Show A N L I 1 A 0 A paa 1 N cured red by peruna of catarrh of i the stomach after doctors failed tons mon Js J D botkin congressman from Kansas Writes an interesting letters I 1 le 40 aw CAf CAPTAIN tAIN 0 bartoletto BERTO LETTO captaine Cap tainO Berto bertolette letto of the italian barque bacque Lin coUes celles iu in a recent letter from the chief officer of the italian bacque barque Lin celles Ilens pensacola acola fla writes 41 at have suffered for several years with chronic catarrh of the stomach the doctors prescribed for me without my receiving the least ben benefit elit through one of your pamphlets I 1 began the use of peruna and two bottles have en arely cured me recommend peruna io all my friends 13 0 in catarrh of tho the s stomach oma i as well as catarrh of any part of the jody peruna is the remedy As has been often said if peruna will ivill cure catarrh of one part it will cure catarrh of any other part of the body catarrh is catarrh chever located and the remedy that will cure it any chero will cure it everywhere the following letter from congreso m mau au botkin for itself HOUSE op OF representatives WASU washington INGTON D 0 dr S B hartman artman II columbus 0 my aly dear doctor it gives me plead please to certify fy to tai the a excellent curative t ae y s V aties of your medicines 11 I 1 0 r n u n a and madalin Ma Mu nalin I 1 I 1 have been afflicted more or less for a quarter of Q century with catarrh of the t h 0 stomach and constipation sti pation A resi dence in wash 4 ington has bas in increased I 1 t h 11 e C a 8 0 troubles A few bottles of your Aie medicine dicine h a v e yaw vr v giver given mo me almost complete relief and I 1 am sure that a continuation of them will effect a perin permanent allent cure peruna is ia surely a wonderful remedy for catarrhal tarr lial aff affections sections J D botlon this is a case of catarrh of the stomach which had run for twenty five years according to ills hla statement I 1 and TP peruna eruna has at once come to his relief promptly accomplishing for him more inore benefit than lie he had been able to find in all other remedies durin during 9 a quarter of a century it stands to reason that a man of wealth and influence liate alilce a congressman of the great uni united ted states has left no ordinary means untried and no stone unturned to find a cure if such cures as these do not verify the claim not only that dyspepsia is due to catarrh of the stomach but also that peruna Perun will awill cure catarrh of the stomach it is impossible to imagine 0 how any evidence could do so if you do not derive prompt and satis sati factory results from the use iise of Pe peruna ruria write at once to dr hartman giving a full statement of your case and lie he will be pleased to give you his hia valuable advice gratis address dr hartman artman II president ol of the hartman sanitarium columbus ohio |