Show sr oh IV id 1 1 inghart ca tale of the pecole of th A mantic c shovel by b briant nggam young coign 1904 by cbryant runt young a SEVENTH installment continued front boiu week my strength wag ous oui twice dai lie gotine me near the brink hut but I 1 managed to recover thyself iny tay self fors hiir a tny iny elre ulli was giving outi out would fall dl tow now or never t and with one stroll otil buts throw lils ills re hold ot gilr and pushed ailin lit in As AB lie went one louir lony drawn cry burst laural from blin his taw turned up or ira a momen 1 und narain wua wits I 1 aloner chael CHAPTER ajr vill oil oh well ivell it WHO was ilone ilene and quietly and IQ a as I 1 end ionic at ilia hie place lie stood last I 1 aen to hinr har the walling of some unknown spirit now indeed wua wits the lie wealth nil fill mine now might I 1 tile he hidden v ve cret which I 1 hall guill ded und which I 1 limped would put iut me ili of more wealth thim I 1 now no yell vell now they alicy of the lie brud pat long lou iong ago BO its aeeti fopma to tile me thatis wait wa I 1 burled buried lioun bomea in it rel liess I 1 hall had illo covered und for me ino it in to do but to lo my exploration buti but liet Veti ON I 1 alone I 1 hall had my Ire mure ure or rather key to tit the with me binl the grotto till nil fixed up in tin tier lit that none iloilo might uncover discover tile the Cil travice to it it short time I 1 titter iter here tile the grotto I 1 have brought all the alock log tile the gold lu in ono one pile und anti ilia alia predo iii la another where jiley hy cannot hr found lit in case by wily ny one might inside hall anil brought IL goodly supply of light unil und water I 1 slip ull u to tho the pillar anier amer deli elb ed cd thu idol lit in place there ift sudden celuk at IlIcI deil recess aila Is revealed and reaching in ti MY axy boffa meet with it 11 it i light but pushing busil it 11 thick imber of if dust dual u und lid wl withdraw thard w my till lid und lt 11 it il a small which I 1 nei fl nry nay li now io tube be tha ali key for air a a ti lunning riot iny mind which lu in torl gives wily way to dr lind bearr I 1 carl not explain them they are nut not nf if it tangible forni brin I 1 feel a As of coming danger dani iser la in what form however I 1 cannot ow fetid thell tedi too ton I 1 fed the he presence tie nf tsutae rigid that tire lying over just me lue unit and I 1 beem to see them its I 1 saw ahin luat when aliar doie hla eyes fixed upon tue ine boril Fo ril t cirill try cry ut death agony titell til in my illy ear as I 1 biri iha IP florrin a kind ni jil it IM rout i myself luy self 1 I tiiu in SI alone 00 und I 1 in tile tha dirl with lalioo horri horrible blo thit ihlia 98 to do I 1 liaa litta teli to light the cand ba I 1 am contic conscious lons of il something la in mv fiand wid mid dudu observe tilt the ley key Ila haddly silly I 1 billage ny my to tile tho litlie dour door aud anti there sure enough standing ylan ihu out nut pre Is the lite key hole of lit outlined as a still fl door fashioned lu alio rock or darl I 1 it quickly nuy nay for or to 1 lull loll I 1 tile ihu truell r f dill mix loud tu to quit till accursed place pance amk I 1 placed upon my buck bick my supplies bUp pHea plies tile then hasten to the door turn tilt tho ley ayi push ilia door readily open opening ilig I 1 nt ukly in ill hal nd as ail I 1 push puah ilia door to I 1 hear a i we clearly arly defined click and took looking log to pee tile lie TOan I 1 and had been wui now nov the ilia guild rock rocla no sign of a till bang observed Ill hows owls this I 1 cin but ask there Is the place p ditcu 1 I 1 came through tind and att no dair Is 1 to bo be si BIOU cu I 1 nm nin then alle the terror to V me but thinking of ilia aliu ill ili etore I 1 pUB pu hou shou on oil and still higher on oil I 1 Wai wa idar all Is its iho dar darkness knes of night abut tile but tile lie ItIc koring of one single candle ca tidle helping dispel tilt