Show paper has but one subscriber it has been the inflexible custom in the imperial family of jamain sas amisa a writer in east and west news to withhold withheld all no newspapers limpers and magis nines flon its members until they rit or todd tato their eighteenth year but the n r Is ie was waived in the case of biro hito the present crown prince four me months list before at nig imperial ahti e entered upon his he eighteenth tear ime he was as all allotted rd t to begin reading ending a sp emils journal ibis curious a newspaper clas edited b bv an I 1 official of athe the im household and printed ID a the ial print ing in al office it was set in special tape and ad piloted tin no thick filp japanese paper the reading of it did not dot aquire a gea great deal of time for it was of small sizes and ad on an a single sheet |