Show B S YOUNG UNITED STATIS commissioner MINES MINING MING STOCKS mal utah 11 WANTED I 1 am ain authora zed d to ask for a lilt lid on of gold mt at stock t ji ho lt iuni ulio also to bell shares Apex ill it co 51 a wyo will goist alloi full fill on request OFFER ASKED I 1 would like bills on oil lots loh of 0 from rom bax to ti 1101 jo shares ot of ue log cabill stock state hute your lowest cash price pr e I 1 would also alio like on 13 W ait dalton gold will vein lone tree FOR fod sal bale fine grocery jarab 1 arft stock dolne loin Z good buil nf deshot ur HAVE YOU J i any stock to blell aall do you want paiit to buy bill any jo p jeitles tor for sale bale lease leaf or bond jo DO you fallt I 1 ti buy any mining pup pop ertler of business cli clia ances let me lien r atom you in n fifty ms feare t the he Stan daVO laga AKIN hi proves the flavor anti adds id the healthfulness of the food mice POWDER co CHICAGO i Adv advertise ertist in ill NOTICE OF forfeiture THE FUSE FREE LANCE 1 liia I 0 J A odbert lih or assigns ro WHOM IT AMAY t 0 you will placie taki that I 1 have ed in ili labor anil tor for iou for or mhd ali motive is hereby given that bat hie file vu year lear duport tho G braml kalitt view milling clit haq 4 having i it it lit tile tha ohio Ul tillIT district county ot of 1 in ili file busi business nets formerly conducted concluded uc ili tiute state ot of ulah ilia ibe sum stun thirty tairi a adl three and mire ditro cents 13 mella fe 1 li 0 o that tat sill all account onu sill and within nonty days atter the espira due tho farni must inual bo be pud paid at e tion alon of nt the period of 0 publication of this lla notice oil once ce to I 1 baye further and 3 ou oil fall or restine to make contribution to py pay I 1 expenses hud trouble no further meat ineat to me of c tills mm your is interest in ili sald said clila will be fore feltel ted to tome nie slid and lic coine ray notice will be b dived property by of tha provi rov lons ions of 0 section al 11 MILLS co 2124 of 0 the statues of 0 the tha united states anti and yon bolt will 18 tori red fram asserting any interest in said grano ale view w mining miling clada ciale NOTICE FOK dated duteil at marys vole clute county utah this lit no T d day ay of Jali january tarrA A 1 U 1301 1901 und onice office nt lit salt like lake city utah y F J lyon CLAYTON CLAYTO T ganner if Janti january tury 1 JIM first publication luary 1 1 1004 1831 18 31 notice la hereby alven ali ailt nain ill ed settler nuttier hasili has id tit notice ol of ills his Interi intention tiou tn ill Y support u oi lila his bild NOTICE that sal sali said I proof broo vt mill ill liu ile made before tile clerk ot of L LIV IVERY ERY I 1 aist brict court ina in for wily wayne lie county utah at stairs alanl office galt 1110 city atall loll loit V butali t all on oil it via john toll january 25 IM I 1 for to eliom it ft nei fcc ja aiu 31 TP n 21 23 sit a u may concert concern notice ii hereby given that hiat the lie state slate ot it 3 K S 1131 has filed 1110 lit in thit its of lands landi selected 0 by and double and ho thu following witnesses to prove his single rigs ill the said ill state under tinder 12 ot of tho the act of oil il lillous iiii an unil ani I cultivate toll 0 f said auld land lain NIL LE jesse wood henry DOW drique john 1811 1891 tile following paddle horns on call L 11 i turner turne r tilt fill ot of Lyl lyman liall t tracts let e embraced I 1 in ili liala lists ire are to ID utah S colita lefitz mineral liftner it caalim 0 6 record viz FOR MINING MEN I 1 frach 1 nonna ka an fn registers list no 81 