Show PETITION CEDAR CITIZENS PRESENT IT FOR consideration commercial CLUB ASKS FO FOB POST mw OF proposition OF ASKING commissioners TO CALL BOND ELECTION FOR COUNTY HOSPITAL monday night about 30 members of the commercial club met pursuant to call of P president J clayton mitch 11 to listen to the propof proposition club of petitioning petition inar the c county a u 4 ty com commis movers to call a bond election for a county hospital to be erected in cedar city the in matter ater being b brought 0 u g lit to the attention of f the club b by y D or r Bere atrom R L jones Jone alma sAlma caplin I 1 and attorney john foster of cedar city the gentlemen being rc presen katr of tire the cedar commercial club the gentlemen defered to explained that t h t the time had come when iron n county only needed a county hoa boo pital intel and needed it badly and that the igl logical s I 1 place was cedar city because of larger arger population and being in more re centrally located 0 th the was made that it necessitated the going of a petition by at least 20 0 per par cent of th the taxpayers of the county the aade me to be presented to the county commisa requesting that a 0 bond else elec boners toners tion on be called for the bonding of the county in the sum eum of 2500 for the purpose above mentioned the commercial club was asked to lend their support and after a rather lengthy discus sion ion a motion was waa put that a postponement pon ement be taken for a short time in order that the matter could be gone into more carefully A subs substitute t itule 1 motion to the effect that the lub club favor the proposition was waa offered offend put pat and defeated which left the matter just where it was at the commencement of the meeting no further action was wall taken and no time set bet for further discussion of the matter after the adjournment of the meeting a fe few W who were in favor of submit tit ag the proposition to the consideration of t the he people in november signed the petition it is understood that those who are responsible for the movement will make an effort to secure the decem necessary 20 per cent of the tax payers payer to in go t the he petition irrespective to of the action of the core com mercial mental dub |