Show TO advertisers NOTICE OF forfeiture ate of utah county of plute pinto to ro lessen the IN inee free ee lance wants advertise you yon are hereby that we have ex chemno the mn mno eche the better but ni ii three hundred dollar i ili ln dab labor orand induni lin muke on the ridiculous ridiculous on oil ne cammi queen group 0 01 I 1 by iov prices ull offered ered by out of tile thes mining claims comprised of the copper queen swe state advertisers und and amenta who are nos 1 2 anil 3 mining situated situ atod atud in pinto mite r county state of utah in ili order to diioia salla sending in contracts at prein nes hea tinder the provi provisions of section 0 11 ciponi one half to oue one fifth the prices revised statutes of the united states being abeln ln ed to local Vat patrons rons it often oc th aliu cain 0 qu I 1 red to i old the same fanic forbid fort lie year chiding december alst 1002 and 1111 it avith id SUITS that our would be ab arons ure tire I 1 ninety alays after of aliis notice upon B r siosi satisfied with one refusal but bend I 1 you or within ninety days after this otice ly du au two or thre applications each one yok yoh fall fail or to Offer hig somewhat better terms lerma wael aid your proportion of such expenditure as co owner in ili said claims your one sixth hitt interest rest in ili said saida jori oes we have no iio time to run it acor cor claims will duconge the property of alip suu sub or on advertising serl bers auder said 2321 2324 the patent was wan dia discarded carded for 1 ernard barnson atte he of id 11 A 1 Robb liis I 1 purpose prevent hg A hanry robbins erti frow getting elint nio tte the fre I 1 baill liels us I mance without the of the pule puh Vell beil ICI ducut VItt t usher i alier and the ile patent inside wilt STAY STA pub al mareli areli ao 43 discarded i expense cienke ci ense the free lauce lance is a small bhelt NOTICE OF forfeiture ibe tire are small and advertise pages utah april 20 W are than twice t more to J 11 van va pelt your heirs assigns or legal e been e ia ii ti and n d i rend ou on a page pae of th chofre tho Fre depre representatives senta tives A lavwe Lv we thun they would be on a blanket yo you u a are ro h hereby a reby I 1 no i 0 d tilled fi e d th that at I 1 h have ave ex expended pende vf teet That fact alone circulation he be four Ilund hundred ret dollars iii labor and ginipro the sic tyranus placer ahi free usg equal lance space ing Cla claim linand and the junction placer mining claim ij bat t twice as valuable to the advertiser situated situate at in sevier revl er Cout coulty ity maji tohild another d vantage eto to the adver ad ver said itemizes itemises ite under section 2324 revised statutes keiser is 14 found in the fact that his ad of the united the amounts required itt the he free lance ia conspicuous be 1302 1902 to hold this smile sa metor lor the ye years ars of 1901 and the absence of other advertise r and if within ninety days after the aleu ts tt a condition that will likely con this notice you tail fall or refuse to contribute oft ur i cue tte because none but first elass c coti con and pay par to mo ine your portion deture and cost of this notice us as crowner co owner your will pay fred lance rates I 1 interest Inte fest lu ili the said claims will become the property f en cn addition to the above enumerated of the suh subscriber hereto under the syd said scitt antares 0 es the Free Zance has twice tivice section 2324 i 1 the circulation of the average en count country V MIKE MANSFI MANSFIELD ELIj i asi Dib jibway Way 35 48 caper Va per and its subscribers and renders readers tre t fistel ent and prosperous aad arid therefore more mare likely to be of value 0 o q NOTICE FOR publication I 1 advertisers i no the field oo occupied latif e dlf o tho the interior d da rapidly enlarging aud and mci easing in HI lind al ait balce city utah and du kuithe balie course of six JM ay W our rates for Aver bisin will notice is hereby given that tin th following j vy very likely advance i cameil settler of lils liis intention to hereafter one reply to advertisers make inake final proof in