Show manure A breeding place for flient th the ideal place for far the breeding of flies files la is in fresh frech manure the tables stable pig pie pens said and yards that are not properly cleaned every day provide an incubator for far the fly the number dumber of flies around th the a house Is as a a rule in proportion to the condition of the yard clean tables stables and yards yarda each day by b V hauling the manure direct to the field if possible breading Prea ding out or piling in large compact piles by spreading the manure on the th ant anglers antlers ar face lers the moisture is immediately frome diat sly evaporated thus thua destroying th the a sit becza go that have been deposited piling filing in large pile reduces the surface exposed exi posed which surface dries out and destroyed deat des troyes it as an a breeding place th tb a following figures figure are taken from investigations eions published by 11 R has hawaii in his hia bulletin on the house fly in the spring one female fly lays laya SO egg con rene 15 females lay lav 1500 e align third beene so athard raton rat on female in lay ecea fun fourth r th generation Kene ration females lay egg dekea firth fifth generation females he lay femali eates go in might gener numis which is IB the average for a seabon there ron are aire 11 flies ol 01 |