged by the london chamber of commerce to clear the ground for t this hab world reconstruction the chamber concludes in a special report a copy of which has just been received here that abrogation of all most favored nations treaties including that with united states Is inevitable free trade would be abandoned and a series ot of graded tariffs pro proposed propos posed sd in line with the present war groi groupings of the nations all imports would id be divided as follows wholly manufactured goods goods and articles article solely 01 used as raw material in industries manufactured food stuffs and raw food stuffs all parts of the brit british I 1 sh empire and its allies would pay minimum duties friendly neutrals which allow the united kingdom most favored treatment would pay twice as much other neutrals giving preferences to other powers and including neutrals which might be swung into the teu tonic commercial system would pay a still greater tax and all enemy countries would pay the maximum duties running up as high as 30 per cent roughly k it Is estimated in the report that this change from tree trade to protection would net fetn 0 yearly revenue of about |