support of his claim and k that said proof will be made iliade before the county rui r UI set question ques tiou of rates solar clerk county utah at loa utah on is con concerned cornecl Juna 27 1903 viz jr HE faraho for tho W hi NW S E 14 N wd JA and lot jt 2 see sec 26 xo tp 27 S it 8 3 E S L M ile he dianie nam esthe the following follow lin witnesses to prove lits liis continuous residence reside ned 1 i poll all and d cultivation 0 ot of said land viz balonzo billings william 11 II 4 morrell willard T pace ace and basteau S bas Bast basilan tian lan all of lou loa utah FRANK 1 homs HOBBS it register egister NOTICE 11 At applicant Pub may ay 20 39 42 united states land salt lake city utah april apin it 11 aro whom it may concern no tice is ii hereby given that the state of utah ghe 17 rau aft lae arm filed in ili this u list no 41 or of landa select edby the sald said state stat for the flit establishment al arid 1 id min in j ore eie y le tey i m maintenance Witte nance of a deaf and dumb Asyl asylum uin under section 12 of the act of Con congress rem approved july biily published semi mon italy 1894 the following tracts embraced ln Z eswa aist iro aro in ili a township containing mineral yo to mining metallurgy cr wills of record viz milling band and kindred the w va no alsee 8 and sw vi ile nea 1 11 see sec 9 74 ta S R 3 W K h L LM 11 A copy of said quid list sotar so tar as it relates to tohaid said tr acte by descriptive subdivisions has been con A W 44 page posted in this office for foe inspection by interested anday the public gener r as I 1 1 1 si 41 the only strictly mining within the next sixty days following the P e paper published between denver and the Fac faalilo lilo r orals notice under mider dol A coast vot or Nove anber 27 1 13 LD L D protests or r against the calalin of tho the state to to any of 3 taft tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore described 1 I bround that the saniata same Is more inor valuable tor for reliable thail for agricultural purposes will be rb re W IR ce faed and noted note ifor for report toy the general laud boffice Koff ice at Washing washington toli D C failure so to protest subscription price a year or contest within wathla the tinia time specified apeci ned will be con coll six months in advance evidence of thenon the non mineral 1 I character of the tracts and ana tho the selection thereof being free froni froin objection will be i for approval FRANK D HOBBS register LOCATION NOTICES foo sale at borge A smith receiver I 1 v 6 34 if 3 mrs fred president Coor club benton i j II nahor midi after my first baby was born I 1 did not seem to regain my strength af though the doctor gave me a tonic which he 4 considered very superior but instead cl c getting better dugrew 1 grew weaker every day ay AW husband insisted that I 1 take wine of cardul cardui for a week and see what it would defor do for me I 1 did take the medicine and was health very ver I 1 grateful to find my strength and health slowly rt returning turning in two weeks I 1 was out of bed and in a month I 1 was able to take up my usual duties 1 I am very enthusiastic asti cin in Us its praise wine of cardui cucui reinforces the organs of generation for the ordeal of prey pre ancy and childbirth it pi events miscarriage no woman who takes wine of car cardui dui need fear tho the coming dofher 0 her child I 1 if mrs had bad taken wine of cardui cardu before her baby came she would woul d not I 1 have been weakened as she aho was her rapid recovery lecove ty should commend this great remedy to every expectant mother another wine of cardui regulates the menstrual flow I 1 all go 4 im IN ro OF VM mi E AM H I 1 T E 41 T TL Y A Mf lySAT 7 UTAH mil f af wr f f Q myca My age Cw JV L I 1 a WN MARYSVALE iJ T AU abo r 1 M I 1 T rya MAI OFFICE AT RESIDENCE malyska af MAlY ART SVA S utan tha BI D WRO raj liaw ye junction juna bom butali uta in i k in kid i bionto civil and i practice titles makes abt tracts ts draws drawe contract ri andall and all brindo of legal VA N MARTIN lak and aia yr onice east ease side of main street KIMBELY I 1 M B ER LY v TAH |