gloom relieves tile weird monotony of lite hie gruca grue oine soine place I 1 am weakening I 1 would faint tut but learld what la Is that nolie noise ali ITH three days now that I 1 have been lit in this horri hirrill blo ii pace ace the ofton or tile have my mind iny illy flinoil will waitr have given folven out my illy light lis growing di dani ill mid and my 1011 loll godl I 1 have us as yet found zio no wy wily tu to ond or the ibe other I 1 lo 10 K on oil I 1 struggle through the alie gloom si s r i there aln ra Is but a if illy lut lat lu la t candle lift lefi illy Is out lily illy mouth slid and I 1 re act el l ua aw i albough I 1 ivere by the everlasting wails of per dillon but till I 1 struggle on during fill all tile the lime I 1 hove love licen been ill ID tills this lilace ilice I 1 have titell tit ell nothing that would lend lite IB to in believe that there is ia a of imy kind lit in the lite place I 1 cannot tell what sort borl of rt a place it ill ii und and though I 1 boen here vo m long my light was wa toi feeble my itly strength too much exhausted afteu buks of menial struggle to determine whether lla its a pitied ul gold gild or ids but iii a blaak harren cavern and yet I 1 tit ruggle ori or that sound agolia what Is fiill I 1 I 1 what din can it be Is III ll it tonio oin one ona of those tin so two twit returning to mock we me in ili my illy alser la Is it tile the sound of giter again ot 01 14 it the Juvil ish wall of coralo again areat goil ITIs horri bit madden lt ITIs there agnini abw what whal I 1 asic Is a it it catilla be tile of voices cannot tie lie that of tilt till not of the whid but lul bul it growa nearer ar ala I 1 push on louder louil cr ix I 1 gracli krap hilti meaning a al t lust last Us ITIs lite boond alope struggles int incon on on oil I 1 I 1 11 L u troa r aws in brer and nearer I 1 not HU felling closer cevaer tile Is a dwir but bm I 1 iad lived it nut not but nil DO oli oa dont lit giop oil I 1 am ili my hand ana knees I 1 aiu ain oraw brawling ling cree with what little I 1 have left pressed lot stull service the 1 ii 14 4 ua its a thinK aud cataracts lit in my iny cuis cars mil ahl what its that I 1 atu tle tile edge age of ile chimin 1 bcd altu light IS allt I 1 frel tho sound bound of tile ron ring fatels wiil eis la a 1 cull anaice 3 ee think but tin lui on oil I 1 inest go i what ini where nm I 1 what la bhul ift sway away I 1 am getting er yov buus 1 iiii or the baar beur bill of rushing water 19 I 1 g oi ilo jiuu 8 urd me lite I 1 inn innel tit lim hive ve or lierich arth fr th on oil till im let leanitt mils go live me strength claier loer cloird 1 lam l im till oil u precipice anti ye L buds tho witt or Is ift right below tue me anil and I 1 reach it CHAPTER IX well itis it 11 pe pecullar cullor sen sallon it feel on oil awaking my aty eyes I hurt m aarn lam encompassed as hy jioio illan pal slug strange ge wace am I 1 the waters ili ih chasm but aln ra am ain I 1 what la Is ills hits I 1 oil oure re not imi for or food iio rue mora re do I 1 birst I 1 it there la Is uncanny about tie the proceeding wily willit Is till fill gln god be kilell lopen lapel my eyen dignin ag lot it la Is to lo be met willi ki iut bril lImit light of some kind nor no dl unlit I 1 am und and ye e I 1 delelle del de elbe it find and through the intensity of till power wa unable it to dee for some time but when I 1 hill had become to 11 ll I 1 found on a 11 inott pecullar peculiar of soine home kind and which ap as I 1 should judge jiin hom tile the corory examination I 1 gave it to 10 be constructed forthe tor the mot mont patt part of inlaid onyx it II wits it low rough cumb eroine affair but what struck we mu woot mol mo l ut ul the slight I 1 gave it was that with tile of tile the andall legs supported it it was constructed osgold anti nd as aa I 1 cald onyx the matting I 1 was waa lying on WUK va or a aoel soft peculiar pecullar texture anti and instead or of bel UK composed of afati our modern