Show sen years inalie the bastile that is ute the sentence imposed vin hn john io hn let lee jr for ba 1 ing vie the elk saloon of 21 24 wl woith th of general benera Full funston ston whiskey Jh ishey by judge john F An and ancha dhA th proprietor 01 of tile the free lance skeins to think the sentence imposed ini posed is doubtless in ali ali iti tere it of justice alid the repression repress iGn of dime crime und and in III support of nf his position lie he states num crinite crimes of perpetrated pet put rated in the streets dance hall liall a and n d saloons solo osis af pf of and winds up tip 1 wilh 1 I III the nt lit that it Is the he above condition that doubtless in flue fluen need ced judge to impose the punishment on oil let aad for dilleh lie he is receiving so much maudlin audlin til half drunken 11 there was nothing before judge chidester Ohi Chi deBter deater to show dint let lee was over ever a participant of the many crimes enumerated ume rated ly by mr J F nor to show that ont he be was in any way forthe lax las state of in marys vale or in plute county anymore than was tile lie two other culprits who were wee in Chi desters court during iho the same term that lee wa convicted now if lees sentence is in the interest of justice god save the mark and the oaf crime is ia tha thurston who stole stoe a horse hor so valued by the jury nt 60 and sentenced to fou four r m months on in tile the county jail jq jand and ruby euby for burglarizing 0 a store of and sentenced to pay a fine of 25 in tile the interest of it mok may here be said and justly too that thib the out to lee is in my judgen judgement jud gement lent more of persecution se than justice and 1 I nm ain 11 neither either maud maudlin lini half drunken or lev dev erish there are scores of others throughout the neighborhood wim will voice mv in v sentim 1 ants when I 1 say that judge chidester Chide stet not ot only took his venom on the bench buts but showed ills his lack of justice jua itice when he pronounced bente on john lee lea tr jr and 1 I think it will requite wora whitewash thun afian ti the ic free lance has in store W fc make joalice loving people believe that a 8 six year sentence Is 43 a 0 just punish kneut foal worth of general funston or any ally other general Ge oeral tj dei DENNIS ais |