Show NERVOUS lot S Y S 10 CA aa I 1 Is peruna pe ru na is the only systemic catarrh remedy known to the medical profession 0 er e R X MES Z y A CL ab OF DENY 4 mrs ida L gregory president Pros ident of the poets and authors club of colorado ON president of colorado art club director of school of indus tr and design vice president of S ermall art league Is one of the leading club women of colorado in a recent letter from 2 grant avenue denver colo this prominent lady says some years ago my husband P suffered from nervous prostration and advising with a friendly druggist he brought home a bottle of peruna his health was restored from its use his appetite was in creased and restful sleep came to fluids the weakening drain of their him I 1 therefore h heartily earthly endorse discharge is prevented peruna as an honest remedy the medical profession is just begin worthy the good thinks things which are ning to awaken to the fact that chronic catarrh especially systemic catarrh will I 1 said of it ida L gregory gregor y condition soon produce a so nearly resembling nervous prostration is so frequently sem bling nervous prostration that lt it is is associated with systemic catarrh that very difficult to tell one from the other some doctors do not distinguish between peruna cures these cases without the two in systemic catarrh the disease fail has pervaded the whole system and if you do not derive prompt and satisfactory there is ci a constant loss of vital fluids results from the use of peruna from the mucous membranes write at once to dr hartman giving a A great many people are doctoring for f ull full statement of your case and he will nervous prostration who would be immediately be pleased to give you his valuable advice cured by a course of peruna uratis gratis v peruna makes clean healthy mucous address dr hartman president of ty this preservation of tho the tho the m sanitarium columbus 0 over pleasure is as hard on the muscles and joints as 03 overwork over work tho the best thing to do to got the body right after a long bicycle ride la Is to rub the soro sore stiff parts well with mexican mustang liniment LW EME BAD am a ff 1 and made chafing for no better bruises remedy outs cuts EMMA Z ASK FOR SALT A L T L LAKE aa K E Z 00 CADY A N apy C CO 0 9 0 M L B A 41 S E ID A I 1 N T i I 1 I 1 E ALL FIRST CLASS DEALERS SELL THEM c tho the twentieth century caltury bin ben butlers Butler 8 sitter bitter comment P MONEY MAKER butler benjamin F V once said of sore acre larg per par y a decision that went against him 01 est garden in america address it was by an interior inferior judge of an inferior R E BARNARD houston mo court of an inferior AGENTS to sell ell our flavoring ez ex burdock blood WANTE I 1 LU D tracts toilet Ar artielee Arti alea and ForN perfumer Per fumei men when doctors doctora fall fail try pig ble profits write for terras terms C A PEARSALL bitters cures dyspepsia constipation CO walnut st des 31 olnes iowa invigorates the aholo system when kindla dreams and disease the ancient belief that dreams dreama were mention this paper an important element in the diagnosis W WN N U isalt salt lake no 39 1902 of disease has been revived of jete by y trench physicians nr wn CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS best A cough syrup tastes good UZO in time sold bold by dru ests bifia Ki fia I 1 r 31 Z MR mother grays graya sweet powders for children successfully used by mother gray nurse in the childrens homo in now york cures feverishness bad stomach teething disorders move and regulate tho the bowels bo wels and destroy worms over testimonials moniale at all druggists sample FREE ad drota drew allen alien B S olmsted Olm leetoy N Y ono one of natures naturals remedies cannot harm barm tho the weakest constitution never f fails ails to curo cura summer complaints of young or old dr fowlers extract of 0 wild strawberry mra Winslow ls soothing syrup for children teething softens the sums reduces reut ices in pain cures brind colic bottle fialla catarrh cure Is a constitutional cure price 7 |