or the alio establishment and ami waln tell FISHER Z 2 27 acce ance ot a lot loll I 1 see sec 14 and AND oteeka publish tn ili ahe the free bance at atall lot 7 and loaec U T 28 S K 3 W ed in list no 48 43 for tho establishment anil im I 1 antena i I 1 ce of a school ot of mines ties NOTICE OF application FOR copies of alil llata so at they delato to marysvale Marys vale utah thal UNITED STATES stares PATENT said trac by have been beell in this omee office to or r I 1 inspection n fil M A 1 ko m 1 spec tion lon liy by any ally and by tile lanil office public tuil lc generally gene genera rilly alv salt lake city cutill JOHN SERY MILSEN jamck during tho sixty days aall following tuU owing tho the Dece nibe r 22 late date ol of this notice jundef 11 MIN MAL no SON ions ot of november 27 1390 si al 21 21 L D 1 protests bertelsen bros hotlen Is hereby given that th the henry bradburn or coli contests tests against the claim of the state to jiuu 5 company it corporation by henry any 0 the tracei or Bradli nill it attorney ln in fart fact eliose post iio st ollice on tile that tile 11 anore Is Marya vai made valti able for tham for agricultural purposes blacksmiths and wheelwrights Wheel wrights lim jon fora ur ii Uni teil ittu I 1 tor the llight no jno 2 will v ill be reel received rec rived Ve dallI anil noted for re report to alti no 3 lii alio llio general 1 P L C ola isol noa and mining failure tio no to ID protestor contest within tile thet tin luie I 1 all work kinds kind nally of 0 repair don 0 r ale utah via i coni coil oll la tell kiah ey 0 o evidence evid enco eljo lit the district plate of adlle lie clair ater atif the lie said ts county state of atall aing in 1 tt it iff and and lit tile selection thereof being belli otherwise fre free 17 T tp 1 28 S it itt 4 W S L 11 I 1 and ami aai i front objection wilt will bo be tor for approval 56 YEARS described a experience follows i variation 16 deg st inan vi frank egister be iiii iiii ua 0 3 lodo lode geo deo A smith Ile luceia celver er 1 no 2 loda of 0 ahli survey last 46 schoola of 0 and list lint 31 ill ners m clience clio alin a li forner cortier of 0 section 32 Tl 27 S spItal IS 4 V dears S I 1 ILK deg 26 mill K E feet inthe free lance cO ot of thence S 64 deg lie 28 inin 1 I K feet to corli ef atall 23 2331 31 no 2 of I 1 I 1 aola oola no 6 buile TRADE RADE MA MARKS thence S 5 deg 43 6 enli 11 feet to cot der dr DESIGNS signs so NOI 1 ot of I 1 MU 5 loile NOTICE OF forfeiture copyrights ac I 1 theia 0 eis S 04 deg 28 inisi F 1 sm BOO feet to corner all folle sending A sketch ketch luid and desert wilether tion inny inay so no 2 ot of said lode TO J A li or free whether ascertain ertain au all quickly ase our opinion invention la Is probably Com munica thence S 5 leg 63 mil inin K r 1000 1500 feet to corner you will ill IJ we haira ex cx 1 HANDBOOK on onra patents tenta said bield loile lode 1 ended lu ill I libor ami for for sabit bin ara oldest for securing patents NO 3 ot of you lakott through co 1 I hence x ys 64 leg 28 will W M amo ft et to cot cor aie ull 11 tho ahe ornit few Irli alle notice without ch charno arize lu in the iha c calalin sitt tn ill tin the fill tier lier no KO 4 ot at no KO 4 lodo lode Aleric 1 ill 1 all l thence N 5 ties deg 53 mill lulu NV SOO BOO leet feet to corner ty of 0 I 1 ille maate of u utah tile the sill of nt taij tv three lodo dollars thil ty tilli till i 0 mid one line third pints of sald said clr xo so I 1 0 A wot lily of any journal terms ta 3 a ilni ue x 61 dei 28 mill IV 1166 feet to cotner corner toll and that it M flinty days clays after tile