Show harvest time at home co somehow om o M chow when business has a lull about abou t this time or of year ci sly thoughts take their vacation ba among the scenes once dear I 1 stray at about the harvest haest c thelda olds where ty long on 9 aria ion ions ago I 1 watched batche the cereal oc ocean on n in its golden ripples low flon while 0 now nov rini and then upon some aonie blade a tired reaper bore the nin min heams hashed flashed and then went out like thoughts recal recai leil ieti no more how then the journey jo tioma home bitong I 1 ung the tha country road where larkspur blooms blooma beside the fence llop lie knots ot of lovers flowed elo wert ifor stoning to lu the whippoorwill lie be Y 1 I a fjeld or ti r r where the alis berries herrl pa tempt a shower ow r of wine and long ions before we reached the gate eato to it hair 1 r the tha watch dors dogs bark baric nd sa s1 see e tho the dutant windows gleam like blossom of the dark it so BO ws long since those old years so BO long ions In Inde deet etl that I 1 now wonder that a time could be without a so sob or sigh and yet t e do I 1 recall to vow that m re the ih e nol end when the no more and MM ever mere in deaths deatha twill twilight shall blend blead it would to know that ufa life beyond the gathering gloom gloam would really prove as aa care tree free as a the tinie time at a horne WIP f rale hal in new rork borc times |