world cotlon und and woolen fabrics wui was of ine fine interwoven hair the bed owin owing no doubt to tile fact that tile lie gold wits was the ilia first thing that caught ny my eyes eyce wits ilia oral tiling thing I 1 ijo llotd to cuy any extent but when had regain reia I 1 nad fed more 0 of my senses anti and had taken a glance about ilia i it allowed me one that I 1 have never afen equaled not alone alrtle for its splendor lul but fur for loi ill fikh beauty 1 I saw a room that was per hapia some twenty fv fire by clity fret feet in ill daill dimension halh four wull directly in front of me and un oil looking saw only three if tha the reader remembers ren eilers till tills 14 tile ho ame that first struck in uy y itI in tile the grotto that Is tile the peculiar at airan einen ement t of the pillars pi allars I 1 that it received a symbol ol of k kind ind awas was of arches arc liea io rapidly succeeding each other gathered in III aliu a centar cenor it in tile tho form or an all hillouse hil moUse donits doina front doni lilloll Ali luli tile the light I 1 litva have the hour was waa compo medi of tiling onyx and III d the ilia whole effect elEt cl W was 16 ono or start lir g splendor As AI I 1 hild there and ijac all this wealth hinl and beauty spread out oia before nip I 1 wo aly quite bewildered theu then my illy mind taking inking up its nal tural olian nel cel my thoughts reverted rever led to the place where her I 1 aa sunk inlo nesi how had I 1 been brought hart was ire he question quest lon now lit in my illy iniel liili nl mini anti struggle a us I 1 with the he problem pr could find nu solution to it ehtle ulu I 1 wits arousell aroused nyoua by the lie round bound footfalls ol oil the llie floor abid looking up beheld is lug ifs one of I 1 lie he hands finiest panl lplez nf what I 1 imagined to bo be dudlah lud lai I 1 hud had arver ver men iven the one wits something lidd t ix feet fael lall will 04 tin hn arrow of i it sort soft nelt ii lter bigla nor nir dark with it lung long white baard reaching nearly wills lid such ill an easy aas aring as aa oula could only come coma front froni grace iio dreise drei sd lit ID A mont pecullar pec tillar mainier too ono one I 1 had never been or lend lead of oi before over each shoulder vias it a long lou yellow pillow bearr reach log in ili tilt alet where it was wa met with another entirely ls hla hillst oud attached to this iloa of aboodi still and below tile knees wax abort it bort of hilt hill tile tho while in fit yellow colors it nil nd compost commod it of an all entirely new to nie me I 1 should judge the of f cul e till oti und all of bilk or on the lle i top if his head wits a light of beaten gold uti im I 1 took it to be in tile the form of it toque with a plume on oil top of yellow y el lo 10 w I 1 threads brem is of spun it gold old As al lit he approached lie he laid iiii build band lightly on top lop 0 of ills hid hend and ilija oft the lite plume prose presented tiled it to tile me asi As I 1 took this to til signify good vill I 1 held out my mv hand for it and in atis answer to this lil balut atlon I 1 merely put pul my hand on ny lead head at lie he wai evidently delighted for he smiling in a very pleos plessant ant manner his teeth leeth which were I 1 discovered plated entirely on in the hie oil outside laid e with gold tl il ya goda what had I 1 discovered the floor the walls the belling the natives natIve sand and ull till di sporting gold ua ma though but cummin clail cla I 1 the patt hirch us iss I 1 took luok him tu to be slowly approached and by the luin of algua bade lilt dress abich I 1 PO II ii anti and then distill elgi alvin willi lah it a degneo c oj of laff follo i hlll anti alli aller altu ch tie he stylo style oell of tile 1 oili r one unit iud which judging by tile the A of 0 the hie well laden tibits lei led me lue to that ll it wits it dining dilling hall nia me it to it a seat beai after having taken a r butti buth in a dooin that