Show teach pleasant ways quite quit art often really well meaning child children are disliked because of their heir habit of yag demil Magreen bv things trutha truth P aps but till best beat left um co donld 1 d telling draths that hurt butt I 1 th the tery y surest owes end nd wll test way war to win to aa enemy and lose lo 10 a friend and the I 1 mother I 1 who regalade to add this thi cau U alon to he her ilo do a and ad ds d don tn S I 1 ad ting an amat point neglected U the aben I 1 J on Weli koub of a child it 1 B tore love and sd it 1 la aimont 1 ce na ll gance upon the port part of that mother will who allow some scone bid trait fruit to nourish flourish until it he iu de arrayed Btroy eil the file little ones once chance for at af f tl and ad tenderness mood C at the head hands of the universe that after all judges ao much mad by alt stoc since it has not of the if time nor or if the patience to noad con aldur be nu cadee atral no |