Show am j rn 01 f fa C orf BEI MOREl COPYRIGHT BY MEAD CHAPTER XIV continued ted 14 ta pick him up and put him on OD the sled bled h hare boys mr stagg said carry hannah 8 cely carlyn myself th the party including the excited prior prince got back to the docks dark without losing any time aud and without further accident ive still the chapel bell wait BBS ringing and somebody said aid wed have been up op a stump stamp for know knola ing the direction if it haan hadn t been for that bell Ms me too muttered chet gormley what kep me a got coln folka the bell it named to be cliffin callin me home joseph stags stagg carried his xer niece up ap to 31 mrs gormleyy Gorm leys little house hous a while me one of the men helped chet aliet all along ng to the same destination the seamstress be tress mot at the them at tile the door wildly cited and m what hat do you wu think she be cried they took moody mandy home in time tim a hack stio site we was juht it done up they tell me pull i n that chapel bell didion did ou or ever line hear ot of such a silly critter j just t bemuse because she coulder couldn I 1 find the sexto to t a Is I 1 elum ion ou find and I 1 both seem to be mistaken wele about be what constitutes ts still ness mrs mel gormley Gorm lev gra grumbled bled the ban hardware doare d dealer star T 1 I va was a for calling yer your chet achet a life till I 1 learned what he it d do done A at I 1 you it better not at ca call miss mail mandy 1 Y silly th the S sound it of tile the chapel bell 9 gave le us all our bearings bearing bothof both of e em chet bud and miss manity did their beell best carolyn Cur vilYn may wits was taken home in th tim s hack back too to her surprise tim was so ordered to stop at I 1 the B part farlow house and go in to as how miss min amanda was by this time the story of her I 1 ailing of the 11 a chapel a bell rope p om ana all it over ever sunrise arise cove and the hack back delacr waa ons naturally family as a eari curious US as up anybody vb dy bo it he willingly went into the P at I 1 ow cottage bringing back word tor that she was resting renting comfortably doctor nugent having just left her A an one no brove brave got gal doel declared rd tim the rit pitcher chri ot of george washington 1 pulli that bell rope aint no baby a job amly carolyn may ANY did not at altogether un d der rate stand it n what hat miss amanda had done dome but she was greatly pleased that uncle joe had so displayed tile his interest 1 in the cir ow penters dau daughter 9 him the next morning cool carolyn may seemed owned to be 1 in go good condition collm in d deed dd d she be was oa the only individual vitally it interested crested so in the adventure who sho did not lot pay tor for the ekpo expo exposure a ore even prince are had barked bard his legs being hauled out at on ch the ice fee uncle joe bad had caught a bad cold in his head and our foad fro from it tor fee some a time firm miss amanda remained in bed tor for several days but it waa use poor clicc gormley who mho paid the dearest price for p participation in the exciting incident doctor doclot nugent had hard bard work fighting off pneumonia nis mr air stagg sur surprised prIzed himself by the interest he took in chet her ile he closed his ih store twice mice each day to call at the ulde gormley s he house a mr me found himself himsel talking with lf C chet let more than he ever tied had before I 1 llie he boy was lonely and the man found a spark P k ot of interest in his heart tor for him that he hud had over never previously diser discovered he began to probe into at his 1 burg boung employees Plo jee thoughts thought to ice learn soun thing of his bis outlook on life per laps even he be got some inkling of C chefs ambition bo that week the ice went bent anti entirely to I 1 Y out ot of the coca spring was at hand with ith it its readily muddy roada bj blue US skies sweeter airs soft rains mine and a general revivifying revivify ing feeling aunty aulty rose declared that car carolyn may began at once to perk up per hap the cold long had line been it bard id for the child to bear one day the little girl had bad a more than ordinarily adl fly hard wheat school task to perform L ery did not come easy to CO caroli a may by any manner of cuba means 5 as aunty aulty rose would have mid bald composition uri writing ting was waa her bane and min mibs minnie had ft instructed atad Ca carolyn rolly may s class to bring in a writ to ten elemi exercise the next art morning uan th the little girl wondered wandered over to the church yard with her slate and pencil and pi lues of couise comae to try to achieve the tha bat I aT the windows of 1 the minister B study overlooked