led off biorn tha one olio and tilt adi adjoining bitang the tha bell bed room he drew olt off to a distance anil and carefully rue nao these 0 viere ere abona aboni a ihrke slab or onyx and tn lit tile the center w atvas a a pr ir Bril arald of nold gold it in the iho some to 10 me hy by it small sphere or I 1 the lie tame same metal and callied with a n large diamond which reflected ilia light in a thousand prism antio colors of this light I 1 could seln ila 10 lo idea aa 83 io ici whence it lacame came it wn wits tit kt linka of A subdued goldea color and again it shurie shillie forth lit in tile ali amt inn t brilli tint conr lent lights it il waa wha nather or imad a it enill I tahe lake power to toc renie creale guell a powerful merrul light being now hungry for the sights about trie me had soine somewhat what appeased my hunger betiger I 1 sat fat clown on tile lie sette ale which ran raa entirely around the table in ili one solid piece and watch wits of netlie the aarne black and white marble that composed the hie group lit in ahe he outer grotto nod and covers covered d with M ith a n soft texture rf of golden color heartily I 1 tile ate ot of tit ahr viands before tile ine which were all unknown to me and among the twenty odil odd dishes set before nie me I 1 could ifould see ece nothing biang meat inest in ili the slightest after I 1 be had 0 finished the meal my guide still ell ilia 1110 to believe aliat liat tic lie wished mu toi tol ollow him to co arising fautu rum the ilia table I 1 prepared to ti follow lie led mit me now inton into a chain ber that fir ajr aud ud sp splendor leodor quite squall ti or Eurl uria feed REed thu ihu Alad gladdins dins palace not dot that hat it was nub tn lit that it was so gorgeous corp oua ali AB neui near lisa us 1 coald co uld estimate it tile he room vita of oval ohi jile and I 1 should I say about twice lite ahe size of tile gulden golden grillio grill to aur first farst discovered discover kd placa alaci tile bof here a aa I 1 in ll 11 lie abc aan itt nent away in asive luard the center again where they lit in brilliant light tills this light I 1 gjud say was of alien be belfi lancy that hal attar after I 1 had first eye I 1 had placid at handkerchief oer in order to piolet pio them and when on oil attempting lo 10 take it away I 1 was met with such luch a glare I 1 thought it best to let it remain but enough the lite native I 1 lind seen appeared up cAred not to tiny puy et etheel aln heed eil to it Q cies es 11 bud it 1 as a half closed appear ii n ce tilt aliu room I 1 iov i ow entered had a most floor too fully with tile root roof anti and an hillid wl ettli tl white and black warble und I 1 tile lie colors so skillfully banded that hit they goolt ilia form formoe of what clial I 1 judged tit 1 be symbol symbolical leal or of dolfl ill events in their history tory and ito beautifully beaud ful y blended in ailor not a could bo be sten seen but it if the lie lnor floor was ni di vital were the lv all here aguin were tile itie four sides of tile ruota un one side and three oil in tile hie other oilier and four pillars and till three pillars with tile large oil onn in ili tile center again it having another piece of stat stai nary ilie walls were fashioned in gold tn in the walls of tins tile sav av frn ern thod thousands sands of being executed bul pre were pictures or tile the bame agthe at the ofie arle in ill the ilia gold grotto arollo fluted co columns lulling in it bai mellef ran half wily way up tip to tile belling ami cutilli in a piece of sta lind the eyes eta et a arl und il holhi r com parly carls of these status statu oti lutt s were mere preci precious stones on ilia right light of the entrance naf A an a dla on oil were seated three white bite hatred haired old lid men dreisen drei sed a aa was my illy guide with will tile lie axce exception i I 1 I 1 on hat their in mantles Antles were of solid fold beaten en ten into thin she ett then thea welded together |