Show some people imagine f anat they can stand well only by an effort to appear bettor better than their superiors when a lifelong life long student dies with old age lile he can claim to have gained only tile the alp alphabet babet of knowledge it is no longer necessary for one to bo be past master anastor in tile the art of swearing to hold tho the position of steamboat mate A young man mail hunting bunting a gem on tho the matrimonial beach rarely picks up tile the girl who considers herself the only pebble about tho the time a young man gets ills his first shave you will find among hla his effects a book on etiquette and a lob lete ter writer Kno knowing how to do tile the double shuffle worth as much to the farmer as knowing what to do with the double shovel the poor man who has trave traveled leit over tile the road of adversity gets his hand in ilia hie pocket quicker for charity than does the wealthy man mail who has known naught but prosperity |