Show PUBLICITY A publicity agent for the county he his be been so n suggested in some circles wh where ere belief in letting the people know is rampant the idea ignot as new ss as it sounds because at least we sections tume of I 1 counties a u aties along the pacific ll 11 client he have ve combined to employ a publicity a agent on whose business it is to send literature ure to prospective set tiers throng throughout hout the nation of course this a applies I 1 the idea to unsettled sections and d be a BO necessary in sections where the P population P lation is 19 c insi dered near or at the he me maximum icum this is no effort to suggest one for iron county it is merely a chronicle of what is being done and disCus discussed eed along that ahne ms if iron county is a good plate place in which to live iv nothing should be left undone undine to prove it in those thise who are looking for such a place yet a straight out an and d out publicity agent looks rither rather advanced and radical such an official should not be confused f with a county agent of which there are now hundreds in the U united led states the county agen agent t connner un fines his work for the he benefit of if r residents ose dents in the county icily city even agent t tries to shed the light of the e county to I 1 the be uttermost corners of the land |