Show M r NOTICE states land ociee 4 salt lake city utah dec 16 lyo 1902 J to may Coli concern corli hereby given that the state of utah has filed in ill this thia catt ii list no 0 bands selected bythe santo for or tile the offer reservoirs for purposes under section ortho act of 0 Cong condrew Con grew july jilly 16 19 1 the following tracts embraced in said list alst tare are ina a township claims of record viz the mv 1 JA sw siv vt soc 15 it tp SO sr s R w 7 S L mer A copy owsald ot aalde list so far as aa it to said mid pacts hac t ts by sub divi has been con ported in ill tills till ollice rot for inspection by any 1 lute rosted abid bythe by the nubile ginneral ly durling during the sixty lays days next follow following ilig tile the dato date of tilts this notice under departmental instructions of november 27 2716 MG 13 L D pro teste or coff contests agal artilest list tile the claim of the state to any ally of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore described on oil tile the gre und that tho the same sallie la more valuable for mineral 11 II than for agricultural purposes pur posea will bu be received atia and noted for report to tile the Ciel general ieria land ollice allee at wall washington itil toll i I 1 0 failure so to protest OK tho tlona 1100 will wl lLly coil evi dellel or of the non flail mineral I 1 direct indirect that this notice bo if in fit tho ills resi residence derice upon and cultivation ot lot character of tho the wild anict and the selection freo free lance at marisy Marv avale ale county of mute blute state of sald said land viz Et edward ivard vest ausper Willia williams ius thore thereof of being otherwise free from objection will utah diab for the period perio dof of nine consecutive weeks dell crawford henry brown all adlof of greenwich tie be for approval approvato ap provat 1725 17 25 FRANK D 1 rector utah FRANK 1 I ite Ilc gister ster G 1 Parks attorney for applicant FRANK D HOBBS register geo receive art first pub dated ma 16 a L it II gray attorn attorney oy ast 1st pub deetz dec ai 1902 ai M 2225 22 25 list no it eteson orvoil airs s published Publish eI ill free lance or of marysvale Marys vale vaie utah application FOR 08 PATENT ai 31 A no NOTICE FOK publication united states haild NOTICE no 8 aeilt tit lt lake ake city utah states laud land koniw january 24 1903 3 laud boim c at salt lake city utah salt lake ake city cutali t I 1 february notice coddo is hereby given that the sur dec 16 ima 4 prise gold mining Coni pany by its alts secretary and notice is hereby given that hint following ta IV lioni jt may Conc ein ez authorized agent max Krot lif of Mary lar ivale settler lugs has billed notice of ills intention to notice Is hereby given alven that the state of utah utah has livido application for a united states make inake mull proof lit in support port of 0 ills falln mat ilas has hied id tills list no or binds sele selected ateL 1 patent ate tit for alu derjue allne gilli and tile surp riso that s said tid proof vill bo be alade in ude word tile the county by alio said state tor for tho establishment or of pow per mining claim consisting of and loal clerk clcil of wayne county comity butali at loa maxient water reservoirs for irrigation purposes feet respectively of the iod loiles alit and stir surface face county utah on oil april ath 1901 1003 viz rudolph ill section 12 or tho act of congress approved ground as by tile the plat being survey no naser IL 11 E 1 for thu the iv vi tie nu 14 nc lie JA lie H july 16 WA tim the Jollo wius tracts ti acts eni embraced braced tn lit W situated in the ohio mining district pluto see heu 22 and so ii 1 1 su SO h 14 CC c 75 15 tp rp Q S ra it 4 E sid said list li bisaro saro are in town township gial containing county atall and described fit tit the plat pint and held S L 1 31 or record viz notes oj 01 survey on oil mft in tills with magnetic lie names the fullow hig witnesses tt to provo prove the nw kt 1 t sw li ij sec 0 la 13 tp 25 ii lt II w SL S L yar variation of IH 16 fleg deg east its as follows to wit resi dellee upon and cultivation yer mer commencing at cor no 1 I 1 of the surprise of said land viz john IV vors forsyth Foi syth charle s A copy or ol said list so aar as it i relates elates to said Al mining liling claim and running thence N 83 leg deg 27 snow john 1 adams adam tind daniel Ada adams all oj k ir tracts by besci 4 lias has been con coil biln E ft to cor no 4 of said claim cheneo teasdale reas dalO ut all posted lu tins tills ollice for inspection by S 16 leg deg L E it to cor no 3 of said claim thence FRANK 1 I EIM lily iny interested and by the public kenenis S bo 80 leg deg 25 min W ft to cor no 2 of sald said claim M 1 l IV ld auy atty for or Cla claimant ly identical with cor no 2 of fol derjue jue mine thence 1 ast 1st it aub fol ta 2125 