Show HE 1 I I 1 0 BALDY L LT I 1 D BE lp i IX ra a gill ivian a C 11 ion 14 1 i t S M amral U 9 awaiting AW attilip obly the magic mada touch toch U of AT capi capita t al to pour golden stream A v ino into 0 the laps of thy those U ase possessing i and nerve rising C abruptly from the lesser mountains to the north tho the 6 great areat mt baldy range rd enters cloudland cloud land traverses the boundary ime ikie between piute diute and beaver counties then onward to the south where it is cleft by the grand canyon of 0 0 r ra wa N alj A BRIE 7 ceolo geological GEOLOGIC igal AD I 1 17 the great mountain building C forces so active actie 0 during n th the 0 close tertiary age 01 worked on a scale along c the northern portion 0 of tho mt baldy range in the quartzite bedding din 0 9 capped with limestone 1 was profoundly y fissured folded and faulted so great was the last named currance occurrence oc that t ache he quartzite and iines tone entirely ent le disappeared under tinder the morere more re cout rock masses east cast of the levior fault seo accompanying compa nying maps and left the quartzite and limestone in the form of a lofty precipice known as the deer trail escarpment to the southwest of marysvale Marys vale prom from those yawning am fissures mor enormous masses of rby rhyolite olite A 1 s 7 ey eye porphyry oozed arum the earths melted interior w tenor and formed mountain masses thousands of feet deep again ta the unstable crust quivered w with ith intense seismic forces the old and but partially healed wounds were nvere opened and new fissures formed m hi the overly ing 17 eruptive mass and great greatly dykes kes of hi highly M lily mineralized porphyry now bowmark i nark mark the location and diorec tion of those ancient rents the brief period of combar campara 11 tive quiet which succeeded the 0 previous disturbances was CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 i 1 I broken by another of the range and aud along zOong the contral central portion extending hom gold gold mountain a distance of some ton toll miles a great groad fissure was formed f from rom the surface down to the region of liquid fire the alic m M ili foran abich split tile northern portion of the mt baldy dald y range 0 also ormed formed f lateral Its fissures extending eastorn easterly y and westerly ve sterly from tho the great central oi of the anon occurred and in connection with other fissures already formed became channels for foi the upward and catteral lat teral how flow of gold rold and a n d s sil j I 1 ver bearing solutions extinct extin ut craters fields field s of dark colored ti cwhite tra chite ridges rides rm of volcanic dykes and chimneys of obsidian in the phonolite prove that local volcanic forces were continued over a tel aels s an and deot sot t their heir wildcat traps for unwar unwary Y investors the groat great mt baldy gold belt is forging for in to the front tho the magnificent record of 0 th the e ann annie lo 10 la laurie mine mine and mill in gold mountain the vast bodies of chanid cyan iding in or ore e already exposed the examination and reports of numerous intelligent mining men proclaim flit fact that the annio laurie is cil al most without a peer boea on this con dt webster lode with wih its vast bodied bodia 4 of galena the B W Y PI and Blue eagle an groups that have been steady since their discovery and nut numerous ner other promising prope properties artis every fa facility clity for economical mining rn such as plenty of wor and power timber cheap slip plies an enterprising I 1 the R 1 G W and no ner service luv investors estors cun can cerla uly BEA V E 17 ca cc N T P P k 41 P k ct la Y coe iota VILY min r u go salet r Q wu A 4 00 arl a 0 IT C 1 pine a rn ra 0 64 q 1 6 00 1 if fit v 1 t ti rn ir e r z 0 V lots la iia aa op acet t Q 4 re 0 ael L kaj gill 01 adi W OL V I 1 W aji a L Z lop 0 AL Z s 5 0 e ito 1 ej LW te 0 VL 41 aft ot ap Q to P CL 0 aft OA ard fa VL 0 zap MAP of rb att hell 0 W az tp P PA E 0 S g I 1 p ra A A 0 1 r I 1 1 I I 1 X Z TA 0 U N I 1 N 0 r V r e IV i 0 sa s1 eta C at te t it MID A CL f f 11 clo t i M R e ole 4 a rn As let sail 11 14 if Esea vm co fir wr 0 0 3 1 et C ram rent those fl fissures s became lines of easement casement for ther the vast mass of ma matria mama tria seeking egress anti and from molten depths the hot gaseous mud flowed upward and andi formed great dykes of phonolite which t 0 day cheerily u feet df iii an occasional prospector while the crup eruption tion of the pho nolito marks marics talo I 1 last dus throes of nature in in the mt mb bald 1341 dy y region subsequent local 1 l long period after the widespread wide spread eruptive activity had ceased PRESENT AND AIND FUTURE geological conditi conditions in evl evi dence dencal agolig ons the northern portion af the baldy rano should rom rem overy doubt as to its alti ulti i marq binate greatness rent ness as a mining region ion IT Inde Ide edin edAn the face of bit ter denunciation andi and opposition from ablass of 1 ignorant n shysters shy that hold down so many chairs ja the lobbies of salti salt L lako aka ho V ti nen t the Blue bluebird birI mine adjoining joh joining linc V the annie laurie is also I 1 lanfong the bho roat mines of utah tn jn addi addition tiou to the mines just mentioned there is ia a score or moro more of groups of mining 11 claims in gold mountain that possess I 1 every indication of greatness greathes gre atnes S 1 in tho the vicinity of M marysvale Marys a vale there is that camons old ti time I 1 producer the doer deer trail with a million and a half dollars already blocked outi out the bully boy and W S n k for no more than the alic mt alt bi ildy gold belt can furnish bittle or no prospecting has heon ill done in the higher i I 1 er alti altitudes tildes i 1 the mt baldy range espee specially ally is this the case within iho phonolite pho nolito belt where tho the intense U and other are such as to warrant uie that nowhere in tho entire west is there a moro more favorable field leold for careful anda aiu prospecting |