looked this spot and he was eit all 1 ang I or lit its his unit desk chile carolyn may will baa laborious laboriously writing orithia the words ou on her slite having learned to us use a alla fl la which ehe he expected later to into her composition book I 1 itie a rev afton driggs watched her im aled fe face and laboring fl gera gem for oma monorail before calling out of his aindow to her several cheeta beat of bertolon Bert flon paper toy lay it store him on OD the desk and ad perhaps la he nes baa having almot almost 1 as aa hood haid a time putting on the paper PIP what her he desired to say US aa car olyn arzy may wax was having with her bar writ hig finally ho he mesa caine to the window and ad poke oak to her han C carolyn iya may mal 11 he said bald what at are you a oh mr r dilges Is that at bony 7 said old the little girl getting up quickly and coming comin g nearer did you ever b have to write B composition yea carolyn camlyn may I 1 how have to write one or mr two each week and he bei sighed oh yea I 1 so you do Is the little girl soloed you have to write sermons and that must mast be a terribly ted tedious lons thing to do for they have to be longer than my composition a vast great deal longer SOMI so it la a composition ishm that th astle st le Is fi ling ng you 0 the young minister remarked yes yea sir I 1 don t know what to write rite I 1 really milly dont miss minnie says bays tor for us as not to try any flights of fancy I 1 dont juit know what hat those thoe or are but bilt amny she says write it what 1 la 1 in us ua now new the that i d don t s seem e life e a c compose 0 m s 1 za eal ahm added adde d carolyn r 0 ly may M doubtfully 1 u b Y what IN why by writing if what bat 1 la 1 in us a 11 a ex g alfed the little girl gari staring in a 0 t I 1 aa I 1 al 91 ym I 1 c 4 tae carol carolyn M MY may Y he said what hat are you writing Pu puzzled tolled fashion at her slate on which she had written several lines you Y on see I 1 have w written 1 t down all the things belh that I 1 member e r li la in me tor rm pity playa sake bakel I 1 let me a as eee it it child bald the minister quick quickly y reaching it down for the slate late when he brought it to a level w with bis eyes he we was amazed ad by the following ing in me there is my heart my liver my lungs my ver perform form my stumm mick lck t two ginger cookies cookie a piece of candy and d myth my dinner imer tor jar pity a sake to I 1 mr driggs stint shut off this explosion by a sudden cough of 1 I gus gu s it nit ln t much of a composition mr air driggs carolyn may said frankly bottle but bow can you make your plessant saut wards inwards be ples pleasant reading dig the minister wag ame having no DO little difficulty in restraining his mirth go amund to tile the door carolyn may and ad ask mr min digg draggs to let yon in perhaps I 1 can help you I 1 in this into composition writing oh will you mr air driggs cried th me the attle t t Is girl that Is awful kind of you on the cler clergyman gronan did not seem to mind neglect neglecting Im his tak for the pleasure of helping 1 carolyn camlyn may with h hers H he ent explained a ined quite clearly just what hal little mibs minnie meant by writing welting what I 1 la I 1 in you ohl I 1 we its what you think about abou a thing mg y yourself not at what at other her I 1 tolka fid think it cried carolyn may why I 1 ran can do that I 1 thou thought lit it was we bome mal thin thing it lahe a those phy serology kenw lessons g thi can write writa about anything 1 want out to cant I 1 1 I think so replied the minister 1 I im in awfully obliged to you mr aw Dr briggi iggi the little girl said aid 1 I oln might do for you 1 in return to kielp lie ip me with my po perhaps he be asked smiling 1 I would uld if I 1 could mr me driggs carolyn camlyn may woo nea very earnest well ell now carolyn Camlyn ill may how would you go about writing a ormom if you led had one to wiltey oh mr me exclaimed the little girl clasping lear her hands bands 1 I 1 know just how I 1 it do W it you too do tell me how flow then my dear he returned andring P perhaps or h up you ave 1 so an I inspiration tor for writing sermons unit that I 1 have an never yet found 11 alby mr driggs drigge rd fd try to write ell every word ans BOS to make lak folkel that he heard it appler appier that thai a what let I 1 it do I 1 it mule make cu am look up and see sea the sun eun shino shim und and the sky and d the moun man min why way off fr youdes yonder eo aa see BOO nothing but bright things and b breathe be only good air old and hear bear bled barda sing ing oh dear al me that that la a the way id acar ft a ri rite a bermon the face had bad grown grawn grave