Show AGED ABEO RESIDENT SUCCUMBS john bentley stricken in death friday morning john bentley an aged aeed and higby respected citizen of was tricks stricken in death friday having suffered from pneumonia following influx influenza anza from the beginning of the attack it was seen that mr bentley beattey could not survive the ravages of the disease because of his extreme age and a pronounced physical weakness from which he had suffered for several years the deceased was waa a carpenter by trade conscientious and capable and his labor always in demand in the early days daya of the settlement of par owan he help to build the school buildings and churches of the earlier days das when remuneration for labor was waa not so good as aa now but that fact did not net deter him fro from doing the beat work of which he was capable and which compares compare faor favorably ably with nth that of the larger cities mr I 1 bentley was very retiring in I 1 his disposition but he wm was honored and loved by all who knew him in the passing of john bentley parowan carowan loses one of her most loyal and patriotic citizens one me who never pushed himself forward but who always had a love for his hia home to tonn n that thai was real and lasting mr bentleys bentley death makes make the eighth that has occurred from pneumonia following follow me influenza since the epidemic gripped browan parowan |