alio eppli a 4 benr i four months montha tl L sold byall 1 lode till glnn of the lie Jer loI of of till athla no 4 of I 1 I 1 ool I no s I 1 notice fee ca roadway new york r deett corner you fill or 1 iua ce contribution or pay r drauch brauch 62 CM as F lit washington D I 1 0 allent to its of tills suni your 14 interest in said S 74 dee 7 mii VV feet t to corner claim w will kin JI an il become our Ilo virtue of ilia no 3 of said caal in of section A SIME STRONG SILENT thence N 5 leg deg 53 inin vf IV leel feet to cor 2324 rt of tile the statutes of tile the united states nr n r yeii ot no 2 loilo anil and you will be forever asser flag SINGER SEWING thenea N tides 7 mill E feet to corner cornei any intel eat in sa id and view alining claim NO koi I 1 0 iobe dated at Marys Mary valo ivale bellito fatali this MACHINE ecea theace S 5 leg deg 0 mill E fp et 1 to lance aeb or d IY of A ay 1903 1 I 1 beg beginning ining containing exclusive of c N ith ilan blannon ll 11 1 I 1 Urba teAt range ranee of 0 wor kand lightest mineral survey NO dixie so 10 2 ludo and A AJ 1 alge lot 4 easy cony look lock stitch terms machine old machines in tho the taken in ex sold chango on mouzli wedge KO 2 lode aci asi 1 11 I toSE H K arst publication bec iwa 1730 17 SO 30 li I 1 co corner I 1 of section 82 tp 27 S it 4 NV bl beys eam JAMES T DALY from corner NO 1 ol of vach meli ol of the hareln after giuin d cla hugai linn iii follows rol lows NOTICE OF application FOR BOX 4 CA 5 UTAH inight NO 2 y N 1 leg 27 biln F J 9 7 fleet fret PATENT ya S N 0 GO mill K feet da a no io 1 10 N 0 arg lv 53 63 win inin T I 1 9 feet 11 A N VB WANTED hooli yo 2 f 4 dei W V 11 1609 feet eit stites land oillie IIo olayo no 4 IN x 4 lie 7 1 loin IV foet salt bait liike lake city utah live Chie chielens lons no 5 it 9 leg 22 inin W feet edit Dece liber is 6 3 51 mill NV ll 1911 feet no cli it ades leg ITIN c SO no and there Is 1 expressly excluded front from said applan notice is fief edy Y etor n I 1 hat fiat the 1 a tion till of that portion of 0 flie file no 3 and wedge fx ajar A tel tension llon sold od mining ly ity J y N power lower oats oafs no lio 6 bin tit conflict with tho dixie no 2 being bahiey its secretary and eil ra no avd aid also aaa all of that portion of nijola no I 1 ro alco co address add resi Is salt laty util ilas has ade in 1 le lit li 6 in with liouta wedge no 2 0 said sur V application for it a Vill united teI rotates q intent for murthu par eq for dry i als mud groceries ami ea vey no 1 hu w AT lih 1 I r kocl P s ire are comet Cd inet kaist KM 2 W avedge dge dont believe it cull call M 2 dalti no Is 1 dixie no 2 ga 53 and two fractions fraction s lodes on oil the north nt at the lie store claimants unknown F dna Alel adella lall lodo lod on in the silver no 1 hilyer no 1 1 I I blid and sliver silver no 0 o 3 con fl ST KOCK OCIC MALT folt I 1 olt SALE ga 33 west westa 1 I bevett bant tha thi dide DI de no 2 till ami willing biall il 11 in anit south wedge no 2 lodes on tile north cast tile alt districts pinto county uta utah J 1 D BERTELSEN a wedge extella toil dulai aay claimants right 1150 igloo 8 1045 awl 1 l lia elnear feet or at the ilia lodo in r arria RY S VALE lJ TAHa ga I 1 direct that this notice 16 published in tho 4 ald respective anil and sill face eloi idill as itee free lance tiute county utah shown on oil tile lie put of 0 the anical clat aulvey mirVe yol 11 eing 4 aldel al 1 surety no ao nad ey ill lir tile ali the newspaper lilic tl nearest thu abo said mill held field notes and ll clil survey on oil flie die in ing claims tor for a aei loll 1011 