21 25 within tho next sixty days following tile date N 73 deg 7 inin W ft it to cor no bof 3 of derjue of this notice under VI departmental instructions of mine N 16 leg deg IV atto ft to cor no 4 of said tit 27 1896 zi 23 L I 1 protests pio tests or contests claim thence N 20 leg deg 67 man ichi E 2811 2841 ft to cor no against tile the ciann or the state to any or of tilt the DESERT LAND PROOF 5 of said claim thence S 02 leg deg 21 min ft tracts or subdivisions heiHn before described on oil FOU folt to cor no I 1 of said claim thence N 16 leg deg IV yu the that tit the sainta b IS moro alu ablo tor for f t ft to corno no 1 1 I of cor surprise mining claim the iau mineral than lor iol purposes will be received of beginning containing a net of area cllveland veland cel and noted for rep ortto to the Ocrie general ral laud land united states land office at acres the following having 1 ving been excluded office at washington D 0 failure to so protest salt SA t lako ko city wedge no 1 survey of 1665 veres acres or contest within the time will be considered concluded 1903 and comstock no 2 survey of 1 1920 1 20 acres sufficient evidence evade nce or of the non mineral 1 1 character or the tract and the sele selection cdon thereof the presumed general course bourse or direction of tile notice Is hereby givon given that william black b baang altig otherwise from objection will ba recommended veins cehi or lodes are aie as shown upon the official ph plat it of county comity lilith ints has billed not fee ol of intention for approval 1826 18 26 the vi j see sec cor on oil south side of see sec 82 32 tp 27 teti tion to male make proof on lila ills klesert lu suit land claim 4 S R 4 IV bears N 13 leg deg 8 nila Y ft from FRANK D HOBBS regi register ster 1 N for tin tile tract of cot land that geo geoa 1 smith Tle reether Reee celver her cor no I 1 of derjue mine and from cor no ko I 1 of will be when approximately thu lite so se 4 pub jan 2 1 surprise mining claim sali said 14 see sec cor bears N 13 19 of SO 4 sec 19 and sw s I 1 of sw sn 4 see sec 1 rn 10 tp TI 31 list no res reservoirs ervo irs leg deg 7 mill W ft south range I 1 west ivet 8 L I 1 M con containing tahil rig 80 published in the free lance utah sald said claims aro are situated lit in tho the acres before the county comity clerk of garfield Guill eld portion of tp aird 28 S R 4 W county otah at 11 migu itch utah on oil wednesday said ch claims rillus are of record in the billeg of tilt alio the day of april A 1 1903 application FOR PATENT recorder of P plute alite Coull county tr at junction utah as lie he li names allies the following r wit ilses jacs to prove follows derjue mine in ili book B 11 page and the complete and reclamation of said 31 A no iolj lJ I 1 in ili book C page pago surprise mining clatin claim 1111 land of thomas 14 i 0 1 aln cling F langford united states land office in fit book G 1 pago page iee r L brunson lU unson ani and jolin john wt sinott all of 0 salt lake city utah the adjoining and cla claims litis aro tho comoto CoIl comity lity fitall dec de 15 lik if jiu vy u 1 gill imd d no 2 PRANK I 1 ilk ai agster gotico not Is I 1 1 lf ji hereby arvy given that the sevim consolidated survey yc V P sargent AUy tta Y for f 0 gold i milling and prospecting company comin 1 be published lit in the pub fob feb 13 2129 21 29 t freu fite lanc nat Mitry ivale utah the a corpo corporation ralton of wall utah ahoo whose principal newspaper paper I 1 place of at business Is utah by its agent all ancl cl atins sor for it i period per jool of attorney atto iney lit in fact henry C L iw renco ol of ogden weeks 31 NOTICE TO CREDITORS utah lias has made app for it a united states PRANK D HOBBS register patent intent for chetom alio tom iy ay j dud and edith lodes con consola soll E E and L if 11 gray attys ESTATE OF ALVIS SMITH CREDITORS anted mining jr cl claim illja situate I ilythe in the gold 4 mountain date avato of lit pub pa jan SO 30 1903 will present claims with ic hors chers to elt either berof of ill mining district flute Plute county utah consisting alio at their lel dences us given bolow boi I 1 I 1 I 1 cl of linear feet or of the tom boband boy and bbb a on oil or oi before the 0 day of may 1903 t allne ir feet of bf tho the adith lodes lodea and surface ground round NOTICE OF forfeiture THOMAS 0 SMITH administrator each WJ COO feet wide being mineral survey no state of utah county of pinto flute january 1903 1901 GILBERT R BEEBE Cir cleville circleville utah and describe din in tho the held field notes note and sand plat of tilt tho of atty attly for administrator to elezam 31 bridges es heir of the estate of robert robe r 1 flegal surveyor sur survey on file 1110 in ili tills this allica alth magnetic ju junction utah 2124 21 24 A bridges deceased and bojas tojas P glibert gilbert variation