Show TO th may 1000 j an agreement was ente redin to between ja J V gibbs Gibb sund and georgo ji abs Ru sel seel whereby whery bv mr air bussell tile entire fi flee ee lance w inloes i ila aodra dei a lease iiii c ina months tits date dae it was stipulated in said anid agreement eliat either of the parties amigh terminate hate tho said baid lovse upon serving thirty days notice lindoe upon the tho other ln F gibbs informed Uie writer contemplate ng ofhie F arc fee lance plant vo gotico whatever waz nasr serve dott dou I 1 the he wr ildr regarding of tile lense lease vt monday morning june title T 2 M mr r J y V gibbs asked the writer if humr Rup sell Y require any airy fur thet aher notice regarding tile bermit termination latiola of said lease to abich irr russell re ie plied 1 I do not con confide b that any notice nobce has as betl been served on j mt mf regarding the termination of my lease neither delther shall I 1 consi consider dbr any such notice onles earno I lio a dri iti waiting wiit ing that hat t he ver balero ba liro ice on the writer to the efret atit e would terminate ite 1 I u ably 1 I 1 ath 1 1903 but abts is not true on tuesday t inn imn june 23 nol lee ice wa in writing on oil georgo george J by ji JF gibbo to td tile bho effe effect cv t that tuo bease must terni hinte oil en july nutice also stating abat he mr gibbs would ho liol 11 dhe til e writer strictly to the verbal notice Inn estice to myself I 1 wish to state slate bauco lauco leaders yand the publio in general that I 1 never asked of tiny any ethid from frain mr gills and my connection conne clion with his saper came through hia own solicitation naj headid her did the writer seek to le aMethe voe batice plant plan 1 readers headers hlll re athow mr gibbs advertised for ft a business bu ainess partner and alib tb sell his plant Several propositions wie iveine sub rn to t the b e writ I 1 L r by M mr I 1 gibbs in dorto or to induce hini him hb hald ad but burthey the y were respectful ly de ell uee pi binally n ally nally mr gibbs way was in in olirier t discontinue tle the publication of at abe fc heaper aper eu entirely andio b bw w w th ahe e plaint up op As aa a i last induce inducement to the th d 1 writer mr gibbs offered to lease 1 case nim the entire business and plant without cost coat kintli sueh such the paper would id by cl earn arning lug a stipulated income when the writer waa tor to pay mf gribby gabbs i a nominal rental as med the aware at the time 0 of I 1 r Sigui ahe lease that tho outlook for su ns andr and faint it would b bb b to t twit ri tike ilce the pr nt pay DH expenses for at least sonic tva to owe I 1 buteas but waa in holes ho pea of making before the expiration of the hase abeto ita action of all alf parties concerned now w hl on en the theoa took sepia brighter mr amr gibbs requests tile the termination if bease h he heasel ase to take el elfert 1 tol tuly july par 3 1903 n 1 u ltv 46 ft ut u T ift I 1 i A anit V and mention ym 10 eions for such einch oc ac ti lion cioll oll awilder 1 I catl can for them hem balvoa wh whether ghetler etler orv not I 1 this his is ia fill fair r to i the amter while under obligations no whatever to ur mr J F gibbs and being perfectly witling willing to sever tit my y connection with hanle F ereo ree lyince lance yet I 1 shall insist on oil rny iny being protested pro to alie full the laev foru all services rendered hy by me to mr J M ii C gibbia Gib biu connection NV with etli the free lati lance cei bolli bolah before andi since tile the sign ig walter always endeavored to prove hini himself Helf faithful faith fill in the discharge ochia duties wherever takes pleasure in quoting mr air gibes gibbs on words from th the free lumice editorial columns of 0 my may mr russell ha lia i i been with the free lance during several months and has proved himself honest bonest and effiel efficient ell t since assuming asaumi ng chargo charge odthe free lance under lease leaser the work has beani een very I 1 crying r ato ns as it became necessary for him to fco attend to all off the in bonnea tion with the th paper write UD tit news sul set type print and fold the papers address and mail il same etc how well this work hus bus been accomplished is better judged by our one renders readers W bhe tho ho writer cheuse use of tile the F free ree lance columns colum during hia brief connection wit hilti I 1 I 1 the pa pei to ul all parties hargfns anything to say regard character G r RUSS |