Show TO AVOID MOTTLED BUTTER defect barest 1 on one of workmanship and can be zv prevented rated by application of proper methods method lve prepared avav by the he unit united 81 state 1 laap doport arll at of A agriculture cut mottled butter la is frequently found on the market at abla time in of the year and ad even a though it may be of very good flavor it ts is string discriminated against by the bemba purchaser A As this defect I 1 Is one of workmanship it can be overcome by the app application licati ome of proper methods ad an 00 the part pact of the th halt maker mottles are am caused primarily by bj BD an uneven eva die distribution of wit salt in the but ter let tills may be prod produced no md by insufficient ord working of the butter or by churning washing waB hine and khat it at very low law tempe temperature ratum or ar by washing or working it at A temperature several degrees higher or io lower er the than th the charni churning g I 1 temperature mp ratus t who when the quantity of butter made la in one cne churning la Is much lesi les than usual unal it 1 Is crees up essary cy to work it ft st a greater umber number of revolutions of the churn than usual in od order r c to produce tile the same sam results on the he butter extremely low temperature of churning washing and working should be av ded because it they ey se ho prod w 11 arm a but butter tile that it la Is sly only with ith great dis bAlty that tie the nit bolt mn can b be worked uniformly 1 into to it high I 1 tern pera pe ratum turon of churning wo forhing and working must else also be avoided to pre vent at an abnormal loss less of fat 1 in mhd th buttermilk and alu aim the looking of at or greasy y look leaky butt butter great grant variations 1 la t tempera piira during the peniese should always two be avoided aided under mus DOP mal arld conditions the temperature ratUm of lh vista wash mean water be the acme ok or within 2 defrees of that off f ur the butt filk |