Show THE SECRET OF ay yr TOE THE SUBMARINE HE yf author of the end of the trail m fighting in flanders the ne road to glory 3 vive la a france etc ya T t JV hesed from finot the motion picture ptsy ploy of the some anvar ij the lew y yv aes furn ilari M f 4 company Co apal y SYNOPSIS U aleut 1 J ix hop bonn I 1 act detailed alad III by to the united states t naval board to and til mauna on to th invention f dr et ralph burk we so jerres to elia abrl the z to a irate or of mae ile lieutenant t relve l i to in ashl I and ad Is oed by th m mam inventor am sad and his boatin me j m f vh ra 1 lor a be boat ft a helper as r a j an fn fhe w t or the floto F lo to of 1 the be delc ich hope c favorably ato in tho pew device irs net but are othera haele interested soll I 1 ID it A an attempt t to burtla doctor burke lab laboratory to br als alia but uy W litt ne cleo fand hose him to 1 in bin nood bedroom lio lleo me then fir in her hep ta is ther 11 hjokt to act ma money liter later she a and ad note abl roni on which s on so kb as learn ahat the mr contemn alie secret Ira formula aaa with who hipe or nhe to ladics to x the uc tt 8 store t to onla a 0 t to mal fand it ft I 1 in alffa evnoff 0 and ger or id a a two balei it tn ra earch of ob the or formula U a attempt pt to capture clo when n he jula its at in the house of lalim ki the me notre hiet 1 hole I 1 to her aid mor ton a spaces at him but bat in the be bullet alt to a boom bomb 1 in in the rp cellar wh which to laa la a R alaa in alio w wreck ot hl hit hauae bow the other in hap on abid d ha T clfo its d R ball bail at m ura delmar to to whom nephew liaa bas event two of 1 9 the teall book maala a so to 1 I d 1 I ahr a discovered b by hope in tho h that follows 1 I M U aa book daar roat leall le all delaros hope and alfo anve a boat oe O e to for r an salima out in the a bay the I 1 ton an tallow 1 in ab bolher boat 1 mahlan hit and a to the joe jap il turn out the ad hahl morton ion it boat w with 1 th tha counted irlam a tray 1 I in the baty after I a violent lent storm no aa hope and it cleo arrive on a rne Is island J nd ad alever al ever that the no ron they y bmat hunt I 1 I 1 to 1 ll but mahlan eahl and a the tha lm japanese Jap anene bibo i reach h i the enearl en island and and ad rut put a up a a but for 1 in the b bobki ta alier 0 escape roo from hope but and ad adya dya ahe an balc EIGHTH installment dying 9 to delay 1 in binning the or gon gasoline I 1 dark darkness hail bad tallen falls before batora Morle aey and nd hook book agam go reached the island ad where hope and cleo were awaiting them just as aa they beached their skiff on the shore of the little cove they ill 7 were war tartlet to hear train irom somewhere Bome where on the elite cliff above them the roar ol of an explosion thoroughly planned ved they raced up the tha steep and add wi witzling path which led to the plateau I 1 monsley reaching the top ahead of bia ial py ponderous d companion 91 9 dashed toward the me shack in which they had left shack hope and ad cleo inu suddenly he topped stopped A aa mlee exclamation 1 an of 1 horror amaze ment cut litter atar hirchal incredulity u lity escaped pad him th the shack was gomil edae save for a few oplin dered tam tim berB era t the a rock on which it was bad stood was absolutely bare bar mr hope hailed mail MorS seay y with 1 sinking I I 1 g heart mr air hope ba r youl you that you Mon aBey came hopeb hope 8 boosi f rom in the tha ake aye aya air tr in a tons tone of profound re relief I 1 of I 1 what bap happened pared air birt where B the shack I 1 it hardly 1 adly I know myself what has ban hap it P bened ared said hope appearing app appe earme areng out of the darkness with cleo but I 1 strongly kno aspect tiet e that someone has tried to murder us ua Ws we were sitting tn in the back aback exam tiling the books explained hope VI a wera era warder wondering I 1 as what had bad delayed you ali AH at on once alsa a burke aalde that she he heard A a lolae under abo house boum she stopped to the d door our to a see a what it was waa and a camen moment cen t later I 1 board beard her acrel I 1 ran out ont to sea a what bat the trouble was w but I 1 had lose barcly car cly relly or et foot fent outside the door when h an t there her ato a so an explosion that threw us built both to th the ground and the shack hack toppled over the cliff UR jai into the tha ao 1 but what shot w waa an it you he heard ard under do r the us M his cleo asked red hook hock his h eyes Y but we with it amt excitement it sounded ad as though no was we jab am cad moving about out just underneath le a he ha replied plied at first I 1 thought it waa an U animal lot but aa I 1 lamed the 1 I door I 1 heard board a omegna running Is away I 1 step ped 4 down w 0 o that I 1 could aid look under n eath the b 6 house and I 1 saw a park run um mug the pound ground I 1 in th the da rimes I 1 call called to J jarrea mr me hope H op I 1 mean can it to 0 on coma quickly tor far I 1 talt felt aura that there we was danger threatening us and ad pont luat a as he reached allied me cama the aion lon when I 1 looked tor for the shack bulk it ahad dioli dl appeared d 11 have v 1 ou any idea who did it arl asked red M orissey do you think it could aid hate bar bar been il the J jap b yon yc old ald he hope 