at 15 de degrees CO minutes bastas east as follows the tom BOYL de described wilbod as follows corn coin yoland you and each macli of you are ara hereby notified that inen cing at post no 1 a corner of the claim f from roni I 1 have expended two hundred dollars in ili labor NOTICE TO CREDITORS which U S M 31 no I 1 bear bearen sil 17 degrees 21 minutes and improvements on oil the april fool in ining w feet distant thence running f from roin claim in ili such it a manner as aa to develop said april ESTATE OF MARTHA J LYON DE said cornar no 1 sa s 7 degrees I 1 minute G feet to fool mining claim and the golden gate ato milling hillig ni coaled cred creditors I 1 tors will present claims with vou corner no 2 thence it 70 degrees 57 minutes e 5 claim which two claims forin it a group and tire aliers to the undersigner undersigned under signed at national bank of thy the feet to c orner NO 19 thence s 21 degrees 23 minutes minute altu situated abed in ili gold flold mountain mining him district pluto republic in ili salt lake city utah on oil or before e 1477 feet to cor corner cortier tiet no 4 thence s 72 de degrees greet comity state or of butali in order to hold sald said the logli aay klay of december A 1 1903 JO 00 minutes w feet to corner no 5 tl thence lell 1119 n 19 premises under the provisions af 9 section 2324 2321 1 of FRANK KNOX ail tilt i ils deuces 04 minutes w MIX feet feel to corner no 6 tile tho revised statutes ites of the united states being q estate of martji i J lyon lion deceased Decca soil thence it 72 degreed 00 ini minutes a feet to corner or the anio amount required to hold tile same for tho dite ot ol 1st ast pub jan 1903 2226 22 26 ii erNol nol no l belar the place ot of begin beginning stid said lodo lode year yea ending rending tin oil december 1302 1902 aud and if within containing teotil a total pretot abea of acres enel occluding udilla ninety daya af tor avica ot or tills this notice or within however horev er all the alet in ill conflict alth the jillie ninety ty daya after this notice by publication ute and uto ute fraction action fi sur a 1 I of acres you fall or teruso to 10 contribute your proportion ot of rau ralf lake lac net area elah claimed tiel and applied lor of sali tom boy such expenditure as co owner of said to cla illis lode being cres your interest int creat in ili said two claims will become tit alie jeming af in T alie lie ed ith is besci alese bribed abed as follows Coin commena property of the subscriber un under tier said lection I 1 2321 1232 1 3 a in iny it at post no 1 ti a corner odthe of tho clil claim lill troll from which the phrase your interest above mentioned 1 z published semimonthly semi monthly US U S M M no 1 bears beals IL 8 degrees SH 34 minutes w moans indans thu the undivided one third flitza hi interest terest in fit said 6 feet distant thence running from sald said corner two claims chillus standing on oil the records 0 t pluto county 4 to 10 mining no li 1 s 2 degraca 41 4 minutes vi v leot feet to utah in ili the of robert roberla A bridges milling and p corner no 2 thence 1179 n 79 degrees 7 50 minutes s 0 COO at al romey g feet to corner no 3 talico n 0 degios 01 06 minutes W WC V dodgy dodge aj boalt w E edw w feet to corner no noa 4 thet thence ices s 79 degrees fir fanst it publication jan 2235 22 35 50 minutes minute s w feet feel to corn corner erNo no 1 being tile the A lafage 44 paga publication place of beginning said lodo containing a total tobal w area of acres excluding however ron the only strictly mining we the area lit in conflict wit with hIlie alie tom doyon hoy of this survey ko 1313 c paper published between net alnet area clai claimed nied and applied for of said edith land office at salt lake MY city utah denver und and the lode iode being 2146 2116 dicres january 23 1903 coast said consolidated clatin containing a net liet area 4 of acres notice Is iq hereby given that tho the following a inch each of said lodes ein embraced braced lit in said eon soll named settler has filed notice of ills Intent intention Lonto to a confer dative fc dated claim baing of record jn tho ORICO of the make inake final annl broor in support of lits ills claim and alli reliable c county recorder of diute piute Cotui county ty utah that said aid proof willbe will be made before county clerk cleric W tile the nearest known locations or mining claims of pluto fluto county comity tit at junction utah on oil march 5 za being the ute and ute uteri fraction action sur a dun doii 1903 viz Si venning anderson Am lerson iid for the j 1 subscription price a year r E moro tand ind bunker hill sur 1121 a and nd 1 lots 0 ts 1 and 2 w 2 4 see sec 29 tp TI 27 s it I 1 IV six months in advance adva nce james G blame sur and erie pointer ami S L 31 sev ui llucy ilou sur L i ve name taul aja il fd I 1 t j 0 |