Show caza co FOR NO ivo land office at sall lake city C I 1 ty oct in 21 1002 notice t lie relly pawn eliat foil bained settler lias has ined ot of ills intention to make final proof in of ills cluin and that said iid proof will be lunde be fore the county clerk of junction utalia on andrer Ba baru rivion JIE JI E I 1 aw 6 for tile 0 es nwe 14 and jiva vi swu 14 see 21 2 JS s r ay S lie alic following witnesses to prow prove liis bis continuous residence 1111 and cultivation of geothe dike charles E h liar W stores stokes david W V stokes all ali of junction unlit 91 9 13 1 frank 1 I hobbs Reg ster NOTICE FOR publication no 52 Off ohice lecat at salt lake city utah oct 18 1902 notion notice is hereby given tha the alic following named settlor lias has filed notice of ills intention to malunat maln nat proof in hi support of lils his cla claim iiii and that said proof will be made before tile county comity clerk of chite piute county utah at the court house junction pite Clotil county ity utah litt afy no for the alms 8 E 34 i i 8 W 14 suy ser H I 1 1 14 N L E 1 U 4 of sec m 1 lots iota a 3 andsen and Sec 35 tp TI 27 s1 sa 1 4 W S L al I 1 tile witnesses witness us to ta prove ins ills continuous residence upon ulion and ill cultivation off sa sandland idland said letl vir miles Du duriece Jurk ricce cc E VI at johie nay and james 11 II stocks all of marys yale vale piute frank 1 D register U T 11 II ray attorney S 12 date of I 1 st pub 1 bet 24 1002 assessment NOTICE Cir circleville Circle cleville illo irrigation Compa ity location of f prin elial wace of business Cir circleville cleville pinte county Ut butvill Vill I 1 lotiue IB lie idy given that ata niec tIng of the diree directors direct orMi tors lic ildon tle the i lt t day of november 1902 12 all assessment of vm lous acen 11 acts ver per share wis was levied on oil the hie capital stock of corporation or por atlon payable ai ac once tw tot john 11 II ful fill icil treasurer of aaqil at liis ills ol ollic ll in III diute piute Cou county lity any stock upon which tills assessment may unpaid id on tile the lath day of december IGOL willbe advertised for sale w made before will ivill be sold on oil the artt day or of o r Janu january alyo low 1003 to pay the delinquent assessment with ilie cost coal of advertising and expense john II 11 secretary 1111 11 11 oc atlon iliof ut utah i i H |