1 thoughtfully xi it may it hate been saleema u HOB a the a only one who I 1 could old have I 1 any object 1 in d do ing such each a thing lag we know 0 that h be W wt bi eh and the a man who wa with th him are atter after the books and nd they to re the kind that that would stick at nothing in order to get them by the tha way mae Mon gHey y he DB added id fald 1 d you remember to send bend that telegram r ft thoai middle island I 1 did sir 11 1 we the answer raw was the telegram jarris to an asked lead ile I lieo le you remember I 1 r that Fitz maunce told us that be b had bought ill three of your fit father b era a books at the tha auction but that he had bad lent on one of the them to a friend a doctor owen who live lives at it struck me that it aas aaa 1 just t aa well wall not hot to tale take say any chances ell of in means else getting there ahead of us I 1 had Mo end bend a wire were from middle island to the doctor that woon wera leaving for far sands Sand handsboro wead and him bere oot cot to let ill the book out of big pos poo ue lew sex until we a arrived now mor met teeny it if you b have gasoline a bell bottei get do bowa to the ill ill lainca and ad started he ha turned formed to cleo it is in 0 o late into there them la is no BO use aae in trying to reach ell Sand boto tonight I 1 think that we had better make airtight its I 1 gh for san fron fran rica biaco and run d down own to en Sand tomorrow cw c w the be bea hawk was bledy barely a mil mile off middle island toward w bi I 1 h it was waa heading who when it struck the ZA zag boating g mine mile so 0 o that only a lew few minutes elapsed before the milem attached to the radio in station attracted by the flesh flash and roar of the explosion had launched a boat and were pulling toward the no acene of the disaster of the sea hawk all that remle led were a few riven lon timbers timber clinging to one ot of ill those able the reema rescuing party found a man and ad a 4 woman both in the last I 1 stages 91 a ot 11 uses exhaustion ihm th they were to get ger aid morton and ad 01 olea jr ff there was no sign algo of the captain and the two all three those had evidently per par lobed olga and morton though badly raised bruised b and u forms lne from shock chock were otherwise awl uninjured but not at until the following owing morning were they sufficient ly IT recovered to give a coherent ac a count of themselves ETs even a then they were unable to throw eny any j light i on a the mystery which enveloped the bion I 1 all they could tell their rescuer rescue ra was that they bad engaged the ha sea hawk tor for the tha trip to middle island where they had bad important business with a man named and that when ad only a short hurt distance off 1 the island there had bad come a terrific eipl explosion tim further than that they knew nothing by toe the wal wai I 1 asked aked norton morton a ii he ai concluded his hie story is ia mr III filz I 1 maurice bore no was the answer hg he left yen yea ifft morning la in his big sailboat for Y an one ot of the north Fa rallon ate and he habut haantz 1 returned he has baa probably neen been us de bayed ayd by the storm tor but he ha ought to be back at say any moment 1 in that cess said old morton I 1 think that we wa will wait tor for him beca when maurica returned a few hours later he was considerably our ur priced ed to learn that two via visitors tors were waiting for him bun at the cottage areu pled by the officer in command ot of the redi radio station mthm the countess ivanoff aranoff and I 1 have b been can ghen to understand said mor to ton after fitzmaurice Fitzma urlce had introduced himself that OU on recently purchased at auction three scientific works from the library ot of the late motor doctor burke it happens that we are am interested IT in these books book and if ft they or at are for far or sale we would ale be glad to make you an offer tor for them I 1 ou on are not the only ones onea who are 11 hagere interested send 1 in ill those books I 1 said aid fitz fit maunce what do you metal mean I 1 asked mor morton quickly I 1 mean eon that I 1 have just left two of the books book I 1 in the possess possession of doc D we tor dark burke daughter and lieutenant hope on north Fa rallon and they only got get them by chance aft after or a JP nose a earned S Sat tell bad stolen tell them from my table cabin but at you bought three books book per listed men morton what ft bat be has be become ot of the other one I 1 to be quite frank mr mort morton sold said fit urice who we was becoming I 1 do don t see a b how on I 1 it t con call cerna you lieutenant hope tells me a the that miss burke in anxious to r recover 1 the it books book be because no a lagin legacy f from b her 1 alor father is beim bellevou bellev cu 4 to be hidden in one a vt of there them it if that chat to la so I 1 fall fail to em under dat stand a nd why you are so anxious to ob tain enia pe im ot of them only for a f traction ti ot of so an instant did mort morion hesitate at my internet interest I 1 in the matter is easily I 1 plaford explained Pl abord he be said bald glibly I 1 am a in lawyer yer representing the counts Coun tesa J jdanoff ft here who 1 Is one of burke be it bat heirs th that a different again I 1 old fitas fit eurice e ma urice urlce he bis