Show in Iii gold X Aloun mountain talu in the lai large go area we west st af marys P vale in the large scope of country lying to the north of oam albrys ays vate vale nai east eart of gold mountain are f found bund identical geological condition aud and those conditions are such reasoning in 1 from cause to effect as any intelligent and well read mining man maii would select as presenting ail necessary conditions t warrant exploration for the he precious metals D an arua larger than any other similar re gwo in ill the united abates are found hundred st of gold and talver b haaring aaring veins of undoubted the vast field of eruptive material furnished furnis ded not only the forma formations bious Lions from which the precious atoms were vere derived bu but the necessary ingredients for strow c solutions and heat front tile the almost limitless mass of rhyolite basalt the p porphyries orphy ries phonolite and kindred kind red eruptive material U courtesy burtes y of salt lake mining alining review |