Show DOINGS AT SCHOOL SCH FOOL reported by anna gurr SCHOOL ELECTION P H s election ot of student body officers tor for next year was held last monday with the following students bein 1 elected to these offices president ardell hyatt ale alce margaret pendleton secretary giefen helen adams treasurer louise mitchell Ml her of amusements beth matheson mgr of Dra dramatics maIles gordon Al mitchell itchell mgr of 0 debates margaret haitch mgr of athletics merton alerton mitchell cheer leader jean jensen editor in calef albert dalley these students will take their oath ot of office today friday in a assembly s the oath vill be administered by floyd matheson the outgoing officers are president floyd mattheson Mai lent dent vanda bennett secretary anna gurr treasurer atton afton thornton alar mgr of amusements lucile lucil lowder mgr of Drai matica matics sheldon denson alar mgr of 0 debates Ue baites arthur evans M mgr r of 0 athletics bobbie li halterman alterman and cheer leader ken joseph the tha outgoing officers extent extend at this time their appreciation tor for tha cooperation and support they have deceived irom from the students faculty and tho the townspeople P H S the material for the cy clorana net et for the stage has arrived preparations pa rations ate are being made that will the completion of the curtain for the satar Sat lr 1 aude which is aeng eng presented net nez t LA ii Klit ht may 15 in the auditorium hla his set is beitl given to the E altol by the senior P H S the newly elected school officers were bery served ed to lunch by moes inn tuesday at noon P H S the boys baseball tournament will tv I 1 11 commence the first of the week or when the t he weather permits P it S the senior class Is trying a new venture this year they are putting on a senior vaudeville to raise rund fund to help pay for a new cyclorama set which they recently purchased tor lor the stage in the 11 S auditorium this vaudeville consists consist of a one act play by the seniors entitled dress reversal a stunt by each of the classes from the at ath if grade gra to the besides musical numbers there will be a trophy awarded to the class with the best stunt tills this promises to bo be a very good goad entertainment and n your patronage is solicited to make this a success suc ceas one of the seniors will call at your home with tickets or they may be purchased at the moat market or at the door P II 11 5 BAND TRIP terp P PUS if S on thursday april 30 1931 at about 2 a in 95 students and 20 chaperones chaperone 3 slowly pulled themselves from beneath warm covers and made their way to abe school house there they crowded into buses and left tor ifor cedar at cedar with hurricane and cedar they boarded the train tor for logon logan this proved to be a great thrill to most of the students not only because they had never been beba on a train before but because it ft prevented the crowding and eve present disagreeableness that comes in riding in overloaded cars anti anil bu busses sa es at milford several cars were hooked on these carrying the beaver and milford students at ogden more cars with students were fastened on arriving in logan at 4 that afternoon the girls were given places at which to stay the boys were not so BO fortunate they s on straw ticks at the junior high gymnasium this was head quintera qu antera for the parowan carowan students flight ait i 8 the band played in concert tit in the junior bich auditorium the rating 1 lor for this event was superior this went off ct very well as indicated by b the rating and considering that the students were all ai very tired from the long ride that day friday morning the band maneuvered on the campus of the U S A C the rating received was superior tho the orchestra played friday afternoon ter noon the orchestra members were doubtful of the rating they would receive atter after hearing several of tho the other orchestras and were very much surprised to learn they had received super superior for friday night was mass band held in the U S A C stadium the bands marched arched in two miles to the stadium anybody would thrill at the sight of all of those bands together they were wera arranged to make a color scheme this was very impressive the parowan carowan band was very fortunate in being the twelfth band t to 0 march into the stadium thus they were able to see the coloring of 0 the other bands liand fi there were vere 22 bands maelu a total ut 2000 students saturday was wag spent sightseeing by the majority of the students tg they loft it logan saturday evening at 6 making the necessary stops along the way arriving tit in parowan carowan at six sunday morning a very sleepy group or of peo peo pie ratings received for the solos i 4 in logan are carl richards baritone biri tone superior chefter hatch tuba excellent afton thornton clarinet excellent florence farnden fars den piano good claudia pendleton Pendle tou flute excellent |