allayed 11 it ain in that case I 1 do con t mind ad telling you that item 1 I 1 have I 1 loaned oil the other book to 1 friend r I met of mine M named ad owen w em a pit phy 0 asician else who lives live I 1 in Sanda boro do mias bit burke back and it lieutenant hall hope know knew where what the other book 17 la I 1 asked rod hope they do said fitzmaurice he did not add however that rep hope had bad bent art ja a telegram to doctor owen asking him 1 to hold the book beoka until amid h his to arrive arrival I 1 in that case said aid morion mellon er beat business 6 he here r a seems to be finished we had bell better or be ge getting ill as back t to 0 i city just then the officer in command 0 i the radio the station late entered there a a government tend tender lon ing for far the city in halt are an hour abr morton he announced I 1 iam ou and ad t countes countess coun tesa can BO 90 01 over in 11 her bar it wish though it was late in the who when the tender put them sell ashore or 1119 the government wharf olga and ad mor met ton oni tired as a they were did not the night elight in san francisco with and cleo knowing that one ot od books booke was waa in Sandi boro to t they bay r that quirk quick action ell was waa imperative teem a a train tor far three la in the morning morton ohm I 1 that will 11 give you yen hinr to 11 go to your apartment and change your cloth clotha nd d pack p b bus g ill ml BO to my 1 hotel and 1 it do the th same to an id kneet act you at t the station t i th aba little ema coal coast t town law of handsboro Sand owea w lt it came s and eel indeed its ita very I 1 i existence to to the great rest crescent of 11 I 1 sandy beach on which it stands its ita almost perfect summer cilman it ita splendid sea bathing and d its to proximity to san fm francisco art have almir long made ad it one of the most on popular jimne on an the tha california chaat I 1 it ats I 1 hundreds of f loir roofed fd bah bungalows fi finding pg ready tenants during the summer bummer montha the while it lea great grant tourist ho he i miry the hotel to arbor la is tell dd with urme cat role too parly early june to late fiedt september her the less affluent ot of the towns town we bummer rander visitors are ara pro tied tor far by les aas p md hotels hetel and it was to one ot of the these that morton and 01 olga made ad their way aft after the touting panting local had bid deposited them on OB the ills station platform in the dim light of d a early morning g exoney soon I ft e t be been by hope and the burke girl morton explained and no e sd aurely IY will be if we w stay at the b big Is hotel because that a who where they 11 go so we had botter choose one of the quieter places piece I 1 ascertaining from the telephone book doctor owl owes a 8 office ill hours hour mor ton enten d the ph physician yita a office allied promptly on the strike of to ten IIII ft ell sir air said the doctor a keen eyd alert looking man in the tha middle thirties I 1 what can I 1 do tor for you Is it or bolls it 5 neither doctor answered mor mar ton laughing lau ghine it ft a books booke books book the physician repeated evidently p puzzled u xi ed I 1 in afraid I 1 don t understand perhaps I 1 should say any book instead of books replied morton I 1 TO run ran down to see aee you about a book which year friend mr Fitzma fitzmaurice drice tells we that he ha loaned you yen it a work on an if I 1 in not net mi mistaken elken oh ob yes yea said laid owen hia manner nr hiuer hiu immediately chilling fitere did lend om ESS such each book I 1 am ery cry names to consult that book doctor mort morton continued 1 I wonder if you would be willing to lend wonder it tto to in me for a ft few dayve days or eran a few hoara am I 1 in m afraid not at was the answer aa V da M 1 1 if t 9 V hs le ay 1 he ha slipped thi th for far the present at least net I 1 don t car care to let the book back go out of re my elom bio I 1 n I 1 it do not at wish to appear insistent dorla doctor argued morton but may I 1 ask it cicur 1 reason lor for refusing to let a me borrow the book this Is my reason I 1 replied the PIT physician taking a teleran tele giam from bis bin pocket and ad handing building it ft to morton who read I 1 D dr ement own owen Sand cal am informed by mr fitzmaurice th that at he be ass a loaec you yeu a volume of fly s work it on an aa phy A there them a possibility that th book beck contain a formula formal of thes in nam J valie 1 to th the gave govern ment wallet would ell earnestly netly beg you net t to peras t book to hyou leave po ebidon an until I 1 I 1 b have seen yx you shall S 11 hv handsboro Sand tomorrow JARVIS HOPE los lieutenant t united led states MM navy bar returning a ing the ill teles am to doctor owen overe morton took ft from his bis pocket packet large larg a roll of bills I 1 might as well wall be ironic frank with you doctor said aid he be I 1 want that book and I 1 in willing to pay for it come now new wh what at a s your price but be had misjudged his man stepping to the door the physician threw threw it open get 0 out a I 1 of hero her aid be or op ill kle kick it ou on out twenty minutes after morton had in mada ad his be no exit ft matilla a was ringing M gi g ill the doorbell of doctor owen well a 6 office doctor owen 1 I he be began when |