ua 11 he to her bar but bar he kiss et d her bar warmly SAY as aa he be thanked her and it bade ado her good by when she etie bad gone grain rodi the study he be read ahalia the tat written at the top of the me met first beat rt of beraten baliet lt it VM ns taken 11 rom 1 the 1 amale ot 1 the prophet let jeremiah rt to write ever wora sao BO to 0 maka folks it vier fiat heard it Imp happier he mur U aured me it 1 as he er crumpled pled the sheet of if f pa p per or in 1 his bia head hand nod ad dropped it in I 1 the waste beaker basket CHAPTER XV th the awakening with the opening ot of spring and it tho the close of the season work had bad a stopped aped at adams camp rather the me call entire plant tied been shipped mom twenty miles allies deeper into the forest mill I 1 bah bun khouw cook it tied bud and buch it carru gated lion as were north rt he cart art ing as away all that was left on the sit site of the buy busy camp were huge tauge heaps a of saw du dust a L piles of slabs discarded illa carded tim timbers bee to and the half burned brie into which had been built the portable buffer boiler and engine and old aid judy mo mason she was not cons considered dared worth maag to the am new site of the camp she wait waa bedridden rheumatism this we waa the report tm tim the back hackman had brought im in the old woman am a husband had go gone with the a outfit to the Us new camp tor fee he litt coul could not afford to give up his work judy had not been so bad when the camp was amk broken up b but 1 when ha tam oad went want over for a load of t slabs for summer firewood he be dt discovered vered her q quite i tt e heiple helpless s s in h her e r 1 bunk u a uil almost t s starving t a r vin T the b e rh rheumatic e u m a ti attack had d become became serious i amard had at once ridden over with doctor nugent how bruie brae and helpful it is of allae arre innanda d I Cur carolin may tied fried door dear me ae when I 1 grow up I 1 hope I 1 can be a nurse imin ilk like mi bill mandy 1 I reckon that a able spell head ahead chuckled mr me to who whom ehe be said this when he picked her up lor far a drive after taking his daughter to the camp mr air the girl ventured ven after a time dout dont you think thick row now that miss ahmed ought to be cuppy huppy 11 hiippi rem exclaimed lined th the e carpenter rp enter startled what about childe child why about everything you yon know once I 1 asked you about hr bir being hap bap py and and ad you dian didn t sec seem ta IS ruble U his Y sou on u eaid bald bah bahl the old man made no reply for a 9 minute and carolyn may had bad the pit pa tie alence to wait tor far her suggestion to sink it in finally lly it he said eald but 1 I 1 dur dunno but youre right carlyn carllyn may not that it matters much I 1 guess gave whether bother a 4 body a happy OL 01 not in a this world lie he added grudgingly oil oh yes yea it does mr 1 it matters a great deal I 1 ani am sure to us unit and to other people I 1 if were a to not happy inside ot of us how can wis w be cheerful outside and SO BO make other people happy and that I 1 is what I 1 mean about miss amanda hatom what about b out she halt isn t happy sighed carolyn may not really she a lust last oa na good as good can be she Is ow always eye doing for folks and helping but she ebo ceat cant be real happy M why by not att growled mr his face turned away why owhy cauca well you know A mr fr pa low she cant be happy as long and as she he and my uncle code joe ina are a read mad at each oth other mr me uttered another gt grant but the child went bravely OR on you toa know very well thaes so eo and I 1 doo don t know what to do about it it II just name too awful that they should hardly speak and ad yet be so BO fond ol of each other depp deep do down n I 1 how ashow ayou know they re so lond fond of each other deep down mr demanded 1 I know my our uncle joe ilk likes mis alto mandy muse cause he always speaks so eo mp m respectful P of her and I 1 can see bho hu allea him in her esca ei es replied the B i I 1 M 1 1 I know my uncle joe likes like was mi arnaud amanda observant carolyn may oh ye yes mr aki they ought to be anny happy again anil ad we boucht to make cm so auhl who a to Z xou a nud a me we a ought to lind flad aoma in way ot of doing it im in bure wo can cam it we just think hard about el it nub n I 1 grunted granted the surp carpenter t ver again lost turning cherry berry into the doore door ard ha huh I 1 this was not a very response ret sp T rise 1 yet he old did think of it T the 11 little t girl had bad v ailed led a train a ot of thought bought 1 in mr part parlo is r a mind ad that he be could not B sidetrack 11 ark TO BI BE DI |