ot of milne alna consecutive week tills onico with J H E brimon R I 1 C K S 0 N rank frank l 1 H bobba manter will kit east wi ai fol follows loss ti alt variation at 13 so ill ins senior at cor no I 1 of dixie no I 1 loll 1011 loan attorneys 18 19 1826 26 whence the 9 r ti cot cor see sec 32 T 11 7 S it 4 W V malt ailt lithe lake liase and meridian bears behira N I 1 lek ATTORNS r AT LAW ts mill V 0 tf ft ti thence lence S GI cl deg 12 nun mill folt FK IV 2822 21 it t to vol coi no 2 ot of dixie nn 1 thence t 1 deg itlen 17 linn W ft to cor no 32 3 2 richfield utah no no I 1 anil and dile DI le noa respectively thence H S 8 3 the Int enteric eric leg ileff 37 man K E 1310 ft to corNo cor no 3 of ahli land onice at salt I also city maki atah no a 2 chenco angl leg deg 5 ft to cor samuel il page january SO 1 1934 nd 6 4 of diale dl ale nu no 2 clience S tj le 08 06 aln IV N yollie s 1 hereby berc by el cl ire veil it that tile the follows following it g nani ft tt to vor cor no 4 ur or souil wedge no 2 eil ed s settler otle ler lini w notice of 0 hla his intention cioll to thence thene eNI 8 1 det ll if man W ft to cor 3 of 0 LAWYER mako final in support jort ol of hla his el claim im and an r ett t weddo no 2 N 27 tie des 16 06 miu mill E that sald said proof will be made thu tho clerk of u 1 2 it ft to cor no ni a 2 ot of foist 11 eige atilt and j kat ast marysvale Marys vale yale utah tile district DI court at loa wayne county atall 2 dt ats oo 00 on march lath 1904 VIZ vz S JIL 11 1 1 ill E to kocor eor no noa 2 ot of past east E no ao 1270 I 1 i latch april i 8 1 89 tor for the 8 ili I 1 ut of gilece S dij deij 11 in in ili K E ft to car no 11 N B 4 S K F va V ot of is W vt H sec bee 22 T tp 1 20 29 3 8 it 6 E 1 5 1 oi 0 sliver silver no noa 8 dixie diale no land 1 and south wed WM P E a 8 L lit 31 utah 1 go deg 41 mill W V kllc rt aai jk ft to jle lie ile the following witnesses to prove ills hl cor no I 1 of 0 dixie so no 1 the place 0 or continuous upon aind cultivation ot of net aeri ATTORNEY AT LAW sald said land laird TZ vaz jolin john C jocobs coto of 0 torrey daylle expressly excepting and tile the follon ing county utah lebolt kolt calvin J pendle R I 1 sur bur no 37 Coni N no 0 2 ot or jed of wayno wayne county acher sur our no 3 73 wedge no 1 ot of acher ere haar vale utah marysvale Marys and no y butali sur of etla acres FRANIC 1 I tills this consolidated allin is ii I i in ill the th N reaster reg Rez ster E I 1 1 I and thes IP a chand band tilo N IV AV aj GILBERT BEEBE 2127 21 27 and I 1 ike hie a 8 W 4 i 1 14 4 WS V 8 1 U B and M survey in fr fra 1 lance tit ot vaia raid loio mining claims constituting said in addition to civil and criminal con alco elEs title 4 lid alett roalin tall are recard in book at mining re draws drawl contracts ACta und and all fianda of 0 legal cords in office ot county recorder ot of luti documents the traveling public will be pleased to county ution junction U utah tah learn that tile the commodious anil convicting s shown bythe falit of survey alro a as follow sur stir no 0 o mining cliine cht Cli ini m sur no JUN I 1 UNCTION HOUSE 37 98 comstock no aj 2 sur bur no 13 wedge no GEORGET GEORGE T HENRY AT 1 sur stir no I 1 direct that this notice lie be in the bunc junc free lance butali the pipi AS ASSAYER i nearest the daiil 1111 mining ning to 01 ol haa bearl opened op eneil the of 0 sixty davs rii Ast D hornal Ho tins unal 11 tor terms reasonable beaw bable laeber office at residence CITA R RLES ES it 11 II akles prop attorneys attorney first public 25 MARYS VALE utah I CENTRAL LOCATION 1125 1722 |