Show organization URGED AT MONTHLY SCOUT MEETING at the monthly meeting ot of the national parks council of 0 boy scout leaders better organization of 0 scout troops was stressed the tha meeting was held in the cedar first ward chapel last saturday night and representatives from nearly every bisti act in the council were present several scout leaders including A A anderson dr foutz hartison harrlson R merrill and others were down from rom provo for the meeting these men said that it all communities muni Biu ties would get their boys organized into troops with good lead erg era their scout worries would be over it if tho the boys are given the proper encouragement they will almost carry the work along themselves they also stated anat for a scout troop to attend any of 0 the bigger bagger scout camps they must be ba fully organized and registered county leaders were told that regular camps tor for the boys boya were looked on with more favor than nhsn long trips over the country in a tamp camp the boys can be laught laug lt to do the work and perform their duties during the day while on trips the day time is taken up with various phases ot at scout worn work can be put pit over in camps cant be dona on sight sightseeing aeling trips representatives from st george anti and delta asked that the next meeting ot of the national parks council bo be held in their respective cities but as aa toils this meeting will not be held until september it was decided to announce later where it will be ba held after the meeting all visitors and their partners were entertained with games dancing and refresh mento bent la in the recreation hall ball |