Show FOR ORCHARDS scientists atista and practical art are gere generally rally on the great halll of 0 vve well I 1 I 1 rotted barnyard rs 3 tho the host best for an apple orchard says a over ent bul bulletin left it not only supplies dumus but it contains it a large per cent of other necessary nutritive clo clemonta for cor health vigor and of tree and development of qualities for a ana fruit prod uc t but as the stock of this sort of marure raa is ia not always sulli clent for or the general fie deina demai ul nl other agents have to be resorted to still and next in value and in a concentrated form aro urile ached wood ashes which will supply to a great extent the feces aary element of plant growth it Is ia maintained by some authorities that ono ton of unk ached ashes contains as much plant nutriment as five alvo tona tells of ordinary barn manure and whenever obtainable ashes should bo be used in prefer onca to any other fertilizer ti there are many of 0 manufactured somo some ot which are valuable for a special P ecial so soils Is but to determine just which abich brand to use tio Is a little difficult to decico without knour knowing ing what aliat elements olen tenta aro are lacking 1 in tho the soil tho three elements most commonly deficient in soil salt aro are nitrogen potash and phosphoric acid I 1 |