Show 8 LOCAL happenings t werners alne clothing legal blanks tot foi sale dale at al frea lati antice ce A return returned eil to wed beday kloas at free lance collice ole tiar len dpn went t to Elin loro zion sion ly day moraln moru ln blatt came down from the baht sunday nata hardy lias has been lid laid up will nn an attack ui of tle he grippe J E Pet petersen to jill hi hottle home an in Cir circleville cleville on tuesday attorney 8 L pape page went to bali field morning morn laK mr and mra atra sidney black went to Alch archfield Hl clifield field monday willard of went hotbo morning IV W flar nanti wits it a richfield hound bound pass nager Wele Hilay at R B moon hoon eft fur for a athor t visit in ill park alty on Widnes wednesday dar morning mining tilen niec can got get is a cili molete cor M A jerld servio went beitt imru wednesday corthe for allf hollo lays H 14 8 it bound for salt lake that at fly mo moriana no Nog chop gota at Werne Wern erx II every tiling union inglai mr air and mra lir D D willaim went to lo silt sat S lake on oil monday fowles of for kimberly v ettine over returning thy the sanie day 0 J II at arrived from tile the north day going bd bacle monday max krof kroll P I 1 drove over front from lold field charli charlis s went to on oil Tilea ilay morning too in spend ilia alio holiday F W agent of chiq so ad call fil ell rall railway viny has bieu quite ill III ibis areek w atti quit isy it if douds ool are no nol 11 4 represented your sotir inoa y rerun ovi wheat you buy auy of wenar We ncr fine late sayles best erial und imol nl at J W christina Is 1 if gooi booi time or v cull call ut fit free lanue lance aud and see tiani pies andret iorli a J J woodring of efio ilia item ilea per w caime down saturday erti flog re uni lii in orning Coin line ihie of furniture cur curtain talim blinds lili udy fluell rud lioci c at soren chr willi tit i I 1 i so fi 1 id dr lyonal goitom went woisil north Thurid thurmay ity y couslin tied as bjur r for or ringling bros circus ceroua nil fill kini kind glovia a and allot Ilic timO faup plim nt at vr airris acra ainu door or of novt for aale fine grocery store it ning large ari mool fur fr right party for particulars rail call lit idt diee ice lemue office A litter letter add to sred to soren christ lit neeli tr for prices oll nil ally tiling than ill id he wry wily of furniture will lit iw glaphy answered hev J at aud and s 1 allx 0 8 amis F I 1 M ba nu au dijt H T ashby went to lo ItIc till id tue day mol if 1119 air wid nod lit lire oto ole went to E p bruam wednesday wi la in n Illet woo gd to ahe lh i 1 heel that their daugh ter fill lit werner of lura direct froni from tile ilia juobberi 4 il 41 nami 11 rim li ii tile gain to llou tra 11 ng with ahu Z almu liili tily ty who 60 ian been cook nga at alib rn wait wai var crikt dowil blown froll tile r 0 be 1119 quite ill with moun mountain tala fever warm gloves mitts Al clickers lakers costs son s ni unit atilt all kinds of el 6 thing MII and filp ilea lor fir storm blonny or winter weather nl at we bruer 11 jer 0 1 d ghether Vh ether you to to rn 0 01 I 1 lint it wilt will PAY imy you to arit fir r if 1 e cull ut at lV erners A tio in n line of clothing sold mens men aji n A vi allt it to ilia htwe of soren chrite lamoen liui iii witt will binkly I 1 lepas ead voil if y baled lit t tha le K af of fur it asre I 1 0 1 I baby diab co wall i or ft r 1101 ings your knur hillier soft non or 0 sweet ill girt would be by hie the gift tal of nf H nent preuitt pre oitt tot lecich from tile acock of J W V warn rii r I 1 lie only exclusive ligoure in inqui south aril ettli write to corners Wor W ners welt a e it I 1 n d ask agac for fin prices on any atilt and ill all kind kiml i of im auns dij nij s A complete I 1 IMP prat pai ll llabra abla atilt stylish allany laiu odthe things carried lu in heing espic lally firt h christ mile gift of r u ull 11 L kinds holo hild lel cald beautiful atilt anit 1111 ll W wea eso designs in ar borts bools shoei shoe collat adlan everything every thine tilt dressy mi ii at t lowest prices 11 lit t i V the exolus ll e aal aol clolla it ing house in ulU hern ulah one door huith of life alie post pnat dillee la Is ioa hotl athi ili oil ly exclusive clothing olih lne hout hou liou t c lu in sou therm utilla butali HIHI oj IV werner loVe jews furnish InIza of 1411 kinds and of tit lip to lo flute til ill work nork mansilp and livili filat rini goo K ft to ninke ui tilt ills etrick ividell li il tint ex celled celle 11 A leter or I 1 n cill will amply reany tho the litin ur or trouble |